The Unseen Companions: An Exploration into Tulpas (7/24/2023)

In occultim we often encounter phenomena that blur the boundaries between the physical and the metaphysical.

One such captivating concept is the Tulpa, a thoughtform that can acquire physical reality through spiritual or mental powers. It is essentially a spirit child, born out of one’s mind. It is truly a creation undefiled by mortal sin, akin to Jesus.

I can hear the Christians yelling “blasphemy!” already, but the point stands. When a magician creates a Tulpa he (or she) is creating a new, independent lifeform. Sure, in it’s basic form a Tulpa is not a biological entity, but a Tulpa can possess a physical body.

But Tulpa possession is a topic far more esoteric than I’ve intended this article to be, so let’s get back to the basics of what Tulpas are and the steps you can take to create one yourself.

The Origin of Tulpas​

The concept of Tulpas can be traced back to ancient Tibetan Buddhism. The term ‘Tulpa’ is derived from the Tibetan word ‘sprul-pa’, meaning ’emanation’ or ‘manifestation.’ According to Tibetan traditions, Tulpas are consciously created entities, formed through spiritual discipline and intense concentration. The mystics and monks practiced this technique for spiritual enlightenment and to manifest aspects of the divine.

In the early 20th century, theosophist Alexandra David-Neel brought the idea of Tulpas to the West through her exploration of Tibetan mysticism. She reported creating a Tulpa herself in the form of a jolly monk, which later took on a life of its own and had to be dissolved. Her tales sparked a Western fascination with Tulpas that exists to this day.

The Art of Tulpa Creation​

Creating a Tulpaa requires an extraordinary amount of focus, discipline, and psychic energy. It involves concentrating intensely on a detailed image of the entity one wishes to create until it becomes self-aware and autonomous. The process can be similar to visualizing a character in a novel, but with a degree of concentration that makes them independent of the creator’s direct control.

The intention is to form a sentient being with its own consciousness, emotions, and memories. This entity exists in the creator’s mind but can interact with their creator and possibly others, depending on the adeptness of the practitioner. For most people it takes monk-like levels of mental effort and discipline to generate a self-sustaining Tulpa.

The Nature of Tulpas​

In the Western tradition Tulpas are similar to spirits known as servitores, and even familiars that can be acquired through demons. The difference however is that Tulpas aren’t necessarily subservient to their creator as they have greater autonomy. This is why creating one is a delicate process and requires careful consideration.

Tulpas, being sentient entities, can exhibit a wide range of behaviors. They can offer companionship, advice, or assistance in self-improvement, much like an unseen friend or mentor. While Tulpas inhabit the same physical body as their creator, they often possess their own distinct voices, personalities, and perspectives.

The key factor is the creator’s intention: if the creation process is approached with positive intentions and mindfulness, the resulting Tulpa will likely reflect these qualities. If the intentions are negative, the Tulpa can be a dangerous companion to deal with.

Speaking of negative intentions, Tulpas can be created and used for sinister purposes and often are by those engaging in black magic, seeking revenge on a particular person for example. The danger with this is that the Tulpa might remain active longer than the magician initially intended and then the target can shift from the initial target to its own creator.

It’s important to remember that Tulpas, once formed, can evolve and change just like any sentient being, bringing a layer of complexity akin to that of human beings.

The Modern Tulpa Community​

In recent years, a sort of sub-culture of ‘Tulpamancers’ has developed within the occult community, consisting of individuals who create and interact with Tulpas.

Tulpamancy, in its modern form, often blends traditional Tibetan concepts with contemporary psychological theories. Some individuals even approach Tulpas from a purely psychological perspective, viewing them as manifestations of the subconscious rather than metaphysical entities.

There are also various ideas akin to Tulpa creation present in Chaos Magick more broadly. Chaos magicians are very keen to creating new spiritual entities through the use of their own mind rather than relying on authoritative texts to summon those that already exist.

How to Create a Tulpa​


So how do you create your very own invisible friend, ally, lover or perhaps partner in crime?

Harnessing magical powers to create a Tulpa requires a steadfast commitment and a deep understanding of oneself. It involves fine-tuning your mind, nurturing your magical energy, and journeying within to interact with unseen aspects of reality.

I think that it would be an enriching experience for any aspiring magician, or artist for that matter, to engage in this practice and see where it leads them. So here is a short guide that you can use to get started:

1. Prepare your mind​

Before embarking on this journey, you need to prepare yourself both mentally and spiritually. This involves developing a regular meditation practice to calm your mind and enhance your concentration. It would help if you also explored your intentions behind creating a Tulpa. Are they pure and well-considered? Do you fully understand the responsibility involved?

Cultivate an environment that supports concentration and introspection. This could be a quiet room, a spot in nature, or any place where you feel calm and focused. Some find that the presence of specific crystals, incense, or spiritual talismans can enhance the process.

2. Visualize your Tulpa​

The next step is to visualize your Tulpa. What do they look like? What are their personality traits? How do they sound, move, or react? Begin by visualizing their appearance, slowly adding more layers of complexity over time. This process should not be rushed. It’s more important to create a consistent, stable image than to rush and create a vague one.

3. Forge a personality​

Once you have a clear image, you can start developing your Tulpa’s personality. Consider their traits, likes, dislikes, and quirks. Much like an author breathing life into a character, imbue your Tulpa with depth and dimensionality. This process strengthens the bond between you and your Tulpa and provides a basis for future interaction.

4. Interact with your creation​

After the previous steps are well-established, you can begin interacting with your Tulpa. Start with simple conversations, slowly progressing towards more complex dialogues. Be patient and persistent. Over time, your Tulpa should begin to respond with increasing independence. This is similar to machine learning.

5. Foster your Tulpa’s independence​

The final step is acknowledging and fostering your Tulpa’s sentience and independence. This step is often reached when your Tulpa can surprise you with their responses or actions, indicating they’re no longer simply a reflection of your conscious thoughts. Treat your Tulpa with respect, acknowledge their autonomy, and allow them the freedom to grow and evolve.

Final Thoughts​

The journey to summon a Tulpa is a journey into the depths of your own mind, a testament to the vast potential of human consciousness. It’s also a challenge that you can work on for years and get better at.

The first challenge is conquering your own mind and being able to focus on just one thing for a long time. So if you’re struggling with mental chatter all the time, dealing with that is the prerequisite to making progress in Tulpa creation.

A daily focus meditation where you focus on a mantra, your breathing, a physical sensation or a visual symbol would be a great start and as you quiet and discipline your mind you can continue unto the other steps that I’ve outlined.

If you need help with mastering your mind, there are also excellent solutions in the Western occult tradition, and especially via ceremonial magic. The demons Paimon and Abaddon can facilitate such a mental shift whereby the mind can more easily focus on the magical operations and block out the unwanted, intrusive thoughts that would otherwise hamper one’s progress.

The post The Unseen Companions: An Exploration into Tulpas (7/24/2023) appeared first on Occultist.

Source: Occultist | The Unseen Companions: An Exploration into Tulpas (7/24/2023)
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