Part # 3 - mIRC; Alexanders chat logs for February 06 to 11, 2004: Alexander was a friend of John Ti


Time Travel Professor
mIRC Feb. 06, 2004; Alexanders chat thanks to KPAX
Posted by: Professor Opmmur
Session Start: February 06, 08:27, 2004
Session Ident: #TimeTravellersInn

[08:27] *** AlexanderTT has joined #TimeTravellersInn
[08:27] (DWOMT): Hi Alexander
[08:27] (aguynwgalaxy): hi alex
[08:28] (aguynwgalaxy): wb
[08:28] (AlexanderTT): i am happy some of you are still awake
[08:28] (DWOMT): I think this will be easier for you Alexander
[08:28] (DWOMT): not a lot of people to bombard you with questions
[08:28] (AlexanderTT): my time tonight is short, i have preperations to make
[08:28] (aguynwgalaxy): np
[08:28] (DWOMT): preparations for what?
[08:28] (AlexanderTT): has anyone decided there first question?
[08:29] (DWOMT): I sent you an email earlier
[08:29] (DWOMT): I'm kinda new to all this
[08:29] (aguynwgalaxy): unfortunetly i used my first already
[08:29] (AlexanderTT): the preperations for the possible threat to my mission
[08:29] (DWOMT): I never got to speak to Titor..i figured you were my next best chance
[08:29] (AlexanderTT): i am happy to obligue
[08:30] *** H1t|M4n sets mode: +o AlexanderTT
[08:30] (DWOMT): are you familiar with the Alamo Alexander?
[08:30] (AlexanderTT): yes I am
[08:30] (AlexanderTT): not as familier as I should be though
[08:30] (DWOMT): can you tell me if it is still there in your time?
[08:30] (AlexanderTT): no
[08:30] (DWOMT): no as in it's gone or no to my question?
[08:31] (AlexanderTT): it is gone
[08:31] (aguynwgalaxy): if i can ask another it would be would you take me with you.
[08:31] (DWOMT): no way
[08:31] (DWOMT): haa haa haa
[08:31] (DWOMT): The Alamo is protected by the spirit of the Texan Defenders
[08:31] *** H1t|M4n sets mode: +m
[08:31] (AlexanderTT): interesting enough, it was not destroyed in a nuclear blast
[08:31] (DWOMT): anybody who has tried to harm it has failed
[08:32] (DWOMT): how was it destroyed?
[08:32] (AlexanderTT): it was leveled , in an effort to lower moral of the texan people who were fighting the government
[08:32] (DWOMT): whoa
[08:32] (DWOMT): that is huge
[08:33] (DWOMT): can you tell me what befalls the city of San Antonio?
[08:33] (AlexanderTT): it only angered them further
[08:33] (AlexanderTT): nuked, im sorry
[08:33] (DWOMT): I always hear about major cities..but never cities like San Antonio
[08:33] (DWOMT): poor San Antone
[08:34] (AlexanderTT): remember everything you have learned about nuclear strikes is wrong
[08:34] (aguynwgalaxy): it is?
[08:34] (AlexanderTT): we were fighting a new kind of war
[08:34] (DWOMT): does Texas do well in the war?
[08:35] (AlexanderTT): they hold there own, in fact they were winning
[08:35] (DWOMT): good!
[08:35] (DWOMT): Texans don't bow to anyone
[08:35] (AlexanderTT): the fact that they had a large portion of the state resisting help them
[08:36] (DWOMT): I'm 22 Alexander...i'm sure if I'm alive in your time..i'm one of the elders you speak of. But please don't think all in my Generation are bad. Some of us are still good people.
[08:36] (DWOMT): I myself believe I was born into the wrong Generation.
[08:36] (AlexanderTT): I have learned this, but the percentage in my opinion is still very small
[08:36] (DWOMT): I know
[08:37] (DWOMT): I just grew up differently. had my World War 2 Grandfather for guidance
[08:37] (DWOMT): he taught me a lot
[08:37] (AlexanderTT): that term, world war, has yet to be realized
[08:37] (DWOMT): I figured
[08:38] (aguynwgalaxy): alex have you read the very last post in the forum?
[08:38] (AlexanderTT): no i will lookright now
[08:38] (DWOMT): I'm also half native american. What became of the native americans in your time?..answer when you rush. aguyn has his questions too..haa haa haa
[08:38] *** H1t|M4n sets mode: -m
[08:40] (AlexanderTT): interesting how peoples one questions they decided are stupid selfish and don't mean a damn
[08:40] (DWOMT): true
[08:40] (aguynwgalaxy): you dont mean me do you?
