Visited by a Dead Man. What should I do?


Junior Member
I'm new here. Let's leap into the craziness; I have so many experiences that I could post that I will never post half of them.

Not sure if this is the right section. Anyway. It was about 18 months ago, mid 2020, and I was feeling unhappy. I was muttering aloud about how I had wasted my life. A figure appeared. I recognized it immediately; it was someone who had died about 10 years ago. He had been a good person in his life. Then he hovered [hard to describe], toward me and went through me. As he was moving through me I felt a sense of uplifting. I had never felt like that. I can say assuredly that I cannot consciously try to feel like that. I felt no fear at all. It was a beautiful experience. Whoever or whatever it was at least was acting in my best interests.

Now, my discussion point is this. I had known this person in real life. He was a school Chaplain. I had spoken to him many, many times at school. Since then I hadn't thought about him beyond the obituary 10 years ago in the local paper; he was quite a fixture at the school and genuinely lived for Christian principles. Funnily enough, he had given talks about the "mystery of death" including an NDE experience when he was operated on. That would be a discussion for another time.

Here I go off at tangents. Back to my point. I knew him. He was in my area. What should I ethically do, if anything, with my experience? I could tell his family. At least people who would tell his family. But I don't want to upset anyone. It might make them feel worse. I could send a letter anonymously to the school Chapel where he worked and tell them what I saw. I could of course tell nobody. That is my right. I have only told one person. In doing so I did not tell him who it was. Interestingly I did ask a tarot reader to throw some cards on the question of who had visited me and why. She said that he had visited many of the other ex students as well in this way. She also described him in ways that were correct; he was "sweet". He wasn't a fire and brimstone preacher at all.

I am amazed that I got to see this. It changes my perspective on death. I just wonder what I should do now. I appreciate all responses or opinions toward that end.

Thank you


I'm new here. Let's leap into the craziness; I have so many experiences that I could post that I will never post half of them.

Not sure if this is the right section. Anyway. It was about 18 months ago, mid 2020, and I was feeling unhappy. I was muttering aloud about how I had wasted my life. A figure appeared. I recognized it immediately; it was someone who had died about 10 years ago. He had been a good person in his life. Then he hovered [hard to describe], toward me and went through me. As he was moving through me I felt a sense of uplifting. I had never felt like that. I can say assuredly that I cannot consciously try to feel like that. I felt no fear at all. It was a beautiful experience. Whoever or whatever it was at least was acting in my best interests.

Now, my discussion point is this. I had known this person in real life. He was a school Chaplain. I had spoken to him many, many times at school. Since then I hadn't thought about him beyond the obituary 10 years ago in the local paper; he was quite a fixture at the school and genuinely lived for Christian principles. Funnily enough, he had given talks about the "mystery of death" including an NDE experience when he was operated on. That would be a discussion for another time.

Here I go off at tangents. Back to my point. I knew him. He was in my area. What should I ethically do, if anything, with my experience? I could tell his family. At least people who would tell his family. But I don't want to upset anyone. It might make them feel worse. I could send a letter anonymously to the school Chapel where he worked and tell them what I saw. I could of course tell nobody. That is my right. I have only told one person. In doing so I did not tell him who it was. Interestingly I did ask a tarot reader to throw some cards on the question of who had visited me and why. She said that he had visited many of the other ex students as well in this way. She also described him in ways that were correct; he was "sweet". He wasn't a fire and brimstone preacher at all.

I am amazed that I got to see this. It changes my perspective on death. I just wonder what I should do now. I appreciate all responses or opinions toward that end.

Thank you

It isn't a common happening or others would join right in.

I have had similar occurrences in my life when I really needed to not feel alone,
to see a face very near you just out the corner of your eye where the subconscious controls vision.

You turn and look and consciousness erases fact.

It is in my humble opinion that this Chaplain was there at the right moment in time....for You.

A unique experience that isn't easily shared or explained later on is only unique to you. :)
A Gift from God if you will.....(apologies if this isn't your belief.)

I do not think you're crazy at all....
It's just a step ahead of the sciences of average life.



I'm new here. Let's leap into the craziness; I have so many experiences that I could post that I will never post half of them.

Not sure if this is the right section. Anyway. It was about 18 months ago, mid 2020, and I was feeling unhappy. I was muttering aloud about how I had wasted my life. A figure appeared. I recognized it immediately; it was someone who had died about 10 years ago. He had been a good person in his life. Then he hovered [hard to describe], toward me and went through me. As he was moving through me I felt a sense of uplifting. I had never felt like that. I can say assuredly that I cannot consciously try to feel like that. I felt no fear at all. It was a beautiful experience. Whoever or whatever it was at least was acting in my best interests.

Now, my discussion point is this. I had known this person in real life. He was a school Chaplain. I had spoken to him many, many times at school. Since then I hadn't thought about him beyond the obituary 10 years ago in the local paper; he was quite a fixture at the school and genuinely lived for Christian principles. Funnily enough, he had given talks about the "mystery of death" including an NDE experience when he was operated on. That would be a discussion for another time.

Here I go off at tangents. Back to my point. I knew him. He was in my area. What should I ethically do, if anything, with my experience? I could tell his family. At least people who would tell his family. But I don't want to upset anyone. It might make them feel worse. I could send a letter anonymously to the school Chapel where he worked and tell them what I saw. I could of course tell nobody. That is my right. I have only told one person. In doing so I did not tell him who it was. Interestingly I did ask a tarot reader to throw some cards on the question of who had visited me and why. She said that he had visited many of the other ex students as well in this way. She also described him in ways that were correct; he was "sweet". He wasn't a fire and brimstone preacher at all.

I am amazed that I got to see this. It changes my perspective on death. I just wonder what I should do now. I appreciate all responses or opinions toward that end.

Thank you

He didn't cross over. You can try talking to him.


Junior Member
I would find consciously trying to talk to him to be a bit problematic for my personal ethics. I don't believe in talking to the dead. If the dead want to visit me then it happens of their choosing as in this case. But seances and most medium-ship are not part of what I do or believe in.

Orpheus Rex

The common advice is to ignore him and what he says and let him go away. It could be that guy or something posing at that guy. Either way, ignoring it is the best option - as far as you are capable.

If it's really something that you need to deal with, it'll be revealed.


I personally believe you don't need to hold a seance to talk to a spirit. It is always safer to ignore them, of course, but my curiosity would get the best of me, especially if he just needs to be told to go to the light.
