🧲 Schematic Hyper Space-Time Portal


Could this portal device be used for travel in the same universe/time period?
Time travel in this manner is not possible except to the future with no possible way to return to the present time. You can physically travel back in time but you'd be in a different parallel universe to your original one. This machine could work in an astro-projection type of manner, but in that case you're not physically time travelling, but rather gathering information, and when you observe a quantum function, you collapse the wave function to a single point, so simply put, when you travel through time, you are never staying in your point of origin to be able to affect your own timeline, otherwise there would be a multitude of paradoxes that would prevent time travel from being possible at all.

Could this portal device be used for travel in the same universe/time period?
Time travel in this manner is not possible except to the future with no possible way to return to the present time. You can physically travel back in time but you'd be in a different parallel universe to your original one. This machine could work in an astro-projection type of manner, but in that case you're not physically time travelling, but rather gathering information, and when you observe a quantum function, you collapse the wave function to a single point, so simply put, when you travel through time, you are never staying in your point of origin to be able to affect your own timeline, otherwise there would be a multitude of paradoxes that would prevent time travel from being possible at all.
What is your opinion on Al Bielek?

I believe all information has a basis of truth to it. If you were to explain quantum mechanics to a lower life form, you couldn't explain it in a direct way, but rather an indirect way. If that entity took that information as literal, they would be mistaken and eventually call you out as a liar, or charlatan. That's the funny thing about information, you need pre-requisite knowledge to understand certain things, and to impart that wisdom upon a lower intellect entity is a challenge in itself. Regarding the story of Al Bielek, there would be some truth to it. Is it to be taken as literal truth according to our current timeline? I would say not. There are too many missing pieces right now with time travel either physically or through projection, to definitively call out this person or that person as being liars. The most interesting thing about Al Bielek I'd like to know, is how time was locked during his travels so he remained in the same worldline. In either case, I believe it takes an open mind to accept this information as being partially true, and there always needs to be skepticism in order to advance our understanding. One thing I do know is that once we observe something, we make it happen, which is why it's so hard to postulate time travel, because we're dealing with an unknown of multiple possibilities, but once we travel there, or look at it, we make it snap into a single possibility, which supports the theory of everything happening simultaneously across the multiverse.

I believe all information has a basis of truth to it. If you were to explain quantum mechanics to a lower life form, you couldn't explain it in a direct way, but rather an indirect way. If that entity took that information as literal, they would be mistaken and eventually call you out as a liar, or charlatan. That's the funny thing about information, you need pre-requisite knowledge to understand certain things, and to impart that wisdom upon a lower intellect entity is a challenge in itself. Regarding the story of Al Bielek, there would be some truth to it. Is it to be taken as literal truth according to our current timeline? I would say not. There are too many missing pieces right now with time travel either physically or through projection, to definitively call out this person or that person as being liars. The most interesting thing about Al Bielek I'd like to know, is how time was locked during his travels so he remained in the same worldline. In either case, I believe it takes an open mind to accept this information as being partially true, and there always needs to be skepticism in order to advance our understanding. One thing I do know is that once we observe something, we make it happen, which is why it's so hard to postulate time travel, because we're dealing with an unknown of multiple possibilities, but once we travel there, or look at it, we make it snap into a single possibility, which supports the theory of everything happening simultaneously across the multiverse.
Do you think the multiverse is infinite? And if so, what do you think of the possibility of fictional worlds and settings being real in it?
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I believe all information has a basis of truth to it. If you were to explain quantum mechanics to a lower life form, you couldn't explain it in a direct way, but rather an indirect way. If that entity took that information as literal, they would be mistaken and eventually call you out as a liar, or charlatan. That's the funny thing about information, you need pre-requisite knowledge to understand certain things, and to impart that wisdom upon a lower intellect entity is a challenge in itself. Regarding the story of Al Bielek, there would be some truth to it. Is it to be taken as literal truth according to our current timeline? I would say not. There are too many missing pieces right now with time travel either physically or through projection, to definitively call out this person or that person as being liars. The most interesting thing about Al Bielek I'd like to know, is how time was locked during his travels so he remained in the same worldline. In either case, I believe it takes an open mind to accept this information as being partially true, and there always needs to be skepticism in order to advance our understanding. One thing I do know is that once we observe something, we make it happen, which is why it's so hard to postulate time travel, because we're dealing with an unknown of multiple possibilities, but once we travel there, or look at it, we make it snap into a single possibility, which supports the theory of everything happening simultaneously across the multiverse.
Do you think the multiverse is infinite? And if so, what do you think of the possibility of fictional worlds and settings being real in it?

I don't definitively think it is one way or another, as I'm open to multiple possibilities being true. There are often more than one way to do things or to reach a certain outcome. I personally believe an infinite multiverse is a plausible reality and it matches up with lots of other theories. It is said that everything that has happened, can happen, or will happen, has already happened somewhere in the multiverse. The possibility of fictional worlds is real, but the factor is so extremely low, it's about as likely as a Buggati Veyron suddenly appearing in the LHC at CERN while they convert energy to mass. It's also possible an asteroid will hit the Earth next year and destroy the planet, but the likelihood of this occurring is next to nil. Just like you haven't seen yourself appear suddenly from the future, although it could have happened in the multiverse somewhere. However, I don't believe it's realistic to expect to visit such a fictional world, because the quantum world is tricky and we aren't quantum beings. Once we step into a quantum world, we change it into a static world by our existence. Check out Dr. Quantum explaining the double slit experiment and you will notice that once a linear observer is introduced into the equation, it changes the results to something that we would expect from a linear perspective.
I have serious reservations on this portal, even if they do mix radionics in with it. An HRD bi-splits the soul from the body and re-manifest it in another dimension. However and this is the first time I've seen a rubbing plate at all in the directions, is that by the promotions of the directions, you would come back through that portal, or yo yo. From what I understand in the use of the Gibb's Portal, is that once it's open, multiple sets of people can go through it. So I have no idea as if they added radionics to this device, or I never read the primary directions well.

There was one encounter use, to where they got the portal open to prehistoric times while on observer was viewing on one side of the portal, while the other went in. Can't recall exactly, but the one in the portal was in too long and almost didn't make it back in time.

There was also a very large portal that teen kids in Los Angeles had made, but I guess it was too much power. They tapped into some energy scalier filed and a few got lethal irridation. The incident on that one was said of few times, so make sure that you build it correctly.

If it's radionics that is in the primary directorate of the use of the portal, then it's an interpersonal device, only meant for one user. So I'd research that a bit, because if there's a rubbing plate involved, what you're adding is your soul body identification use.

*For very deep into space excursions, you might get stopped from some sort of ET. They have devices that sense items like this and may intercept you.

CN a noted user of an HDR, had rigged his to try to get to the moon, but goofed up on the coordinates. Just as he was starting to materialize in space, ETs intercepted him and took him into their ship. They returned him to Earth right away, with a warning not to use an HDR that way again.

The way CN broke the one person radionics rule, was to mount a Tesla coil on the hood of his mustang taking him and his girl back to the 1920s.He said something to the effect that you can spend only so much time at that destination, think it was a day, but after that if you don't come back, then you'll be stuck there.

There was one other use of a portal written about on a tabloid, to where scientist, dialed back into a past ice age, but they got 150 below F in the lab experimental room killing the personnel, so you've got to be careful there.

If the directorate were a combination of a rubbing plate and frequency rheostat, this might be interesting.

NOTE//By me, each answer is given to the best of recall and originally supplied information. I usually afford the best answer I can.
