Ouija Boards in Toys Stores


As I was looking at board games with my GF the other day, I stumbled upon a Ouija Board. It was meant to happen, right? ;)

Can't believe they're still selling those in toy stores.

Age 8 + Are you kidding? Would you buy that thing to your kids? I wouldn't, that's for sure.


Ouija Boards are often seen as a simple game, yet a lot of folks consider them extremely dangerous. Who to believe? Is it worth the risk to just buy it to your kids without even knowing it's dangerous?

I'm still not sure myself I wanna try it out again...

Don't worry, I didn't buy it! ;)


Active Member
I'm also kinda dumb-founded that book stores sell tarot cards. I think it's weird.

Was your last use of an ouja board got you a good or bad experience @Num7 ?

When I first heard of an ouja board (living in a different country and all), I was like, "What the heck is that?" then I searched it up via google and I thought it looked similar to a "spirit of the glass/coin" or what we call it in my country.


Active Member
My dad was born in 1919. (I'm 32, he would have been 96...I was adopted by him when I was a baby & he was in his 60's) I remember him telling me he once played with a ouija board when he was a kid, with a group of friends. They sat in his kitchen table one night and began. Now...my dad was one of the gentleman from the special generation that didn't run their mouth about everything. Some things were secret or sacred. Like when veterans don't tell you everything they saw during WW2. All he told me was I shouldn't play it. That one night made him a believer in the paranormal. That during their session, they contacted "something" and it made stuff move around violently in his mama's kitchen and scared the hell out of all of them.

I've never touched one or seen one in person. I don't need to though. Sometimes just going to a place where there is activity can mean I'll be having a spirit follow me home. It's the same for my kids too so hopefully they will never feel the need to play with a ouija board. I know alot of kids do it as harmless fun though. There were plenty of slumber parties where we would lock ourselves in a bathroom and do "Candy Man" or "Bloody Mary". I personally HATED doing these things as I felt more to it than just silly spook games. So while all my girlfriends slept, I would be wide eyed awake and scared. As I got older, a trip to New Orleans and a haunted tour left me with an unwanted visitor, and us highschoolers, brave & stupid would visit abandoned, spooky, decrepit places. Included was a place called "Wolf Man's Cabin". Not to be thought of as a werewolf at all. But an old legend of a man back in the early 1800's that had his wolf dogs tied up and during a harsh winter, with no food, they escaped the pole they were tied to and ate their owner. The place was a few old buildings that supposedly "devil worshipping " was going on, in the middle of nowhere. Let's just say, a few nights of riding out to this place left many of us shaken with fear. A trip during the day time, and seeing the dead animals strung up and creepy graffiti all over the old walls left me with sleepless night. I knew there was more there...even if we couldn't see it.

So my point is, I guess I never felt I had to play with the ouija board, when I was younger. I sought out the scary, in different and just as dumb ways.

Here's my only curiosity....I want to know if it really works and to know that for myself means I'd have to play it myself. I've heard plenty of stories, but I'd feel for a better understanding of it, I'd need to physically see it in action. And...I'm too scared too now days with little kids to take care of, so it's not going to happen!! I'll just delight in the stories of others that have used it.


Active Member
bluejay_1919 said:
, post: 130006, membersuperstitiousad was born in 1919. (I'm 32, he would have been 96...I was adopted by him when I was a baby & he was in his 60's) I remember him telling me he once played with a ouija board when he was a kid, with a group of friends. They sat in his kitchen table one night and began. Now...my dad was one of the gentleman from the special generation that didn't run their mouth about everything. Some things were secret or sacred. Like when veterans don't tell you everything they saw during WW2. All he told me was I shouldn't play it. That one night made him a believer in the paranormal. That during their session, they contacted "something" and it made stuff move around violently in his mama's kitchen and scared the hell out of all of them.

I've never touched one or seen one in person. I don't need to though. Sometimes just going to a place where there is activity can mean I'll be having a spirit follow me home. It's the same for my kids too so hopefully they will never feel the need to play with a ouija board. I know alot of kids do it as harmless fun though. There were plenty of slumber parties where we would lock ourselves in a bathroom and do "Candy Man" or "Bloody Mary". I personally HATED doing these things as I felt more to it than just silly spook games. So while all my girlfriends slept, I would be wide eyed awake and scared. As I got older, a trip to New Orleans and a haunted tour left me with an unwanted visitor, and us highschoolers, brave & stupid would visit abandoned, spooky, decrepit places. Included was a place called "Wolf Man's Cabin". Not to be thought of as a werewolf at all. But an old legend of a man back in the early 1800's that had his wolf dogs tied up and during a harsh winter, with no food, they escaped the pole they were tied to and ate their owner. The place was a few old buildings that supposedly "devil worshipping " was going on, in the middle of nowhere. Let's just say, a few nights of riding out to this place left many of us shaken with fear. A trip during the day time, and seeing the dead animals strung up and creepy graffiti all over the old walls left me with sleepless night. I knew there was more there...even if we couldn't see it.