[08:42] (H1t|M4n): AlexanderTT you have to understand
[08:42] (H1t|M4n): You are now in the me society
[08:42] (H1t|M4n): This is a very selfish time you are in now
[08:42] (H1t|M4n): Every man for themselves i myself i have no patience for it @ all
[08:43] (AlexanderTT): i think that last post is quite funny
[08:43] (aguynwgalaxy): me too
[08:43] (AlexanderTT): although he might be speaking the truth who knows
[08:43] (aguynwgalaxy): from what i know modulator is something from a bugs bunny cartoon show correct?
[08:43] (AlexanderTT): he could have accidentally hit a world line far different from his and that that it was his future
[08:44] (AlexanderTT): yeah sounds like it
[08:44] (H1t|M4n): AlexanderTT Did you have a chance to talk to W4RL[]RD,and what did you think of what he had to say ?
[08:44] (AlexanderTT): i did talk to him, he did not say anything significant, maybe he said something after I left and if so , please tell me
[08:45] (H1t|M4n): I'm trying to find out from you myfriend i was away @ work
[08:45] (H1t|M4n): HaHa
[08:45] (AlexanderTT): he said nothing that was worth remembering just the same old questions
[08:45] (H1t|M4n): I missed it,I will have to go through all the loggs and see what has transpiered with the time i was gone

[08:46] (AlexanderTT): i must confess i am getting tired of the same questions, i am only here because I am hoping to find my target
[08:46] (DWOMT): sorry Alexander
[08:46] (H1t|M4n): oh ok
[08:46] (AlexanderTT): but i do believe I might need to broaden the search
[08:46] (DWOMT): some people are just ignorant..but others are curious
[08:46] (H1t|M4n): And what do you mean by your target?
[08:46] (AlexanderTT): but do not take offense to that, feel free to ask me anything
[08:46] (aguynwgalaxy): alex is there anything i can do to help broaden that search?
[08:47] (AlexanderTT): aguynwgalaxy, yes i think you know who I need to find
[08:47] (AlexanderTT): any help as to where I should look would be helpfull
[08:48] (aguynwgalaxy): wow you are saying i actuly know something off the top of my head and that i actuly don't have to search?
[08:48] (AlexanderTT): but I must say my mission has changed drastically , untill thelper can offer some proof that he is not hostile
[08:48] (aguynwgalaxy): alex can i pm you?
[08:48] (AlexanderTT): yes
[08:49] (AlexanderTT): i was just inquiring about the security issue of it
[08:49] (H1t|M4n): Well it looks like i'm going to have to go through the loggs now to see what happened with Thelper
[08:49] (H1t|M4n): oh ok AlexanderTT
[08:49] (AlexanderTT): thelper may be someone who was refferred to me as the name, "frank"
[08:49] (AlexanderTT): someone who is killing all TT'rs
[08:50] (exospire): hey alex
[08:50] (AlexanderTT): yes?
[08:50] (exospire): that was merely a greeting
[08:50] (AlexanderTT): o
[08:50] (exospire):

[08:51] (AlexanderTT): it is hard to read tone of voice
[08:51] (DWOMT): Thelper seemed a little weird
[08:51] (H1t|M4n): WoW he was kewl before i left
[08:52] (H1t|M4n): I had to go to work I'll have to see where his head is @ one day
[08:52] (AlexanderTT): he was kewl?
[08:52] (DWOMT): haa haa haa
[08:52] (DWOMT): "kewl" is another term for "cool"
[08:52] (DWOMT): our time's slang
[08:52] (H1t|M4n): He was ok when i was in the room as a matter fact i was helping him get registerd
[08:53] (H1t|M4n): Yeah kewl means kewl DWOMT
[08:53] (H1t|M4n): I mean Kewl=Cool
[08:54] (AlexanderTT): hitman, he matched a description I was told by my superiors, you don't think he would be hostile before he got a chance to kill me do you? of course not
[08:54] (DWOMT): he's not going to come right out and say he's hostile
[08:55] (H1t|M4n): Yes and don't get me wrong i'm not nieve to how a person can do a complete 180° I'm just saying that i wish he had pulled that when i was in the room thats all .
[08:55] (AlexanderTT): just in case he is this "frank" i have started communications with 9
[08:55] (H1t|M4n): What do you mean ?
[08:56] (H1t|M4n): 9 others ?
