"Ghost" Photo, Saint Augustine Lighthouse, Florida


I took this during an investigation of the Saint Augustine Lighthouse in Florida in 2008.

Feel free to enhance, debunk, rip apart. I will not be offended. The only thing I'd l like to point out is that the misty shape is coming up from UNDER the floor. I don't think it could be a shoelace because it doesn't block the bars. Thoughts?



Senior Member

Paula, that's a great photo! I've seen other photos with that type of smoke-like apparitions (my son even took some), and I believe they are ghosts.

Ghost Hunters - TAPS Team investigated the St. Augustine Lighthouse twice that I know of. During their first investigation, they caught some ghosts on video, but I can't find it on Youtube. The second time they visited, here is a video of their findings.

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Yes, they went twice and found a lot of activity there. I've gone back twice since then and tried to recreate the photo in the same spot and couldn't. I tried to swing my camera strap and everything but could not replicate this. I will accept reasonable explanations, but I haven't found any!

I have EVP of a little girl and another of a woman in the lightkeeper's house next to the lighthouse. I'll have to dig them up.


Senior Member
It's a Ghost! :eek:

If you watch the findings that TAPS videotaped, you'll see the burst of light that appeared in a similar place as where you photographed. I think it might be the same apparition.


Senior Member
I'm not afraid of friendly ghosts. Er, notice I said 'friendly' ;). I've had several ghostly encounters myself, and I loved it! For my Birthday this year, my son bought me a K-2 Meter and a Laser light (it spreads out a pattern on the wall) for ghost hunting...just what I wanted! This fall when the weather cools down, we're going on some Ghost Tours. I can hardly wait!


Khaos, I agree. I always try to debunk my own photos. My only problem with lens flare is the fact that it is coming up from the bottom of the floor, UNLESS an insect flew up, but I did not have the camera in low light mode. It was a random shot with the flash.

Who knows. Did I manage to catch a ghost? *shrug*


Junior Member
It definitely is an interesting picture. I guess from my standpoint I can neither confirm nor deny because I wasn't there, and I'm not a ghost photographer expert, lol.
I wish I could share with you some pictures I took several years ago on Halloween (They were taken long ago from a "friend" who never gave them back). I went to an abandoned warehouse for a metal concert with some local bands playing. I took several pictures, some very shocking of full-bodied entities. Many of these entities were truly shocking because you could see the detail of faces. I have one of a girl with my friend Alex, and above their heads is this skeletal/devilish thing with wings that were tattered and torn. His head was arched sideways. Another was suppose to be of a few other friends, but all you could see was this apparition of a woman holding a baby, looking in fear at another male apparition who looked like he was drinking. The detail of the pictures are unreal and I hate that I do not have them anymore. Another was of a man with long sharp/razored teeth with a strange joker smile...and there were always a million orbs near the drummers of all the bands, no matter who was playing. Many people had "accidents" that night. There hair was pulled, they were tripped when nothing was there, and at one point, someone was "pushed" down the stairs of the warehouse. Creepy.


New Member
I lived in Daytona and have been to the lighthouse many times. The basement is the most haunted, I have been jumped on and smothered by a spirit. Three times, three separate times. Many other times I just caught many orbs.
Have you gone to the Pensacola, Fl lighthouse? That seems like its full of spirits.
