Par-ing with Darth Vader.


Senior Member
From what I'm getting is the character Darth Vader existed many thousands of years ago & was 13 feet tall. Similar as to what's said in the link.

Technicians who eves dropped on Vader who were guest apearance confirmed, said of the Emperor that he was long lived to the age of 900 years. But said nothing of Vader's fate. This was at The Time Travel Institute 20 years ago.


Senior Member
There's two for instances in actual happenings that remind me of the accident that left me partially paralytic.

One is the ABC made for TV movie about the 1989 Souix City Iwoia crash, to where a boy that was standing up durring the crash of this plane had a huge crack open in the fucilage and through that crack while the plane was hitting the ground was alble to jump to safty. DC crash at soux city Iwoia - Bing

The second incident was in the beginning of the movie Pitch Black when the space transport splits apart during its slide in crash.

These two happenings are very familiar.

The bio-assist suit was specially made and put on in stages, not all at once. I was hard to get use to it.


Senior Member
More of less a proper format as Vader is often colored in as the villain. The absence of order in space is lawlessness & mayhem. So maybe there's an ancient asking for a karmic adjustment? You wouldn't want the title of stealing something where your'e falsely accused, would you?

No. Ironically I think the vast majority of star wars fans like Vader more than any other character.
I would argue even the attempts to make him look bad in the movies were at least
half of the time kind of pathetic and weak attempts to paint him a certain way.
Obi Wan Kenobi runs a religious cult, lies to Luke, doesn't tell him anything
true about his life claims his father was murdered when he wasn't and won't
tell him Leia was his sister and they won't allow their flock to form strong attachments,
so who was the rebellious good guy going up against an evil empire?

I mean from a certain point of view.............Darth Vader was?


Senior Member
Oh, let's not forget the fact Darth Vader was literally kidnapped
by the Jedi when he was a small child.

What a crime for him to miss his mother.

But he's supposed to like the Jedi now?

With the exception of a strong temper and like two major sins (blowing up Alderaan and killing the Younglings, killing Padme was also wrong) I find nothing at fault with Darth Vader even in the supposed propaganda against him.
As for Leia, she was a prisoner of war (arguably) and he had reason to believe she was sabatoging his weapons.
Villains many times have bad childhoods and it's not an excuse
but you can make a stronger case for Vader being good than many other villains.
He might have put too much faith in Palpatine, that was his undoing.

If I was the movie version of Darth Vader I'd have flipped the bird
to BOTH the Jedi and the Sith and formed my own group.

Palpatine was supposed to be like the guy in the shadows financing both
sides of the war according to some comics.
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Senior Member
No. Ironically I think the vast majority of star wars fans like Vader more than any other character.
I would argue even the attempts to make him look bad in the movies were at least
half of the time kind of pathetic and weak attempts to paint him a certain way.
Obi Wan Kenobi runs a religious cult, lies to Luke, doesn't tell him anything
true about his life claims his father was murdered when he wasn't and won't
tell him Leia was his sister and they won't allow their flock to form strong attachments,
so who was the rebellious good guy going up against an evil empire?

I mean from a certain point of view.............Darth Vader was?
This is just an amusement park ride, please for your own safety stay within the vehicle seat and with your safety belt on. Anymore, who knows what's real?
