A Cross Communication From Another World


Junior Member
@TapesFromTheFuture I'm asking about a man named Nate walker, do you know him ?.
Oh I see what you're getting at. Netflix had someone write a book that was supposed to be part of my "backstory". Here's the thing, the only stuff that happened for real was what happened on screen. All that licensed stuff is stories that people wrote based off who they thought we were.

I never ran away like that and I don't like people leaving out details that are actually important. For example, there are all these articles about how I was dealing with grief and trauma and survivors guilt because of what happened at Starcourt. Thing is, those weren't the memories I was being tortured with. I was remembering how that piece of shit who pretended to be a brother raped me. I wasn't sad for him at that gravestone, I was just trying to rid myself of that smell of shit for once and for all.

Think of those books and interviews with the Duffer brothers as non-canon sources. The only thing that's real are the episodes. I mean, look, these big companies still license out our likenesses for Funko Pops and trading cards, if they find a way to make a buck off our lives or someone's idea of our lives, they will.


@TapesFromTheFuture you are either lying to or not. you have just told me you were raped, if this is a lie then you are one interesting human. I can't wait to see if your prediction of new York comes to pass, if it does as I have said previously, I will believe most things you have said. but for now I will remain skeptical as that is the way of the scientist.


Junior Member
I get it. Listen, I've been up front about the abuses we've been through after the Nazis captured us, I just don't want you to think I said that just to be edgy. It just pisses me off so much that they lie and misrepresented something so massive like that.

On a personal level it's so fucking weird to scroll through a site like Tumblr and see a drawing of your rapist kissing one of your best friends. People treat us like action figures like we don't have any lives or internality of our own.

I want people to know. I want them to know what they did to us. Those kids out there being paraded around like trophies? They are trophies. They were/are us. Time travel is weird. To know that there are younger versions of us out there having all the horrible stuff done to us that we remember. They are not free and we've been trying to wake ourselves up.

Of course, the others that are the older versions of us are here in the present day too, the long way around like I made it here. They have a podcast but I'm not going to say who they all are quite yet because they're revealing themselves to the world in their own way.


Junior Member
Here, let me lighten the mood a bit with a funny anecdote from our awakening to ourselves and our memories of our friends. So, you know there was a movie with Joe Keery (actually Steve, just starting to remember) and Ryan Reynolds called Free Guy, right? It was a pretty good flick and it really mirrored what they did to us by taking the world we created to be something Beautiful and make it into something so ugly.

But here's the thing. Those people from the Multiverse that I've been sharing messages from are real and some of them, like Deadpool/Wade Wilson have learned to cross the boundaries between Universes and he's set up shop as an actor named Ryan Reynolds and he's been here ever since.

So he gets on set with "Joe" and Wade is one of our oldest and closest friends so he knows that Joe is actually Steve. But Stranger Things had already come out so when Wade kept referring to him as Steve and asking him about his friends from Hawkins Joe thought it was Ryan Reynolds just fucking with him. It wasn't until later that he realized that Wade was trying to wake him up.

So listen - we have friends. We're not alone. But we don't have people who believe us, yet. The rest of us are still trapped in those lives they put us in and we are not safe. So listen, if you think this is a weird enough story to share with people outside of here, please do. Even if it's just a friend or a family member you want to show some posts from some crazy person claiming to be the actual Max Mayfield from Stranger Things.

Joyce/Winona and Jim/David are already awake but their "agents" are keeping them under lock and key. The others are waking up but the younger ones are having trouble sorting out the facts from the fiction.

Edit: Read the quotes in this. Deadpool actually did kidnap Fred Savage, they are not two people joking, he was pissed off and he had two broken legs to deal with.