[08:56] (AlexanderTT): 9 (singular person)
[08:56] (AlexanderTT): i am 7
[08:56] (H1t|M4n): oh
[08:56] (H1t|M4n): Ok
[08:56] (AlexanderTT): i contacted 9 and he is on the way
[08:56] (H1t|M4n): Understood
[08:56] (DWOMT): sounds like 7 of 9 from Star Trek
[08:56] (AlexanderTT): why do you think there were 2 back-ups and they were military not scientists?
[08:57] (H1t|M4n): ok i see where the # Ids come in now
[08:57] (AlexanderTT): we were givin numbers in the order of our jumps
[08:57] (H1t|M4n): I don't know AlexanderTT explain for me please
[08:57] (H1t|M4n): UnderStood
[08:58] (H1t|M4n): <AlexanderTT> why do you think there were 2 back-ups and they were military not scientists? <-----------------------I am actualy refering to that commenet ;
[08:58] (AlexanderTT): in the case that the apparent hostile was possibly here me and 9 were to deal with the threat with any means neccasary
[08:59] (DWOMT): that's understandable
[08:59] (AlexanderTT): thelper has become a possible threat, and for his sake I hope he is not
[08:59] (AlexanderTT): i await, his next move
[08:59] (DWOMT): like chess
[08:59] (AlexanderTT): i love that game
[08:59] (DWOMT): me too


Time Travel Professor
mIRC Feb. 06, 2004; Alexanders chat thanks to KPAX
Posted by: Professor Opmmur
Session Start: February 06, 08:27, 2004
Session Ident: #TimeTravellersInn

09:00] (AlexanderTT): military strategy on a board, its wonderful
[09:00] (DWOMT): I agree
[09:00] (H1t|M4n): I'm trying to understand what Tranpiered for him to start acting like that
[09:00] (DWOMT): Risk is a lot of fun...don't know if you have that game in your time
[09:00] (H1t|M4n): Is he afraid that what you might have to say is the truth .
[09:01] (AlexanderTT): risk is still played, but its not with a world map anymore out of respect
[09:01] (DWOMT): wow
[09:01] (DWOMT): maybe Thelper isn't a TT killer..maybe he's a govt guy trying to mess around
[09:02] (AlexanderTT): hitman, there is somebody out there who is killing TT's i was told to look for certain characteristics of who it might be, he met those characteristics after saying he would help me
[09:02] (H1t|M4n): AlexanderTT when you travell through Temporal Time,do you get the sense of knowing certain things that you never knew before i'm just curious to know that .
[09:03] (AlexanderTT): sometimes, I feel hightened awareness of my surroundings, this is the only way I can explain it
[09:03] (H1t|M4n): Ok i now have a clearer picture of what is happening now
[09:03] (DWOMT): Alexander...what happens to the native americans in your time?
[09:03] (AlexanderTT): same as us
[09:03] (DWOMT): are any left?
[09:03] (AlexanderTT): they join or try to live nuetral
[09:03] (AlexanderTT): yes
[09:04] (DWOMT): the Govt has has had my fellow native americans on Reservations for a 100 years now
[09:04] (H1t|M4n): AlexanderTT is this your first trip to this Temporal Time ?
[09:04] (AlexanderTT): yes, and in the short future, the US citizens will feel what it like to be enslaved
[09:04] (AlexanderTT): yes hitman
[09:05] (H1t|M4n): ok
[09:05] (AlexanderTT): this is only my second jump
[09:05] (AlexanderTT): my first was to 2015
[09:05] (H1t|M4n): oh ok
[09:05] (H1t|M4n): I was about to ask
[09:05] (DWOMT): did you witness the events in 2015?
[09:05] (AlexanderTT): no i was there for a very short time
[09:06] (DWOMT): I see
[09:06] (H1t|M4n): AlexanderTT can i ask what kind of Jurnal you are using when you say you are here to observe .......
[09:06] (AlexanderTT): i was to convince myself to not make a mistake, it did not work
[09:06] (AlexanderTT): i am downloading alot into my GPS
[09:06] (AlexanderTT): also I am printing tons, and putting them in my vehicle
[09:07] (H1t|M4n): Take for instance when you say you're here to observe are you using a Mini Cam or are you doing this all by hand,meaning are you writing everthing down .
[09:07] (AlexanderTT): my GPS is also a handhelp computer
[09:07] (H1t|M4n): Nice like a palm pilot
[09:07] (AlexanderTT): i observe, and write down
[09:07] (H1t|M4n): ok kewl
[09:08] (DWOMT): do you like video games Alexander?
