Craig Johnson possible time travel or teleportation experiment machine


Temporal Engineer
When I had money I was pursuing the building of a time machine. But nothing works. I think the reason for that is we are being deprived of key information on how our reality is put together. One step forward and two steps backwards is the path I have learned to use in my search. No one apparently has a clear understanding of how time works or what time actually is.


When I had money I was pursuing the building of a time machine. But nothing works. I think the reason for that is we are being deprived of key information on how our reality is put together. One step forward and two steps backwards is the path I have learned to use in my search. No one apparently has a clear understanding of how time works or what time actually is.

Steven Gibbs has built several time machines for physical time traveling, all of which work quite well.


Senior Member
I don't believe you. Gibbs has not learned how to write an electronics schematic. None of his designs work according to his schematics.
I would even like to take that a step further...The HDR "time-machine", that consists of a few cheap potentiometers, an electrolytic capacacitor plus a basic electro-magnetic, that are supposed to transport you safely and accurately forwards and backwards through time and space..

But wait a moment, when it was discovered the HDR didnt do what it said "on the box", Gibbs suddenly came up with an excuse for it to be placed over a "Vortex", which proved impossible to locate...And then a "home made vortex" was invented, that never worked either!!..

Still the excuses for it not working carried on, parts of the human body including the head needed to be stimulated by the HDR (Highly dangerous!), it must be used on the nights of the full moon, what else will be needed when everything else fails to make the HDR work, maybe the hair from the left ear of a virgin Werewolf, or the tongue of the outer Mongolian tsetse fly? :fp:..


There are literally hundreds of first hand accounts of people physically time traveling with the HDR, many have even gone missing!

Of course, most are lying, and some are just abducted by aliens, and taken on some kind of ride.

Vortexes are more properly located with a DNC type of coil.


Senior Member
There are literally hundreds of first hand accounts of people physically time traveling with the HDR, many have even gone missing!

Of course, most are lying, and some are just abducted by aliens, and taken on some kind of ride.

Vortexes are more properly located with a DNC type of coil.
Of course there are hundreds of first hand accounts of people physically time travelling with the HDR, but there is no 100% proof....I have challenged anyone to prove beyond doubt that they have time travelled with an HDR, but no one has stepped forward...Will you prove it? ;) :cool:..


Of course there are hundreds of first hand accounts of people physically time travelling with the HDR, but there is no 100% proof....I have challenged anyone to prove beyond doubt that they have time travelled with an HDR, but no one has stepped forward...Will you prove it? ;) :cool:..

Proving time travel would be about the stupidest thing anyone could do, of course not! :p

(Not that I claimed I could or anything)


Junior Member
I agree with timeflip never any actual proof the HDR works as a time travel device just videos of people turning their wristwatch. Still a cool feat but personally I think it’s caused by the magnetic fields and position of the watch or device. :sarcasm: Eh 4am brain
Proving time travel would be about the stupidest thing anyone could do, of course not! :p

(Not that I claimed I could or anything)
do you think spreading teaching of time travel would have consequence?
