Error Message(s)


I've been getting the "Oops" error message. Over the last several days. Today it's happening again. I noticed it occurs when I give a like to a post. I shut down the error message and tried again. No error but also no like either. After several times trying this, I decided to refresh the browser right after the error message occurs. Then i noticed the like I gave would appear.

It's like someone found a way to censor likes from being posted.
It happened to me twice today....One like and one post.

It said to 'Try again....etc etc...' But, the post actually posted...So did the 'like' from the first time I tried.

We're posting and liking but, it's telling us to try again later...When they've actually gone through.
I just ignored the error so I didn't end up with multiple posts....Again.


I was able to locate the errors on the server. I believe it has to do with GMP, not being available for PHP 8. GMP handles the push notifications, so it would make sense for the specific error, to trigger when liking a post.

I upgraded the site to PHP 8 a couple of days ago, that would be when it all started.

So I moved things back to PHP 7.8 for the time being. I believe it should fix the issue for now.
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