[09:08] (AlexanderTT): a cam would be shall we say, bothersome to keep up with
[09:08] (H1t|M4n): Did you also get a short class on Grid points also ?
[09:08] (AlexanderTT): by grid points you mean?
[09:08] (AlexanderTT): i am trying some video games
[09:09] (AlexanderTT): cant get into them though
[09:09] (DWOMT): haa haa haa
[09:09] (DWOMT): that's ok
[09:09] (H1t|M4n): Yeah AlexanderTT i thought i spelled it right
[09:09] (DWOMT): Do you guys still have any Nintendo?
[09:09] (AlexanderTT): no, i mean, Grid Points of?
[09:09] (AlexanderTT): we have console games yes
[09:09] (H1t|M4n): Lets say grid points or the world
[09:10] (AlexanderTT): yes I can read GPS correctly if that's what you mean
[09:10] (H1t|M4n): Every country or state has a Natural Grid Point,I was jus curious if you had a class on them thats all
[09:10] (AlexanderTT): are you speaking of the gravitational north pole?
[09:11] (H1t|M4n): Yes
[09:11] (AlexanderTT): yes
[09:11] (H1t|M4n): Exactly
[09:11] (H1t|M4n): Ok kewl thats what i wanted to know
[09:11] (DWOMT): I'm curious Alexander. Are any Veterans of previous wars still around in your time?..Probably not the World War 2 Vets....but any Vietnam Vets? Gulf Wars 1 and 2 Vets?
[09:11] (H1t|M4n): From reading what you have said in the point,it does'nt seem as though you have to be on a Natural Grid Point to TT .
[09:12] (AlexanderTT): only vets I know of are like me, but I am sure there are some Gulf war vets around, we do not like to talk about war
[09:12] (AlexanderTT): no you do not
[09:12] (DWOMT): I understand
[09:12] (DWOMT): I'm just curious
[09:12] (AlexanderTT): the gravity of the earth is not the only thing that the VGL locks on
[09:13] (AlexanderTT): imagine gravity as a pool of water, with currents
[09:13] (H1t|M4n): Because of the war that took place,do you suffer from Post Tramatic stress ?
[09:13] (AlexanderTT): yes I do
[09:13] (H1t|M4n): I can understand that
[09:13] (DWOMT): that's common with any war
[09:14] (AlexanderTT): i have nightmares every night
[09:14] (DWOMT): my Vietnam grandfather had nightmares
[09:14] (H1t|M4n): And from listening to you,I know you're thinking that we are so blind huh ?
[09:14] (AlexanderTT): yes you are very blind, as I have said the war has already begun to me, but you do not see it
[09:14] (AlexanderTT): i however can see it
[09:15] (DWOMT): it's easy to see something when you already knows the outcome. that is why we cannot see it Alexander
[09:15] (AlexanderTT): I do not blaim you personally though, this war will be the mathmatical certainty of time
[09:15] (AlexanderTT): a correction of mother earth if you want to call it that
[09:16] *** exospire Quit (Quit:)
[09:16] (H1t|M4n): Well like i have said when this does happen it has been long over due,the writing has been on the wall for along time,most ppl do not want to understand that,they think that anyone who does not like what is happening is just a complainer hehe
[09:17] (AlexanderTT): i do see one group of you citizens as complainers, or whiners really
[09:17] (DWOMT): a lot of people are
[09:17] (AlexanderTT): anti war protesters sicken me
[09:17] (H1t|M4n): AlexanderTT how will this information help you are Cataloging help those in your time ?
[09:17] (AlexanderTT): yes of course this war was planned by your government but they do not know that
[09:18] (AlexanderTT): a lot is still not known of this time, we are curious
[09:18] (AlexanderTT): communications broke down, and records were lost
[09:18] (DWOMT): how is a lot not known?..when some of the survivors still live in your time?
[09:19] (AlexanderTT): but they only have memories of what happened to them personally, we want a global perspective
[09:19] (DWOMT): ahh ok
[09:19] (DWOMT): I understand
[09:19] (DWOMT): the big picture
[09:19] (DWOMT): instead of smaller fractioned ones
[09:19] (AlexanderTT): and that is not really why I am here
[09:20] (DWOMT): yes your mission
[09:21] (AlexanderTT): i am very home sick right now
[09:21] * AlexanderTT sighs
[09:22] (DWOMT): it's ok
[09:22] (DWOMT): you'll make it back
[09:22] (DWOMT): don't worry
[09:22] (AlexanderTT): so.. does anyone have any information that could help me locate who I am looking for?