So my point is, I guess I never felt I had to play with the ouija board, when I was younger. I sought out the scary, in different and just as dumb ways.

Here's my only curiosity....I want to know if it really works and to know that for myself means I'd have to play it myself. I've heard plenty of stories, but I'd feel for a better understanding of it, I'd need to physically see it in action. And...I'm too scared too now days with little kids to take care of, so it's not going to happen!! I'll just delight in the stories of others that have used it.
Interesting story! I've never an ouja board before because it does not exist where I'm from. Instead, there is some similar to it. It's pretty easy and you can make some yourself (don't do it tho). You get a piece of paper and write all the alphabets and numbers (it doesn't really matter how you'll write it down). The pointer would either be a glass (which is then called a 'Spirit of the glass') or a coin ('Spirit of the coin'). I dunno how you start that game to make some ghost communicate to you. There was this one time in school (were classes hasn't started yet) were a group of girls were doing a spirit of the coin (like literally in the classroom and everyone who knew was told not to tell the teacher). When I found out about it (I was young then) I literally wanted to go outside the classroom because I heard bad things about using those. The doors were locked by some of my classmates and I kept telling them to open it. I looked so panicked like my life depended on it (they were doing it already) that when I finally went outside, I ran away from my class. After a while, a person who was involved came near me with her arms spread towards me saying, "I feel so dizzy!" and I tried avoiding her like the plague or at least kept my distance from her. I asked her what it felt like or how'd it go. She said, "Our hands were drawn to the coin like it was a magnet. I was so scared when it began to spell my name!"

Afterwards, I entered the classroom and looked around as if I was inspecting it. After a while, I went out again because I felt slightly dizzy and I didn't know why. So yeah, there you have it. That was a really really long time ago for me. Like when I was still at preschool.


I'm also kinda dumb-founded that book stores sell tarot cards. I think it's weird.

Was your last use of an ouja board got you a good or bad experience @Num7 ?

When I first heard of an ouja board (living in a different country and all), I was like, "What the heck is that?" then I searched it up via google and I thought it looked similar to a "spirit of the glass/coin" or what we call it in my country.
I played once in 2008 IIRC. I talked about it a few times on here but can't find the posts.

I played with 3 people I trust, and it worked. I didn't expect it, but it did work pretty good. All the questions that could be answered by numbers were properly answered. We asked a few questions that required an answer made of letters, those didn't work.

At some point, we decided to close our eyes when the pointer was moving, and we rotated the board randomly. The pointer was still pointing the right stuff. Weird. Like I said, I was playing with 2 close friends I trust, we agreed not to fool around.

I don't remember any of the answers we got though...


Senior Member
bluejay_1919 said:
, post: 130006, membersuperstitiousad was born in 1919. (I'm 32, he would have been 96...I was adopted by him when I was a baby & he was in his 60's) I remember him telling me he once played with a ouija board when he was a kid, with a group of friends. They sat in his kitchen table one night and began. Now...my dad was one of the gentleman from the special generation that didn't run their mouth about everything. Some things were secret or sacred. Like when veterans don't tell you everything they saw during WW2. All he told me was I shouldn't play it. That one night made him a believer in the paranormal. That during their session, they contacted "something" and it made stuff move around violently in his mama's kitchen and scared the hell out of all of them.

I've never touched one or seen one in person. I don't need to though. Sometimes just going to a place where there is activity can mean I'll be having a spirit follow me home. It's the same for my kids too so hopefully they will never feel the need to play with a ouija board. I know alot of kids do it as harmless fun though. There were plenty of slumber parties where we would lock ourselves in a bathroom and do "Candy Man" or "Bloody Mary". I personally HATED doing these things as I felt more to it than just silly spook games. So while all my girlfriends slept, I would be wide eyed awake and scared. As I got older, a trip to New Orleans and a haunted tour left me with an unwanted visitor, and us highschoolers, brave & stupid would visit abandoned, spooky, decrepit places. Included was a place called "Wolf Man's Cabin". Not to be thought of as a werewolf at all. But an old legend of a man back in the early 1800's that had his wolf dogs tied up and during a harsh winter, with no food, they escaped the pole they were tied to and ate their owner. The place was a few old buildings that supposedly "devil worshipping " was going on, in the middle of nowhere. Let's just say, a few nights of riding out to this place left many of us shaken with fear. A trip during the day time, and seeing the dead animals strung up and creepy graffiti all over the old walls left me with sleepless night. I knew there was more there...even if we couldn't see it.

So my point is, I guess I never felt I had to play with the ouija board, when I was younger. I sought out the scary, in different and just as dumb ways.

