Recent content by PoisonApple

  1. PoisonApple

    Joe Rogan and Smelling Salts

    I love how Joe just pulls out the smelling salts like it's a bag of Coke lol. He really pressures his guests into trying it, too. Pretty funny. Would you guys try the smelling salts?
  2. PoisonApple

    Forum Game The Word Association

  3. PoisonApple

    Is there an ancient quarry near Monument Valley?

    Basalt columns come to mind. Not that the rock in the OP are basalt, but rock can naturally form in such shapes.
  4. PoisonApple

    Naked Gun Reboot Starring...

    Neeson voiced "Good Cop/Bad Cop" in the Lego Movie. Probably the closest to comedy I've seen him do.
  5. PoisonApple


  6. PoisonApple

    Big Mac Pizza

    I've had taco pizza before (with lettuce on top), and it was delicious! I'm sure there are Big Mac fans out there that would be interested in a Big Mac pizza.
  7. PoisonApple


  8. PoisonApple

    Forum Game The Word Association

  9. PoisonApple

    Forum Game The Word Association

  10. PoisonApple

    Shyness: A blessing or a curse?

    While anxiety is it's own beast, that's not quite what I was referring to in my original post. Perhaps I should have worded things better.
