Kay Titor 177 Tempus Edax Rerum


Temporal Engineer
what are you doing on this site einstein? you reject a hellva lot of info from credible scientists. Tom Bearden, Nikolai Kozyrev, Tesla himself, Ormus material scientists etc.

You're quite blind it's too bad cuz ya got some results, now ya need to find what's already been done similiar to your results to get the whole picture. Instead you wall yourself off thinking everything is uncredible. It's kinda nuts. Thought your results would open your mind..did the exact opposite. Guess you're the type that will have to wait for disclosure.

Hey if you don't want to build technology, sell it or the elements they produce for profit it's up to you man.

I really don't know why you don't like collaborating with others than just on your own tech. It's weird and frankly antisocial. It's why I stopped talking to ya. Collaboration goes both ways.

I'm here frankly because of my interest in building a time machine. And believe it or not you and I are like minded individuals. Obviously we don't agree on a lot of things. But I do keep an open mind. And I am not afraid to change my mind. Although I do tend to use my BS filter a lot. But then I've seen weird phenomena which could be considered BS by others. So don't get so frustrated. I would love to change my stance on Titor. But no one has ever come up with any credible facts to prove anything he said about his time machine.
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Active Member
gonna take ya 10-20 years to deprogram, after that you'll have quick wild success. That's the main difficulty in this research. Not the actual tech which is simple and has been made fully public but rather the mindset ya gotta invent it from scratch. It's already been done repeatedly.

That's what happened to me.

Remember if time travel is a natural phenomena it should be everywhere as a force of nature. That's exactly what you find. More than one person has discovered it and built things. Until you come to that conclusion you'll flounder.

Don't need to discover anything, only pay attention to what's already done. As you have said about your own technology, people ignore it.


Active Member
The big mistake people make is not separating the inventor from the invention. They focus upon the individual for credibility rather than the revealed tech. That's why skeptics never know anything.

Joyce K

New Member

Could not agree MORE, and this is exactly what I said to someone here but they don't like the truth cuz u know the truth is always ugly. They want to believe what they want to believe otherwise they won't be getting their daily dose of attention that they crave so much.


Active Member
I do have to share this because I know they will see it but considering the letters I feel kind of sad about one thing.
I had no idea there was more than one person I was talking to. The only hint of that was when John told me he had lost all of my previous emails and wanted me to send them to him again. Which I unfortunately did not for some reason and he didn't ask again. So as I was developing this close online relationship with him he was not with me because he only had half of the knowledge of what we shared with each other. Also this B52 stuff was not apart of MY knowledge which means I also missed conversations with him. It kind of explains why I felt so close to him when I first met him and didn't know why. But I am wondering what I also missed. He should have told me so I would have known more what to say and stuff I would have been more prepared to share with him the other emails. Which is even more confusing because wouldn't they have been on the computer when he arrived?
But then that explains the many email addresses he had.
God...that means one of him didn't even know me when I wrote to him. Or knew a different me with different conversations.
Wait..I can't get my mind around it.
Why didn't he tell me?? If this is all true it's kind of sad because each time I have future conversation with one I have no idea what they know or feel about me ..yet they have some kind of memory of me. They may not feel as close to me as I felt to them.
Wow....talk about a mind blow.
This is something that is so weird to comprehend John. But I do wish you would have told me back then. I could have made it so much easier to communicate with you.
I have to tell you though I have no memory of you telling me about the B52s. However...the only thing I can think of is the dream I told one of you I had about time traveling with a guy in 1998...before I met you. Other than that I have no idea how that came up on conversation.
This is why you needed to come meet with me so we could talk privately. You have half the story I have half the story and I dont know about you but I wish I had the whole story. Unfortunately it seems to even now be hard to communicate back and forth and honestly there is only so much I can put out there in the public you know.
You need to come visit me someday when you feel it is safe. I'd really like to talk to you face to face. Just once is all I ask...when you feel safe. Please.

That's really fascinating, it's also what happens when I talk to Steven Gibbs on the phone. He won't remember details of our previous conversations cuz it's a whole new parallel Gibbs I'm talking to. I never talk to the same one twice. Some are nicer than others, etc. The one I talk to has left our dimension and another one took his place. Great verification someone is experiencing the same thing.


Remember if time travel is a natural phenomena it should be everywhere as a force of nature. That's exactly what you find. More than one person has discovered it and built things. Until you come to that conclusion you'll flounder.

Don't need to discover anything, only pay attention to what's already done. As you have said about your own technology, people ignore it.

