Is it possible to build John Titor's time machine?


Active Member
If you understand the Physics of John's machine you could possibly make a rudimentary version of it using today's technology.

is titor still alive ?

Thats debateable. Supposedly his younger self is still alive but whether Titor is alive here or his own Timeline is a completely different question.


Senior Member
are there any schematics that show how to build it?
This unit may have been copied in another timeline and made for real. The parts are off the shelf except for the tippler cold conduction approximated Kerrs overlapping simulated black holes. Twin Kerrs, are collumnaited to appear, then spread a radius to an envelope sphere, from the two in unit tippler cylinders.*These must be calibrated in a lab, as the twin Kerrs will cut through anything. So a radio setting unit, so the Kerrs appear at just set points, and then are modulated, must be taken in account. This is a tricky procedure, as if your wrong or set it out of phase, this wave can cut a person in half.

Everything is given except a locality board, which quantumly senses space time and the directional flow of time, as this is presented against the bow shock of the twin Kerrs.What may have occurred in Florida years back when John Titor first appeared, is a confederate version of John and he was asking for a replacement board, as his unit had overloaded.

This was at Art Bell's old BBS, but the other copied version of Titor, knew a lot about space time, in order to ask for the right parts. He was told to go to Radio Shack, or another place that produced a similar version to the board that was burnt out. So this may have been a jump-phased quantum spatiality sensor, which kind of guided the time displacement unit, like an autopilot does on a big automated ship.*One or two small components may have been burnt out, from traveling through the proximity of a solar flare?

Once you're in this thing, that's it.You can't get out till you reach the destination that you've dialed in. So there is memory from a future computer in there and something similar to a motherboard. Also a program that is written as this type of machine would be impossible to steer, like one drives a car.

An HDR time travel device, you can use with a car, provided you have a Tesla coil, to super load your vehicle so the HDR and the Tesla works in concert.However the return phase become greatly augmented, so bio-location is a danger in using an HDR to jump inside of a car.You can also be reproduced by the timeline, as the timeline may sense you either to be in trouble, or an irregularity, so barrow another can for another timeline to replace you.

The time displacement unit that Titor used was made in a lab, to be calibrated, but offered no to very little radiation all source protection, during a time travel jump.This is why the second version of Titor was reported to be suffering from radiation age related poisoning.

Marlin Pohlman

New Member
It was actually patented quite a while back but I believe the patent has now expired. Pohlman(sp?) Patented it and you can find it by searching that online.
Actually, the patent was never granted to me the patent examiner asserted that the singularities were unobtainable and therefore the patent office refuses to grant patents when components specifically critical components cannot be obtained on the open market or any market that they know of


Senior Member
Actually, the patent was never granted to me the patent examiner asserted that the singularities were unobtainable and therefore the patent office refuses to grant patents when components specifically critical components cannot be obtained on the open market or any market that they know of
On a certain native reservation there were sections of Earth that were removed from the ground weighing over several hundred pounds and deposited cookie cutter style some distance away, without any heavy equipment tracks giving evidence that a scoop bucket was employed. Washington State

These sections were taken out of the Earth as if by cookie cutter. Reported and shown on the news some years back.

In the early writings about John Titor and his Corvette, it was said that it would also take a small quality of dirt within the event horizon when vehicle jumped from place to place.
On a certain native reservation there were sections of Earth that were removed from the ground weighing over several hundred pounds and deposited cookie cutter style some distance away, without any heavy equipment tracks giving evidence that a scoop bucket was employed. Washington State

These sections were taken out of the Earth as if by cookie cutter. Reported and shown on the news some years back.

In the early writings about John Titor and his Corvette, it was said that it would also take a small quality of dirt within the event horizon when vehicle jumped from place to place.

Titor was a fraud and a con man like all other physicists the man was just looking for money and clout.

Marlin Pohlman

New Member
Prior to filing I paid a PhD and two grad students to separately check the math. It is solid as far as “theory” however engineering practice is another matter. My actual hope of real time travel is focused on the work of Salvatore Cezar Pais and how it interacts with higher dimensions in the Randall–Sundrum model. Aquiring a bound singularity is harder than holding a 6.2-kilogram plutonium demon core. Using the Pais approach ideas like those proposed by Otis T. Carr look almost practical
