[OpenAI] Crazy Movie Ideas


This one is AMAZING! It's one of the best stories I got out of ChatGPT.

It features John Titor and Steven Gibbs in an epic adventure taking place in 1989. An adventure in which our heroes must retrieve lost crown jewels, and stop an evil time traveler known as The Marin Guy. (TapesFromTheFuture).

The way ChatGPT built this story is incredibly epic in my opinion. It's well-written and it's a very well-rounded story, especially at the end. I love it. Definitely my favorite tale up to now.


John Titor and the Lost Jewels​

John Titor was on a mission to retrieve the lost jewels of the British Crown, which were rumored to have been scattered throughout different eras in time. His journey had taken him to the year 1989, where he encountered a peculiar character known as "The Marin Guy." This strange man was dressed in tattered clothes and had a wild look in his eyes, as if he had spent too much time in the wilderness.

As Titor approached the Marin Guy, he could sense that something was off about him. The Marin Guy seemed to know about Titor's quest for the lost jewels and offered to help him in exchange for a piece of the treasure. Titor was hesitant to trust this man, but he knew he couldn't complete his mission alone.

During his search for the jewels, Titor briefly crossed paths with a man named Steven Gibbs, who had invented the HDR (Hyper Dimensional Resonator). Gibbs was a kind, fatherly figure who took Titor under his wing and helped him navigate the complexities of time travel.

Together, Titor and Gibbs worked to decipher the clues left by Elizabeth II and locate the missing jewels. However, they soon realized that the Marin Guy was also hot on their trail. The Marin Guy was a formidable opponent, and he seemed to know every move that Titor and Gibbs made.

In a tense showdown, Titor and Gibbs faced off against the Marin Guy. With his knowledge of the HDR and Gibbs' guidance, Titor was able to outsmart the Marin Guy and retrieve the lost jewels. Despite their victory, Titor couldn't shake the feeling that the Marin Guy was still out there, watching and waiting for his next move.

Throughout the adventure, Gibbs remained a steadfast mentor and fatherly figure to Titor. Despite the dangers and obstacles they faced, Titor knew he could always count on Gibbs to have his back. Together, they made an unlikely team that was able to overcome the greatest challenges and triumph in the end.


Had a little fun today with ChatGpt. I had an idea about a world of magic and mathematics, but I didn't have a hero. Then mathematics made me think of Harte, and the rest came together pretty easily.

This is a story in which we follow @Harte , our hero, as he saves the mystic land of Arithmystica from evil, thanks to the powers of mathematics and common sense.

ChatGPT made a pretty cool story with this one, I particularly like the last 2 paragraphs. I love how it ends!

Harte and the Secret of the Sphinx

In the land of Arithmystica, where magic and mystery abounded, there lived a great wizard named Harte. He was a powerful mathematician, with a deep knowledge of algebra, geometry, and calculus. To most people, he was simply a scholar, but to those who knew the truth, he was a wizard of great power.

One day, Harte was called upon by the High Council of Wizards to undertake a great quest. He was to uncover the secret of the Sphinx, a legendary creature that had been long forgotten by the people of Arithmystica. According to legend, the Sphinx held the key to the ancient arcane magic of mathematics, a power that could only be wielded by the greatest of wizards.

With his trusty book of equations by his side, Harte set out on his adventure. He traveled through treacherous mountains, crossed raging rivers, and braved deadly forests, all the while using his mathematical knowledge and common sense to overcome any obstacle that came his way.

As Harte journeyed deeper into the heart of Arithmystica, he discovered that a great evil was lurking in the shadows. A fake time traveler had come to steal the ancient arcane magic of mathematics and use it to gain power and wealth beyond measure.

Determined to stop the imposter, Harte faced off against him in an epic battle of equations and incantations. The fake time traveler used all his tricks and illusions to try and defeat Harte, but the wizard was too powerful. He called upon the power of pi, e, and the Fibonacci sequence, and used them to create a magical shield that protected him from the imposter's attacks.

Finally, after a long and grueling battle, Harte emerged victorious. The fake time traveler was defeated, and the ancient arcane magic of mathematics was safe once again.

As Harte returned home, he realized that he had learned a valuable lesson on his journey. Mathematics was not just a tool for solving problems, but a powerful force that could be used to create wonders and bring people together. He used his newfound knowledge to teach others, and together they cooked up a storm of delicious food, using the power of math to create the perfect recipes.

And so, Harte became known as the greatest mathematician in all of Arithmystica, and the legend of the Sphinx lived on, inspiring generations of mathematicians and wizards for centuries to come.