Einstein has been doing real experiments. I think we have photos somewhere here and/or videos. Because he is experimenting, he is experiencing strange phenomena. He is also a skeptical believer like me. He believes in a lot of the unknown, but doesn't blindly believe everything he sees without strong evidence. He is actually a very calm, level headed, and smart member. Once you get to know him, you won't see him as a threat. Just ask him questions. He'll be happy to answer. Right @Einstein ?


Temporal Engineer
gonna take ya 10-20 years to deprogram, after that you'll have quick wild success. That's the main difficulty in this research. Not the actual tech which is simple and has been made fully public but rather the mindset ya gotta invent it from scratch. It's already been done repeatedly.

That's what happened to me.

Remember if time travel is a natural phenomena it should be everywhere as a force of nature. That's exactly what you find. More than one person has discovered it and built things. Until you come to that conclusion you'll flounder.

Don't need to discover anything, only pay attention to what's already done. As you have said about your own technology, people ignore it.

It takes a lot longer than 10 to 20 years to deprogram. One first has to realize that the basis for what is believed is flawed. Newton's laws of motion are in question. Mythbusters demonstrated that a sailboat does move if a fan on the boat blows into the sail. Then there is Einstein's idea of spacetime. The belief that time and space are melded together. Where is the proof? It is becoming obvious that the educational community is not educating us with facts. Once you overcome that hurdle, then the path to understanding becomes much easier. Reality is not constructed with beliefs.


Active Member
Paula I talked to Einstein in private conversations for a year everyday.

My advice to all of ya is to believe everything you read but only act on very little. Only reason why is people cannot retain a balanced perspective one way or another. Skeptics always become imbalanced skeptics but pretend not to be. It's a safe position socially to be a skeptic. Not a safe position socially to believe everything.

People cannot remain balanced, so why not try the opposite and believe everything without proof. When ya believe everything ya take it serious enough to study which takes years. Then ya really find working stuff that has enough info to replicate it.

People dismiss really elaborate and thorough technical information cuz it doesn't have photos or a video....it's ridiculous. The VRIL compendium is a whole encyclopedia of experiments and results. Thousands of pages and that's less than 1% of the technical info out there.

Almost like this field requires suspension of all judgement for 20yrs...no human can do that so why not just believe it? Later with enough work ya get the proof. Seems to be the key to success.

It's almost like it's designed this way as some sort of spiritual initiation. The grand temptation seems to be that of falling to irrational skepticism. It's a highly comfortable position.

Four mistakes fake 'skeptics' make:
1)they don't listen to all sources of info for emotional reasons that they possibly might being scammed.

2) they don't make the proper judgement of 'inconclusive' due to a lack of proof for or against it. They always skew their conclusion towards being a scam due to lack of proof but not information that can lead to proof if they tried to replicate.

3)they don't try to falsify results they already get.

4)claim that statistical proof is the same as hard proof, it's not.

This is why most people never really learn actual results..if they do it's either by random trial and error or if they meet an insider that shares proof. One example is ufo researchers, they have some proof but nothing spectacular. None of them try to replicate building a ufo. They're always with their hand out to the gov 'please pweeze, give us proof dear gov'..etc.

You're either a no-knownothing irrational skeptic or a 'mother may I' type begging the gov or other inventors. This is why most people are outsiders.

Once ya start believing everything, you find all the proof staring ya in the face. Steven Greer is correct, we've already had full ufo tech disclosure.
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Active Member
Here's something you can do. Study alternative science information heavily. Then contact inventors and authors, impress them with your knowledgable questions and they will share insider information with ya in the form of experiments and other stuff.

Then proof is easy to obtain. These guys DON'T want to talk to laymen who haven't studied. End of story.

Laymen are always irrational skeptics that conclude everything they tell them is bullshit. Laymen don't do experiments, don't pay for equipment to do so, nothing. They will NOT talk to you unless you do the pre-requisite work.

Laymen will then go on a crusade to 'discredit' the inventor or author. They usually succeed in isolating that scientist from others. This is why most people with actual proof keep their mouth shut and only share with others in the know. If you don't know already with the terabytes of proof already on the net then you SHOULDN'T know.

Study of science is difficult and isn't for everyone so I understand people don't share the same interest. On the flip side if you are serious about results this works.

I'm not trying to be rude. This was my path.

This is what bothers me about ya Einstein, ya got tunnel vision. I suggested ya read the research of David Lowrance and the inventor of the Moe-Joe cell who both got anomalous results with Bismuth like you got. You haven't and won't.
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Active Member
Has any one heard from RHYS lately?
I'm worried about him. If someone can just tell me if he is ok and they have heard from him in the last 30 days I will feel better.
