‘Time Traveler’ Says Aliens Will Invade Earth In March


Junior Member
Personally believe in ET contact with humanity but from my personal experiences I believe most of the government really is clueless and starting to be afraid of what is actually out there. Anyhow they should be afraid as they treat the rest of us like farmers treat cattle (mainly veal that is).
Watch Unacknowledged , Steven Greer gives a lot of information on what’s really going on behind the scenes. There the government we know and then there’s the shadow government (illuminati/cabal) that works in tandem with malevolent ET races, part of a bigger picture, the new world order). They know sooooo much more than we ever did, and thus has been going on since the early 20th century. What’s really out there is crazier than you can imagine in any science fiction movie. The truth, is wayyyyy more out there than non fiction.


Junior Member
It's kind of funny that you say this because it's my thinking that
if there ever were an actual "Invasion" it might not be like any movie we've ever seen

Alien is 'Alien' for a reason in that, it would not be like anything we've ever known as fact or
(Seen with our own eyes...In other words.)

The reason I say this is because I honestly believe that we were 'Invaded' years ago.


Look into where our technology was 50 or so years ago versus now.

Then draw your own conclusions.
I am not saying I'm right at all.......But, it is interesting. ;)
We wouldn’t be invaded. Plus, if they were hostile you wouldn’t be breathing the air you’re breathing and you and your great 100 times grandparents would have been incinerated and extinct long ago. As there’s several malevolent ET races behind the scenes working with the shadow government, there’s many benevolent races in our skies and in orbit around earth, watching over and protecting us from alien threats, namely the Galactic Federation of worlds (their mothership is in jupiters clouds), their scout ships (cloaked of course, in earth orbit as are the rest of the ET ships, name for a few you see in the sky here and there….as well as the earth alliance , and it’s members.


We wouldn’t be invaded. Plus, if they were hostile you wouldn’t be breathing the air you’re breathing and you and your great 100 times grandparents would have been incinerated and extinct long ago. As there’s several malevolent ET races behind the scenes working with the shadow government, there’s many benevolent races in our skies and in orbit around earth, watching over and protecting us from alien threats, namely the Galactic Federation of worlds (their mothership is in jupiters clouds), their scout ships (cloaked of course, in earth orbit as are the rest of the ET ships, name for a few you see in the sky here and there….as well as the earth alliance , and it’s members.

We are STILL finding species of critters on land that we have never seen before, right?

Thinking of that idea, picture how vast our oceans are, both deep and wide
and how those areas hold some of the most undiscovered places on the planet Earth.

Perfectly concealed, right under our noses.


Whenever we sight something and it becomes documented on video-radar-what have you....,
the 'Reknown They' make everything into a conspiracy and alegory rules while those who
actually witnessed the event(s), are tearing out their hair because nobody believes them OR their video evidence.

It's a very well crafted deceit steeped within years and decades and possibly even centuries of literature
documenting oddities that actually existed right in front of the author.

When things become extremely debatable, it's not too terribly enticing to
ever bother with proof anymore...It's been covered long ago.

Casual Humanity will make it erode into an afterthought.

Remember though, It's nothing more than my opinion.



We wouldn’t be invaded. Plus, if they were hostile you wouldn’t be breathing the air you’re breathing and you and your great 100 times grandparents would have been incinerated and extinct long ago. As there’s several malevolent ET races behind the scenes working with the shadow government, there’s many benevolent races in our skies and in orbit around earth, watching over and protecting us from alien threats, namely the Galactic Federation of worlds (their mothership is in jupiters clouds), their scout ships (cloaked of course, in earth orbit as are the rest of the ET ships, name for a few you see in the sky here and there….as well as the earth alliance , and it’s members.
I’ve heard all that before, but how could you possibly know it? Have you met these beings & been shown things?
