Speed Learning via Touch?


Active Member
Can knowledge be obtained through touch versus through learning? We typically learn through watching a training video or listening to an instructor for a length of time. Hearing is a sense. Seeing is a sense. But what about the sense of touch. Touch tells us basic things like temperature is it hot or cold. Touch also is used with Braille for the blind.
But is there a way for us to obtain a 2 year or 4 year degree or the contents of a book in a short span of time without learning it?
It’s a science fiction thought. Can we develop an interface where knowledge is passed to an individual besides seeing and hearing the source of knowledge?
If the interface deals with touch I would think a Braille instructor would be a good advisor to teach how to learn via touch sensations. But even beyond touch, how can we speed up a learning process?
Once a blind person becomes proficient in braille how does their pace of learning or reading compare to the pace of a person who reads with their eyes?
But again how do we speed up the pace of learning? Perhaps technologically thru some science fiction method. “Knowledge in a pill” or an interface that you put your hand on and it transmits knowledge rapidly thru touch. Knowledge is not the challenge. Obtaining it is. How does our brain store knowledge?
AI like ChatGPT is quick to display knowledge. But how can we retain it quickly, perhaps without having to read it visually. Evolution of Learning.


Active Member
Brains store knowledge by making neural connections. As far as memorization goes, these aren't created overly fast, and initially they aren't very strong. Computers learn quickly because they are the opposite. The problem with AI learning is that it doesn't fully understand how to process the data (like it's mentally handicapped). When AI overcomes this, we all need to be worried.

Taking in knowledge by a pill would mean it makes a massive amount of neural connections in the brain... probably to the point of a never ending seizure while it happens... at least if biology could even go that fast.

Cerebral cybernetic implants could overcome the slow learning process, at least in theory. The brain would "somehow" interface to the implant and the implant could rapidly load new data. That "somehow" is the hard part.


Active Member
Years ago I had read about the autopsy of Albert Einstein’s brain wondering if there was any difference. Apparently there is. An increased number of Glia cells related to neurons.
Perhaps pharmaceutical companies can develop a supplement related to neuron development.
If a person is left brained/right handed can they develop the right side of the brain by doing things with their left hand or other right brain activities? Are ambidextrous people more inclined to have more neuron development?


Active Member
A basic example of an interface that shares knowledge is, a palm sized platform that when you place your palm on the surface 2+2= 4 comes to your memory recall in your mind. But that is knowledge we already have stored.
What about never before seen information? We couldn’t recall it because we had never been exposed to it.


Active Member
For keeping extra brain connections, that would have to be done from infancy to early childhood. The brain prunes out unused connections as we move into adolescence. For things gone wrong, look into feral children and their brain damage.

For brain booster pills, look into nootropics. Some of those pills help, some are just hype.
