Court Case Rules Covid doesn't exist

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Active Member
To all those jerks who speak FOR the vaccine being mandatory (and FOR the vaccine in general):

You won’t be able to save yourselves or to save each other when (not if) those brave people whom you currently persecute, oppress and harass will be the ones your safety will depend on (not medical condition safety). Don’t think for a second they will ever forget what you put them through – they will always remember each and every single one of you.
If I were you, under no circumstances could I sleep easy at (any) night and I would be scared shitless for what turn this madness (that you were a significant part of) will take.
Well … good night and sleep tight (if you can) … wherever you are in this world !!



Force and punishment for non-compliance is not only tyranny, but is very suspicious. If this were a normal, non-politically motivated vaccine and they took a casual approach to it, more people would get vaccinated. (Note, I didn't say all. I say more).

I'm trying not to get too political, so I apologize to @Num7 if I am. (I will gladly edit). It's a very touchy subject. In my opinion, if you are scared of covid, then YOU should quarantine. Why do my healthy children have to be quarantined from school every time there is a case? It should be OUR CHOICE.
And if the vaccine and masks work, why are people violently adamant that I do the same? Why are so many willing to give up ALL freedom because their television tells them it's necessary? Why can't THEY stay home? The flu kills thousands per year. Why doesn't that freak anybody out? So many questions, so few answers.

The fact is, in Florida, segregation is beginning. The non-compliers are being forced to stay home and they are considering separate classrooms for those who won't wear masks. Really? All for a 99% survival rate. I have more to say about NWO, but will decline for now.

Frustrating. Why won't anybody fight for freedom?


Here in Quebec, they're releasing an app that's a Vax passport. It's basically a QR code you scan whenever you go somewhere that wants to use it. It certifies you're double-vaxed.

If I visit a restaurant that uses the Vax passport, I scan it when getting in. If I don't have it, they're allowed to refuse entry.

It's not there to punish those not vaccinated. It's there to allow the 75% who are, to not be punished because of the not vaccinated minority.

But it can be looked at from many different angles. Definitely.


Senior Member
Here in Quebec, they're releasing an app that's a Vax passport. It's basically a QR code you scan whenever you go somewhere that wants to use it. It certifies you're double-vaxed.

If I visit a restaurant that uses the Vax passport, I scan it when getting in. If I don't have it, they're allowed to refuse entry.

It's not there to punish those not vaccinated. It's there to allow the 75% who are, to not be punished because of the not vaccinated minority.

But it can be looked at from many different angles. Definitely.
No doubt there will be computer programming experts that will make any Vax Passport appear "as if" that person has been double vaxed...Many years ago devices were made that picked up Radar Traps, even those that were hiding...The frequencies of those radar traps would easily bounce off metal objects, even around a corner, and the covert high gain antenna fixed in the front of a car easily picked up those frequencies and warned the car driver if he was speeding, BEFORE he passed through the hiding radar trap..

Even now Sat Navs can legally warn car drivers of an upcoming radar trap, again before they pass through the radar beam, Yeah Yeah Yeah i know theres a moral issue here, but never the less, ANYTHING can be done to falsify something, and thats life..


Senior Member
Due to a Medical/ communication error i received a full double dose covid evidence document without having had any shots. Worldwide whether by accident or by fraudulent these could get sold on the black market if a person chose not to get the vaccination, but have proof of if happened by accident dare say it can happen by profit.


Here in Quebec, they're releasing an app that's a Vax passport. It's basically a QR code you scan whenever you go somewhere that wants to use it. It certifies you're double-vaxed.

If I visit a restaurant that uses the Vax passport, I scan it when getting in. If I don't have it, they're allowed to refuse entry.

It's not there to punish those not vaccinated. It's there to allow the 75% who are, to not be punished because of the not vaccinated minority.

But it can be looked at from many different angles. Definitely.

But if their vaccine works, why should it matter?
