Step-by-step guide to use the HDR


Junior Member
I'm going to use the HDR for the first time in 4 years tonight. I'll follow these instructions to operate the device.

This time I have a pretty big and very pure crystal that should do well with the 2012 HDR.

I'll update you tomorrow in my HDR log thread that's somewhere on Paranormalis. :) To be continued!

Sounds good! I have the one you showed in your picture and I have one from the first time he sold it on the market. That crystal you referred to, do you realize to create a pzeo electric effect, we must be able to cause steady pressure across the lattice of such a crystal. lattice on the surface? To cause it's natural law to capture such of an effect. Also, orgonite could be fixed outside of the HDR. I am currently using these two the Receiver Coil and Transmitter. I use it in the natural scalar mode, I yet to use it with the GEX-PRO.

This is one of the ways to combat the forces trying to get the "Stick" from your rub plates. I have to tune the machine to weather conditions it goes from (2 to 8 Megahertz). Where I live, our home scalar surrounding the entire back room with scalar. The further I separate them while the cable must still be connected is, usually 75 feet will create an enormous scalar field. In that 75 feet your whole house is field. This is why I use it! Of course, since I don't have an analyzer at this point in time,

I use my SE-51000 to create the "Word Tunings" and this would be captured also by the scalar environment. I have to wait for my crypto to up around 50% within the end of the years. I made 700% (lucky) I guess and I would require above that because one of the analyzers is the Bio-Well. You have to place each digit to be photographed the fingers rests on a glass plate and a small electrical charge inside this box (Aura) camera, sends the information into their software and will give a huge amount data and draws.

I use one of my HDR's and when running the T-bar magnet I plant myself in a small work hole so there is no contamination. That is problem #1 satisfied! One can make such a phenomena grow wide and it goes straight up! I could write alone all these things, but best for you to do so, and this keeps my "Bias" in check! I had to be sure if the two cases that are six feet apart from each other and both connected by a single cable so they run perfectly! There is a pancake coil under the plate of the transmitter and receiver. Nothing to rub for stick reactions. There is a on and off button on the receiver one depresses this, and if it lights up, you have scalar magnetic waves. Then you shut it off, not needed during the session.

I don't know if Steven Gibbs machines operated in megahertz range. All I knew was, it operated at 60cps from the household current. I will take my HDR crystal , my personal one I purchased a Vogel double terminated clear quartz crystal. 2x1 in size. Fits the HDR canister like it was custom made for it. I am working side by side so to speak with another researcher, who told me how to use the "Molecular" scalar mode and the "Natural" scalar mode and the Rife Scalar mode!

With this, you are setting up a real scalar environment . Plus you can go to the chakra page and it will show you where each chakra is at. The vertical and the horizontal must be all align from the crown to the feet. Steven told me years ago along with HDRKID, our chakra's are critical when using the HDR for time traveling.

Thus I fulfilled most of my equipment that is setup to takeover! My last experimental device to use is the AO4000 orgone broadcaster!

This is a good video about the guy, who wondered into such a device he had 11 years developing this machine. they placed the water on the coast that has orgonite in its construction. I agree with the builder, orgonite is not strong enough for distance and or power. This is why he tinkered with such device that AO4000, goes 2.8 mile radius. Even I don't know the purpose to worry about 2 miles out! My partner couldn't contain himself he is an esoteric junky! :O).

He bought the AO2000 and he told me, buyer beware, He thought since he was experienced and I know he is, He didn't take precautions prior to it be turned on. The AO4000 is pictured below. Every time I used the HDR there are a few things that seem to be problematic when trying to OBE or OBE Time traveling, BI-Location etc. Now the questions begs an answer, what do I need to be successful? Not knowing you personally, If I were you, use a "scatter" shot approach! Get what you can afford and make use of it! Quit putting it in some obscure closet. We don't need moth ball connections!

Anyways, my friend decided to turn it on his AO 4000 before going sleep, then it happened. He found himself falling at a lightening speed through a dark tunnel of sorts. He couldn't control what was going on and he couldn't control is rate of decent. Finally he bounced of the bottom and he looked around he said, it felt like the weakness of this place. He couldn't will himself back...He told me this is the first time in my life to not have any control. He apparently from our conversation placed the dials at maximum and he told me it taken him in his sense of time there, a couple hours to come back!

He told me, since I don't have a HDR anymore, I took the machine from where I sleep and placed it on the outside porch. At full power! he eyed up the best he could a visual spot where his parents farm was located. He ran it for several weeks and it was then, his dad called him to come to the farm, I need to show you something. My friend hung up and went to the farm. He met his dad half way to the dairy barn and asked him, Hey pop, what has you riled up? Come he said, I will show you. He showed him the oats he planted several weeks back and he stood by section and it was close to 7 feet tall.

Now come see this, he look at the feeder corn stocks, immediately, he knew what has occurred! In all my life his dad told him, I never seen anything like this in my farming career! He was so right! I asked him, did you tell your pop about this orgone broadcaster? He told me, not yet, I want to see more! I went home and the machines was lighting the crystal and the crystal was pulsating 24/7.

This was taste of success with such a device. This device is not a radionics machine in essence is similar to a radio! I don't know what knobs do what! One of them my friend explained when you start turning the dial the lights get brighter pulsating the color the crystal was using. He didn't know what the second dial is for or the 4th dial. I asked him, did you contact this guy? He told me, You are better doing
that than me! I have yet to do so, so I will email him and clear up the mystery of the tuning knobs. He told me, that night of his experience, He said, he turned on all 3 knobs to high!

Like playing with a loaded gun! What would happen if I pulled this trigger while pointing it at someone else and not knowing what might happen!, same difference I imagine. He only had 3 dials, the bottom one is what I want with the 4 dials! He has 4G and 5G antenna's to broadcast in the RF zone and it receives energy from the aether along with sub-space frequencies. Better to watch the interview on the link I provided.

But the dials are just a small part of this working machine. The developer worked in the electronics field and what he loves to do. So, do you think ORGONE (active) not (passive) ones that you place in a room. A purchaser emailed me after I sent an email to him! He fold me, he said, He turned on the generator and it was located in the living room at that time. He took the ice tray filled it with water and froze it overnight! The next day, he got up and went to the freezer to find in the ice cubes there was a small tower form the shape of his larger crystal! How did that happen! He had no answer and still doesn't know why it occurred this phenomena. I looked up the PDF the builder has online and how he bases his own designs that were complimenting the scientist of old who did research in this field.

Besides all that, I can't leave my mind behind me. Where body goes the mind follows. I picked out a few companies to read about what
they seem important ,when selling such Mp3's. Self-Hypnosis and the use of Ultrasonic Embedded subliminal It was structuresuggested commands (NLP) programming language to the subconscious. Everything from $400.00 to only a few bucks for these types of programs.
I am using my old Speedzen Lucid Dreaming. It works but not the way you would think as far as results go! Using this for one hour everynight for about two weeks!

I had this mp3 for 4 years going on and when I stop listening to it, what I gained disappears over time. The when get an itch to use it again! Still, I had to use it all over again until it works! It worked! but took around 3 weeks one hour evenings. Time Traveling needs for us to have a whole brain thinking by having a hemispheric synchronization usage of the brain! I like calling it "Theta Beta" zone. Still fully conscious at the Beta level but underlying "Theta" keeps me anchored from acting out the dream or sleepwalking or talking etc. This one you will have to make a decision what you would be comfortable with.

That's it for now I through out some seeds and we will see what takes place during the harvest time!


