Bird Flu and Food Control


The regular eggs at Walmart were expensive compared with the usual organic eggs. I think they’re going for organic food next.

Probably. It wouldn’t surprise me if they are spreading bird flu drama so people get rid of their chickens. People out here in the country won’t
though. I also wouldn’t be surprised if the government created a super deadly bird flu to get rid of eggs.


Bird Flu? As I recall only birds can catch it. And of course the Chicken Little Idiots are trying to terrorize us into thinking we will all die from bird flu. This should be classified as terrorist speech! Constitution doesn't protect terrorists!

The FDA has successfully murdered many many millions of Americans with their tyrannical rule. You are denied any cure for cancer. A doctor will lose his license for curing a patient of cancer.

Eggs and Beef are the most healthiest foods you can eat. And there are studies proving this to be true. But no studies proving FDA statements are true exist.
OK but the concern here isn't about them having the flu but them being injected in the future with mRNA type vaccines (to supposedly stop this flu) where who knows what the long term issues associated with eating that meat will be.Not good.
