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  • I told you repeatdly dr.z none of these psychic amplifiers will work for you personally until you address your programming problem
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    Reactions: DoctorZ
    And there was me thinking the first thing you need is a detector for psychic frequencies..
    we are still stuck in time, collective effort is still something possible, but who would love to contribute, ( efforts and knowledge only)
    As per usual, my old buddy NP cannot provide verification for statements he thought, on this occasion, were in the Montauk books...I have read all the Montauk books many many times, and know exactly whats in them, you VERY bad boy ;):D..
    do you need everything in books or can you think for yourself
    You not me, said your statements were the Montauk books, which I obviously disproved...DrZ wants facts not fantasies.
    DoctorZ, I would love to pick your brain on building a time machine and possibly commission you to build me a HDR or something of the like. What is the best way to contact you, maybe Messenger or Skype?

    Hope all is well with you.

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    Reactions: Mayhem
    i ll be on tonight around 8pm eastern time
    Bummer, I’m just getting around to see this and it’s almost 10pm est when my family is asleep.

    Would 9pm est on Wednesday Jan 17th work for you?
    I wont be on tonight , i have other business to attend to , , but probably tomorrow night ,
    Is it hard to make. Do I need a lot of tools to make? You said not a lot to make but its 700 now. That's more than the cost of Stephens Hdr .
    why is mine so expensive, well mine is a timenomore model wich is made with top of the line product and professional craftmanship, but reconsider the whole idea as the hdr never yield any result its a bs invention, wich is just one part of a bigger machine, cheers
    I dont believe DrZ has shifted away from his 2017 views on the HDR....My thanks to @Mayhem for bringing up this information, nobody can match your own research skills my old friend! :)..
    Have some questions about the HDR device?
    ask away , i am here once a day
    How much did it cost for you to make or did you buy it?
    It doesnt cost a lot to make in part, its the time , it take close to 24 hours to make, making the magnet is the most aggrovating part a hdr usually made by my today cost around 700$can
    Don't worry. I'm taking care of other stuff right now, time travel is a deep space thought when I have the time to write stuff down. We will return back to normal after asswipe gets out of office. I'll be sure to keep everything quiet.
    Z I'm around not sure how much longer i cant take this racism bullshit standing for the flag or kneeling you dont have this problem
    i am married to a black woman and we both dont give enough of a fuck about any of this shit to even write it in our blog, i think your level of fuck given should be re evaluated and your life would improve by a huge amount, cheers , and dont worry , stupidity is still rampant we cant fix it
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