Here's my only curiosity....I want to know if it really works and to know that for myself means I'd have to play it myself. I've heard plenty of stories, but I'd feel for a better understanding of it, I'd need to physically see it in action. And...I'm too scared too now days with little kids to take care of, so it's not going to happen!! I'll just delight in the stories of others that have used it.
Interesting story! I've never an ouja board before because it does not exist where I'm from. Instead, there is some similar to it. It's pretty easy and you can make some yourself (don't do it tho). You get a piece of paper and write all the alphabets and numbers (it doesn't really matter how you'll write it down). The pointer would either be a glass (which is then called a 'Spirit of the glass') or a coin ('Spirit of the coin'). I dunno how you start that game to make some ghost communicate to you. There was this one time in school (were classes hasn't started yet) were a group of girls were doing a spirit of the coin (like literally in the classroom and everyone who knew was told not to tell the teacher). When I found out about it (I was young then) I literally wanted to go outside the classroom because I heard bad things about using those. The doors were locked by some of my classmates and I kept telling them to open it. I looked so panicked like my life depended on it (they were doing it already) that when I finally went outside, I ran away from my class. After a while, a person who was involved came near me with her arms spread towards me saying, "I feel so dizzy!" and I tried avoiding her like the plague or at least kept my distance from her. I asked her what it felt like or how'd it go. She said, "Our hands were drawn to the coin like it was a magnet. I was so scared when it began to spell my name!"

Afterwards, I entered the classroom and looked around as if I was inspecting it. After a while, I went out again because I felt slightly dizzy and I didn't know why. So yeah, there you have it. That was a really really long time ago for me. Like when I was still at preschool.
Good Girl :D
My first encounter with a Ouija board in 1966, was done in the same way as your school, but it was at a friends house, and i rationalised that one of my 3 friends was pushing the glass..
My second encounter was in 1971 when a friend brought into my work a proper Ouija board which freaked me out because it was only my hand on the planchette asking it questions and getting answers :eek:
Shotly after that in 1973 Ouija boards were banned from stores selling them by lots of pressure from religious groups..


Active Member
Good Girl :D
My first encounter with a Ouija board in 1966, was done in the same way as your school, but it was at a friends house, and i rationalised that one of my 3 friends was pushing the glass..
My second encounter was in 1971 when a friend brought into my work a proper Ouija board which freaked me out because it was only my hand on the planchette asking it questions and getting answers :eek:
Shotly after that in 1973 Ouija boards were banned from stores selling them by lots of pressure from religious groups..
Did you get a name with the activity you experienced?

I remember the town I grew up in, full of Mormons, had ouija boards removed from the stores too. Hahaha. Didn't stop us kids from looking for other ways to get spooked.


Senior Member
Good Girl :D
My first encounter with a Ouija board in 1966, was done in the same way as your school, but it was at a friends house, and i rationalised that one of my 3 friends was pushing the glass..
My second encounter was in 1971 when a friend brought into my work a proper Ouija board which freaked me out because it was only my hand on the planchette asking it questions and getting answers :eek:
Shotly after that in 1973 Ouija boards were banned from stores selling them by lots of pressure from religious groups..
Did you get a name with the activity you experienced?

I remember the town I grew up in, full of Mormons, had ouija boards removed from the stores too. Hahaha. Didn't stop us kids from looking for other ways to get spooked.
In 1971 one question i asked it was how old would i be when i die...The answer came back as 61 :eek:
I always had this thought of me dying then in the back of my mind, and one month after my 61st birthday i had a small stroke at work and i clearly recall something or someone stopping me going down the stairs from my office..I was the only person at work when that happened..
Fortunately iam 69 now and i dont have that niggling thought at the back of my mind anymore now lol :D

And you were a naughty girl looking for other ways to get "spooked" :eek::D


Active Member
In 1971 one question i asked it was how old would i be when i die...The answer came back as 61 :eek:
I always had this thought of me dying then in the back of my mind, and one month after my 61st birthday i had a small stroke at work and i clearly recall something or someone stopping me going down the stairs from my office..I was the only person at work when that happened..
Fortunately iam 69 now and i dont have that niggling thought at the back of my mind anymore now lol :D

And you were a naughty girl looking for other ways to get "spooked" :eek::D
Wow! That's crazy!! Hope your health is well now.


Active Member
In 1971 one question i asked it was how old would i be when i die...The answer came back as 61 :eek:
I always had this thought of me dying then in the back of my mind, and one month after my 61st birthday i had a small stroke at work and i clearly recall something or someone stopping me going down the stairs from my office..I was the only person at work when that happened..
Fortunately iam 69 now and i dont have that niggling thought at the back of my mind anymore now lol :D

And you were a naughty girl looking for other ways to get "spooked" :eek::D
Perhaps you have someone looking after you.
