I Am An Expert On John Titor. Feel Free To Engage Me In Conversation


Junior Member
If John could not get back to his original time line how was he supposed to get a computer and bring it back to a time line he could not return to?
The lines are infinitely many, so there are many, many lines which are near identical to his original line any of which he could return to. Those lines might have tiny differences of no consequence to the returning Titor.


I am afraid that I do not see how one could ever return to one's original timeline after leaving it (if leaving it is indeed possible.) I shall try to illustrate what I mean.


The time traveler lives along timeline A (black line).

At point X, the time traveler goes back in time to point -X (via upper red line).

At the moment of transfer, timeline A branches off into timeline B (upper gray line) and timeline C (green line). The B timeline is that state of the universe which continues to exist after the departure of the traveler. (It may or may not be the same as timeline A.) The traveler, at point -X, will now move along the C timeline.

At point Y, the traveler goes forward in time to point +Y (via lower red line).

At the moment of transfer, timeline C branches off into timeline D (blue line) and timeline E (lower gray line). The E timeline is the state of the universe which continues to exist after the departure of the traveler. (It may or may not be the same as timeline C.) The traveler, at point +Y, then moves along the D timeline.

Red lines do not indicate timelines, but rather the instantaneous transfers of the traveler from one point to another.

I apologize both for the crudeness of the illustration and my lack of knowledge concerning these things, but it seems to me that if the act of time travel in itself changes the timeline, then our traveler can never return to his origin point.
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Senior Member
But then is there any evidence to actually know this or is it just repeating what 'some person' came up with at an earlier point?


But then is there any evidence to actually know this or is it just repeating what 'some person' came up with at an earlier point?
No. There is no evidence (that I know of) for either a timeline other that the one we are presently living in or for a practical method of time travel itself. I was just playing around with the concept.
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Senior Member
did anyone see that youtube video of someone admitting to creating the john titor hoax and the time machine was just a prop he put together .
This is strongly said intimated not to be correct. It's now come out that the Titor story was a patched together, practice in real time travel, but with fictional elements added so that people would always fall into the culpable denial zones. I feel that this said patched together demonstration, was made to warn the general public that would catch on, to prepare for rough times ahead. Those in secret government could do this no other way, except by a sacrosanct experiment. That's all the entire Ttior thing is.
So the test question for Titor's time machine might be, because the right answer is elusive, { Please tell us does the Modified GE time displacement unit that John Titor have a double overlapping singularity and if so how is this placed by the rotating Tippler cylinders? } The correct or acceptable answer could be. tuna fish, either plain or on bread and a man named Sandoval.
You see there's no right or wrong answer. Believing the Titor story at times can be similar to really getting psyched up about Muzac played in an elevator. Possably peaches is also a very good answer.


This is strongly said intimated not to be correct. It's now come out that the Titor story was a patched together, practice in real time travel, but with fictional elements added so that people would always fall into the culpable denial zones. I feel that this said patched together demonstration, was made to warn the general public that would catch on, to prepare for rough times ahead. Those in secret government could do this no other way, except by a sacrosanct experiment. That's all the entire Ttior thing is.
So the test question for Titor's time machine might be, because the right answer is elusive, { Please tell us does the Modified GE time displacement unit that John Titor have a double overlapping singularity and if so how is this placed by the rotating Tippler cylinders? } The correct or acceptable answer could be. tuna fish, either plain or on bread and a man named Sandoval.
You see there's no right or wrong answer. Believing the Titor story at times can be similar to really getting psyched up about Muzac played in an elevator. Possably peaches is also a very good answer.

One of the Haber's sent Razimus an e-mail and admitted to it being hoax, but stance has been why? Why such an elaborate hoax? To hopefully sell a book? To send a message to someone?


Senior Member
One of the Haber's sent Razimus an e-mail and admitted to it being hoax, but stance has been why? Why such an elaborate hoax? To hopefully sell a book? To send a message to someone?
Aaah' I'm sorry to beg to differ, I mean you can even viciously flamingo dance at me, with insults if you want. But know for sure that the Titor Chronicles are a mixture of creative writing and actual time travel. I found this and figured as much. This fabricated with the probable help of the military, had to do with a warning about these times. How did Nostradamus predicted for year 2020?, In 2020 there will be a plague. That's probably covid 19. Second prediction, civil unrest. This was probably the national protest and rioting. Lastly, he predicted an alien invasion. What I'm thinking here, is new siding on the grays that are already in residence here. Like putting a scary cape and mask on Auntie Jane.

On the alien invasion, the Pleiadeans kind of intimated about this with the Grays supposedly showing up with the Pleiadean at the Billy Meier farmstead. Light years by Gary Kinder says this.


Senior Member
A little help here, cos this really isn't time travel discussion. The past character DV was real. He existed thousands of years ago, was of royal lineage, but for sure I don't know where he was raised. What your trying to do is to put a current day spin on this and it just isn't that way. He would say, get more people that are common every day folks into space. Do this now, see if you can train them without picking people that only you want out there and don't rig the game.

That's exactly what he'd tell you and I would not deviate one iota from what he would tell you. Second on DV, he did know gangs, induvial criminals and all kinds of shifty people. I'd be aware of that fact and DON'T try to play him as a card through his reincarnate. He may even carry curses still and is extremely dangerous to mess with. Others, not your grow at home aliens sorts, still know he's here. Just treat him right and use some common sense.

2.On Obama, this was a card that had to be played due to the fact that he is in a way a reincarnate of Egypt's king Akhenaten. This like DV is part of a royal flush hand of cards, regardless of how you look at him. I don't know if he is at all the cause of the rioting? It may be that associative communities in reference to race rioting was just a disturbed community to begin with?

3.On Lincoln. Do not know if the private appearance of him as a spirit of an active president was a real spirit or radionics or not. Seemed real enough to me.

These three cards, only temporarily got this society out of trouble. But what the deal is here, is a two year student should be able to apply for a job position on a space colony and then be trained to work there without getting a memory erasing pill and all that jazz. You're not getting this if you want to modulate this too. .Just do it without question and get more people out there. Very strongly suggest this.

On hogging AI so you both control the power and money associated with AI in machines. Let me inform you all, that you don't have AI. You don't even know what it is. On EM now being said to place AI into his Dojo large super computer, I don't even know what that will do. Regardless of how good a programmer one becomes and or how adept they may be at understanding AI, totally dedicated AI in a machine that large may become uncontrolled, because AI in most machines become its own entity after while.

On Titor, yeah for a little bit. it worked. A lot of people got the heads up. But do realize and in no way am I kidding deviate from what DV would have suggested. If you, or the collective behind these shenanigans fail to get the message, you'll suffer horribly for it. Remember, you bought this up, I didn't...Oh time travel discussion, blah blah blah.


Aaah' I'm sorry to beg to differ, I mean you can even viciously flamingo dance at me, with insults if you want.

I don't know you. I don't plan to insult you for having an opinion.

But know for sure that the Titor Chronicles are a mixture of creative writing and actual time travel.

Re-read my post. I mentioned the possibility of the posts being a message to someone. I am only speculating and giving many different scenarios. One scenario is that none of it is real. There are an endless amount of scenarios someone can come up with for conversation.
Let's think of one: Maybe Habers were held at gun point by an alien who demanded that they make the posts so that their leader in the future can get valuable information. I don't know. There really is nothing to be offended about. We are all speculating and taking in evidence.
