What if the past was SUPPOSED to be our future? What if we're de-evolving?


Human intelligence may have reached its peak. Humans seem to be very emotionally immature, too. I'm not sure if "devolving" is possible, but we really have a primitive mindset. Humans are the Ferengi of the real world. We allow money to stop progress. Example - we could have had wireless power for decades if greed didn't tear down the Wardyncliffe Tower. We could have awesome techonology if it weren't for money. Things like phones are released in steps in order to gain the most profit and force people to buy new ones. All health problems could potentially be fixed if everyone could afford it. Governments hide technology. And we call ourselves smart? In my opinion, we don't know what smart is. I'm sure there are more intelligent beings out there somewhere looking at how new and primitive we really are. I'm not so sure we are devolving, but humans in general are becoming more greedy and making poor decisions.


Senior Member
I agree with Paula that we have peaked.

As i don't think it is possible to de-evolve, i do think we are heading backwards in mentality, i won't get into too much depth with it but simple things like male/female are now dire mainstream topics instead of technological inovations, we are still a society of by-standers and watchers, long since have we been the do'ers.

Sadly i believe the wiriting is on the wall for out future, with the current president recently signing a supply deal with Ukraine we inch so much closer to nuclear war. These are things we should have learned from our past, but sadly we did not, instead the world is full of brain dead TV drones who cannot think for them selfs anymore and only spew what they are told to, and in that fact i do believe we have de-evolved.

But alas all civilizations must come to a end and we are at ours.


Senior Member
I wouldnt say its peaked, its more about bringing as many as possible to a level rather than somewhat less. This is not just about education but about the overall human consciousness as a whole.

What is stopping evolvement of humans, is it a direct plan of control?

Various ways and means we only have to look at religion years ago for these days we may be looking at some form of AI to halt the process.

But for the question

What if the past was SUPPOSED to be our future? What if we're de-evolving?

Its a confusing sentence maybe designed so.................

