Debate Law of time


Active Member
I talk to someone to all of you a guy name is wizard but don't know him well time travel is done by astral projection and that you can change history only on your own timeline which I mean yourself affect only you do there you have it I also think this guy said that he able to fight against bad etc or stop the nuclear go off only in astral plane I don't know if he is telling the truth here it just that I am learning about it
Well he isn't lying about it being one of the ways to time travel, it's also one of the key methods to walking through walls and normal teleportation and it's one of the ways to change the past but it's usually more in unseen ways. But it depends what your skill level is. Theres a race here responsible for the interactions of realities, some people call them watchers but not like the watchers on sci fi, they are more like guardians of truth. When you're in a room with ten people with drastically different realities they alter things so that there is less dissonance between them which does effect more than one being.
And there are humans that do similar work in the astrals all the time, they use time travel as one of their weapons especially in rescue missions. But i've never heard of stopping nukes, it's usually the normal et's that do that. But I suppose anything is possible.


Active Member
Well he isn't lying about it being one of the ways to time travel, it's also one of the key methods to walking through walls and normal teleportation and it's one of the ways to change the past but it's usually more in unseen ways. But it depends what your skill level is. Theres a race here responsible for the interactions of realities, some people call them watchers but not like the watchers on sci fi, they are more like guardians of truth. When you're in a room with ten people with drastically different realities they alter things so that there is less dissonance between them which does effect more than one being.
And there are humans that do similar work in the astrals all the time, they use time travel as one of their weapons especially in rescue missions. But i've never heard of stopping nukes, it's usually the normal et's that do that. But I suppose anything is possible.
And guess what you can save someone life in astral realm here my question if someone sold there soul to the devil can that person be free from hell realm?
I believe in second chance


Active Member
And guess what you can save someone life in astral realm here my question if someone sold there soul to the devil can that person be free from hell realm?
I believe in second chance
You can't sell your soul. But those who decide to go to hell, that is their choice, until they change their mind and leave.
There is more than one hell dimensional pocket, but at least one of them has a bunch of monks in the astrals in rotation waiting outside to help those that do leave, and as far as I am aware they haven't seen a single person leave in three generations.


Senior Member
Ok I am the law here lamdo268 the movie call the judge lol just kidding
Secretman, I think they fore-planned affair as a distraction, but REAL unplanned characters probably from another dimension slipped in there & ruined everything. This is what I'm getting from conversations with Pamela.

I feel they disposed or just got rid of Art Bell as it was an easy thing to do covering this whole mess up.

Before John Titor was the Montauk Experiment. What's not realized is they were unknowingly broadcasting everything that went on at Campe Hero to the public mind. They goofed on that too as way too many people knew about the goings on at Montauk.

This is why they had the gaul to use the converted to human frequency thought changed radar dish at the radar picket base to assemble the animal parade on the streets of Montauk. They were labeling this top secret when all the time they were broadcasting their goings on to the local people.

I don't know if the doings at Montauk AFB, were a precursor to the WTC trade buildings act of terror demolitions, as they in part might have been built on Nazi money. It's hard to tell.
