Welcome to Paranormalis Version 2.0

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I'm glad you guys like it :) I definitely like this new piece of software, it makes the site look brand new, and it makes it feel like an actual forum. vB4 didn't have that community feeling the old previous versions used to have. Now we're in business!

Good to see you again Grayson!
Hey Num, have you thought about advertising the site a bit with Google AdWords? I'm starting mine off at about $1.25 a day and am seeing 3,000+ impressions and 9 or 10 clicks per day... More clicks than I would see if I weren't advertising at all. I'd be happy to make you some ad banners if you like. Would love to see this place pick back up!
I thought about it a few times now, I'm going to look for an AdWords rebate. I wish I didn't lose the one they sent me a few months ago :(

I'll put back ads on the site tonight to generate some revenues on the long run, and I'll post new content to social networking sites like I used to. I used to post every single bit of new content on 6 networking sites earlier this year, and it was generating between 30 and 60 clicks every time. That should be a good start.
Back then, I used to check both Google Analytics, and the who's online section for immediate numbers. It was pretty easy to spot new visitors right away, as the site was empty, then full of people in the next 3 minutes.
Twitter sure gives you a lot of visibility!

I'm going to check this out tonight, I didn't know twitterfeed bebore now. uh! All those vB4 Twitter addons didn't always work, looks like I should have know better.
I just updated the site to XenForo Beta 3 :) XF is definitely an awesome forum software.
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