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  • Bought five items from the same online store with a fixed shipping price. Will get five separate packages delivered from different warehouses. Getting tired of all the shell stores and dropshipping shananigans.
    It is friday now. Was it always friday, or do other weekdays really exist? Maybe someone planted false memories of weekends using hypnosis and suggestion.
    Even a cup of water is getting unevenly heated in the microwave oven. Burning hot at the top, yet cold at the bottom.
    Life changing moment :)
    Can I stop the neighbor's dog from barking by barking back, or will it keep asking if I'm okay down there?
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    Reactions: Wind7
    Poor dogs are so cooped up and unexercised the only thing they can do all day is bark constantly and piss everyone off. :-/
    I have a neighbor who was forced by law to keep their dogs quiet at night.
    They kept the poor dog in a kennel in direct sunlight...Without water and they were turned into authorities
    by one of their neighbors on their block. They keep them indoors now, no all-night barking.
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    Reactions: MODAT7
    I've had to call the police a few times on my neighbors over the years for their damn dogs barking all night outside my bedroom window. How do these people not even hear that? Barking dogs are neither melodic nor pleasant to listen to.

    If the dogs were caged in sunlight here in the Texas summer, they wouldn't live very long.
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    Reactions: Wind7
    Putin whines about getting hit back in Belgorod, but if you define justice by his own words, Belgorod would have been wiped off the map to create a buffer zone. Can't have Russia expanding right up to Ukraine's doorstep after all.
    I don't have enought teflon to survive if someone releases a room temperature superliquid in a failed attempt to make a superconductor. Everything just becomes wet until everyone drown.
    Tried to review a game but got censored many times in a row, just for stating that it was bad, without any swearing nor rudeness. Next they will have to remove the star rating, because it is too subjective and they might get sued by the publishers.
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    Reactions: Wind7
    Words with friends. They don't say "you lost". They just end the game. It's getting ridiculous.
    Of course you get censored, does this actually surprise you still? you're speaking outside of the matrix allowed set of responses. Here, facebook, ytube, twitter, insta, tiktok, camping forums, sewing forums, doesn't matter where you go, even telegram and signal. You are watched, clocked and blocked because people aren't allowed to be triggered. By anything. Triggering people to get pissed off for any reason creates pathways of fate if you will that speed up and accelerate growth and ascension. So every attempt is made by not only government but through programming and social engineering, people and moderators of places like this who are now in control of what people say, or more precisely what is left visible to observation in the future, are forced through inverted sets of beliefs programming their moral code and stress responses to remove anything that can trigger any person for any reason.
    People selling snakeoil these days don't even use real snake oil. How is the placebo going to work if customers can read on the ingredients that it is a synthetic immitation of propylene glycol and vegetable glycerine?
    Bones McCoy
    Bones McCoy
    Didn't Voyager's EMH take a crack at it also? I think he maybe had some success.

    I can't remember exactly, I've been watching Star Trek since 1966 and probably wasn't too mentally balanced even back then...
    I think he did, but I can't remember the outcome. Of all the Treks, Voyager has the least amount of episodes that I'll rewatch.

    The key point is that if the infection (any infection) can be identified, it wouldn't be too hard to target it with the transporter's biofilters and just remove it. There's a possibility that the biofilters might remove too much, but given the choice of a deadly plague killing you or spending a few days recovering in sickbay, the latter is preferable.
    Bones McCoy
    Bones McCoy
    Modified Borg nanoprobes might be able to target the pathogen, then again the cure might be worse than the disease.
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