Schematic Delta Time Generator


Active Member
heres some interesting stuff i suspect what he know was edited via mind control why else wasent he knocked off for knowing to much as for the tesla 369 being the said key to the universe heres a bit i got from that pdf book by Preston Nichols
THE LOST CHORD Many of you have heard of the Moody Blues' album entitled In Search of the Lost Chord. For those of you who have not, perhaps you have heard of this "lost chord which is commonly referred to and pronounced as "om" or "ohm" in esoteric circles, particularly those of the eastern tradition. It is also known as the "mono chord." The lost chord refers to the perfect state of creation or that state of consciousness which existed before reality existed. The idea of expressing the word om is to reunite one with the supreme consciousness. Om, in its most perfect sense, represents the complete electromagnetic spectrum. That includes all of creation. When we consider the principles of hard physics, everything in creation falls within the realm of the electromagnetic spectrum. This includes all matter and energy, including light, sound and different types of matter. When we consider the lost chord, we are talking about what Lao Tzu called "the uncarved block." In other words, it is creation undisturbed by anything. In the Qabala, the first principle of creation is known as "The Fool" and it is represented by the Tarot card of the same name. The fool refers to a capricious
@steven chiverton : althu kina late, but this doc is quite a contribution , i won t let go without saying thank you.
