Schematic Modified Versions of The Flux Capacitor


Time Enforcement Commission
Here are 3 different versions of the Flux Capacitor. The reason for doing this is to show people, that there is more than one way to build a time machine.

The device shown in figure 1, was built by a close friend of mine, who claimed, that after activating the unit for the space of 35 to 40 minutes, people started to pop in and out of the room. In other words, they were transported physically, or at least it would seem, into the past or future of this earth. From what he told me, one woman who was transported through time, claimed that after she reappeared, all of her past problems had been resolved. Sounds like she had an encounter with the creator.

So basically, even for the beginner, these circuits should prove to be quite helpful. Remember! All the circuits which are given here, are pretty much based on the following equation:

(Thought x Tuning = Resonance)

On a more analytical level, this equation would look something like this:

(6 x 360 = 2160)

In the latter equation, the (6) value denotes the 6 etheric fields which surround the physical body. The no. (360) denotes the number of degrees in the circumference of a dial. And the (2160) value, when the zero is excluded, is the tone harmonic of the zero vector. Therefore the (216) value must always be present, before time travel can be achieved.

Time Travel Unit TFC-2

Time Travel Unit TFC-A3

Time Travel Unit TFC-AB4

Taken from the T.E.C. data files.
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Senior Member
To make any of these devices even cheaper, i would suggest doing this..:)
Dont rush out to purchase an expensive 9 volt battery, i live in the UK and can get 3 of them for £1...from our £1 shops..:eek:
Maybe the US still has the $1 shops from which you might also buy 3 for $1??? :)

If you already have a 9 volt PP3 battery connector, use this instead of the on off switch, and simply take it off when not using the device :)
You dont need anything except a piece of copper wire about 1 foot long for connecting up the components, cut at the relevant places:cool:

Here endeth TimeFippers, science on the cheap :D


King Ivan
An article taken from the T.E.C. data files. That's a pretty interesting one containing 3 schematics for the FluxCap, as well as a testimonial from a successful user.


Here are 3 different versions of the Flux Capacitor. The reason for doing this, is to show people, there is more than one way to build a time machine.

The device shown on figure 1, was built by a close friend of mine, who claimed, that after activating the unit for the space of 35 to 40 minutes, people started to pop in and out of the room. In other words, they were transported physically, or at least it would seem, into the past or future of this earth. From what he told me, one women who was transported through time, claimed that after she reappeared, that all of her past problems had been resolved. Sounds like she had an encounter with the creator.

So basically, even for the beginner, these circuits should prove to be quite helpful. Remember! All the circuits which are given here, are pretty much based on the following equation:

(Thought x Tuning = Resonance)

On a more analytical level, this equation would look something like this:

(6 x 360 = 2160)

In the latter equation, the (6) value denotes the 6 etheric fields which surrounds the physical body. The no. (360) denotes the number of degrees in the circumference of a dial. And the (2160) value, when the zero is excluded, is the tone harmonic of the zero vector. Therefore the (216) value must always be present, before time travel can be achieved.

Time Travel Unit TFC-2
View attachment 2190

Time Travel Unit TFC-A3
View attachment 2189

Time Travel Unit TFC-AB4
View attachment 2188

Taken from the T.E.C. data files.
Is there any big difference between the 3 versions ?

steven chiverton

Senior Member
the piezo buzzer hard to get I found one on e bay but in the usa its expensive and the postage just as dear and no mention if it has a built in driver so I did some digging and there was mention you can purchase the driver separate but I've never been able to find that either the bajak capacitor not enough information on the buzzer but its a 15khz one I think details for the one in the schematic I've made several but only tested 2 one gave a bizarre result, I used various buzzers and drivers to

steven chiverton

Senior Member
1215.9uf was the second value said to be used for the bajak capacitor to, I've built a number of them and all 1200 but when I used a some capacitors in parallel I got exactly 1215.9uf that may of been the one out of 2 out off all of them so far that gave a bizarre result. and is wasn't right away it was after some time and at night I went outside and felt the reality was different it was strange


King Ivan
For this experiment, and other ones that include quartz crystals, do they have to be double terminated ? And can I just grow my own ?


Temporal Engineer
Does the piezo transducer have to be 273-073? Besides, what does it even mean?

If you use that piezo transducer, all you will hear is a click or popping sound. Most everyone builds the flux capacitor with a piezo buzzer instead.
