

I had this idea the other day. What if there was a virus that affected beyond the limits of time?

Obviously, a virus that affects you in the present, affects you in the future as well… For instance, I have a cold today, I’ll still have to tomorrow… But let’s go a step beyond this.

What about a hypothetical virus that you’d catch in the future (or alternate future) that would affect you now?

Think about diseases that some of us get for no reason at all. Someone with no prior warning or predisposition who randomly gets cancer. It doesn't make any sense, yet it happens. What if this cancer, was the ripple effect of some kind of virus that this person somehow caught in an alternate future?

Is this something that you've ever thought about before? Is it so crazy?


A time traveling virus?

I always wondered if time travelers would bring or spread viruses to and from other timelines.


Active Member
I don't think a reverse propagating infection could do that on its own. Maybe if the person walked through some kind of temporal anomaly part of the infection could be left in the past.

If someone did time travel with covid to 10 years ago, yes the infection would pop up and spread.


Active Member
I had this idea the other day. What if there was a virus that affected beyond the limits of time?

Obviously, a virus that affects you in the present, affects you in the future as well… For instance, I have a cold today, I’ll still have to tomorrow… But let’s go a step beyond this.

What about a hypothetical virus that you’d catch in the future (or alternate future) that would affect you now?

Think about diseases that some of us get for no reason at all. Someone with no prior warning or predisposition who randomly gets cancer. It doesn't make any sense, yet it happens. What if this cancer, was the ripple effect of some kind of virus that this person somehow caught in an alternate future?

Is this something that you've ever thought about before? Is it so crazy?
There is a similar process happening already but it's not a virus, there is no future or past ultimately however you do exist in other places in the now that happen to linearly be measured by time concepts. In some of those other versions of you there are energetic conditions that do effect you in your other now experiences. Viruses are not big enough to make a difference to you now, but death experiences do, like drowning in another life, in this life can lead to a fear of water until you clear that energetic ancestry.
Its one of the problems with lower density incarnations. Not really hard to clean if you stay on the healing path, but it can take many lifetimes to clear some of them and others you can carry from your physical genetic history from the soul who left it when it died...from their energetic history.
Something like the black plague...whether you lived or died around it, that kind of heaviness easily carries into multiple you experiences.

Most starseeds and light workers carry a shit ton of this from the orion and sirius wars and in most circumstances I think they were only allowed to carry this here in this incarnation because some of the earth incarnates were lyran survivors from those wars.

All diseases have an energetic source, and none of them are random, people don't know how to recognize the symptoms because they have no friggin clue what it even means to feel healthy to begin with.
As for the likes of cancer, all of them come down to three conditions, it's part of your incarnation plan, it's a self initiated physical self destruct due to the incarnation plan being no longer possible, ie, you are out of alignment, or, it is in the process of planning to self destruct but is hyper accelerated by all the toxic binders in the physical system.

There are other ways to induce what appears to be a virus through time though. Blood magic and black magic is ancient, powerful and effective but having access to someones dna means at any time you can do anything to them if you know how it works.