[09:22] (DWOMT): the immortal guy?
[09:22] (AlexanderTT): yes
[09:22] (DWOMT): I wish I knew....I've been reincarnated a few times..but I doubt I am who your looking for
[09:23] (AlexanderTT): no, this person has not been reincarnated
[09:23] (DWOMT): I know
[09:23] (DWOMT): i was just referring to myself..haa haa haa
[09:24] (AlexanderTT): he knows I am coming for him so I figured he would check places like the forum
[09:24] (AlexanderTT): maybe I was wrong
[09:24] (DWOMT): I hope I'm alive in your time Alex...i agree that this society needs the coming change. I just don't want to perish because of other people's stupidity
[09:24] (AlexanderTT): DWOMT, you will parish anyway, why not it be fighting for your freedom
[09:24] (AlexanderTT): it is an honorable death
[09:25] (DWOMT): but for all you know I could be alive
[09:25] (DWOMT): I don't die easily..haa haa haa
[09:26] (AlexanderTT): eventually you will die, and so shall everyone
[09:26] (DWOMT): i know
[09:27] (AlexanderTT): i look forward to my death, it is the only place left I have not been
[09:27] (DWOMT): I just wanted to at least live till my 40s..haa haa haa...I'm only 22
[09:27] (DWOMT): does most of my Generation perish?
[09:27] (AlexanderTT): a lot of all generations die
[09:28] (H1t|M4n): I have never been one to grovel
[09:28] (DWOMT): but the thing is...i'm no ordinary human
[09:28] (H1t|M4n): I would rather be on my feet when the time comes
[09:28] (AlexanderTT): and why is that DWOMT\
[09:29] (AlexanderTT): i want to go down fighting hitman
[09:29] (DWOMT): I have abilities...things that were given to me..that carry over in each lifetime
[09:29] (AlexanderTT): what abilities?


Time Travel Professor
mIRC Feb. 06, 2004; Alexanders chat thanks to KPAX
Posted by: Professor Opmmur
Session Start: February 06, 08:27, 2004
Session Ident: #TimeTravellersInn

[09:30] (DWOMT): can't go into details..but i have a special sword...i can speak with spirits..and i have energy abilities
[09:30] (AlexanderTT): sounds fascinating
[09:30] (DWOMT): that is why I believe i will not perish
[09:31] (MadIce): Pardon my ignorance, Alex. What is the purpose of telling us all this? You leave this worldline after you got what you needed and travel to another. Feels like you created a waste world by travelling to our worldline.
[09:31] (DWOMT): I see your point MadIce
[09:32] (DWOMT): why does the future always have to be horrible?
[09:32] (DWOMT): why doesn't someone ever say "in my time..people finally make world peace"
[09:32] (H1t|M4n): I have to go soon but i'll be back in a little
[09:32] (DWOMT): but it's always "the world is hit with nuclear weapons..millions die"
[09:32] (MadIce): Cya Hitman
[09:32] (AlexanderTT): MadIce, i will do alot more in efforts to complete my mission
[09:33] (aguynwgalaxy): H1tm4n incase i dont see you leave goodbye in advance
[09:33] (H1t|M4n): Take Care MadIce .
[09:33] (H1t|M4n): aguynwgalaxy
[09:33] (DWOMT): you know who Darkwing Duck is?
[09:33] (H1t|M4n): Take Care my friend
[09:33] (MadIce): Good question!
[09:33] (AlexanderTT): who is that?
[09:33] (DWOMT): you've never heard of Darkwing Duck???
[09:33] (DWOMT): no way
[09:33] (AlexanderTT): no
[09:34] (AlexanderTT): comic books?
[09:34] (DWOMT): don't you guys have any cartoons still left?
[09:34] (aguynwgalaxy): darkwing duck is more popular towards the middle and early 90's ppl
[09:34] (AlexanderTT): yes but cartoons are for kids
[09:34] (DWOMT): Darkwing Duck is the greatest cartoon character ever
[09:34] (AlexanderTT): i do enjoy dragonball z
[09:34] (DWOMT): oh my god
[09:34] (DWOMT): ME TOO
[09:34] (DWOMT): Super Saiyan 3 Goku
[09:34] (aguynwgalaxy): alex what about garfield by chance?
[09:34] (DWOMT): Kame..kame..HAAAAAA
[09:35] (AlexanderTT): garfield is still re-printed
[09:35] (DWOMT): Is Dragonball Z still popular in your time Alex?
[09:35] (AlexanderTT): family guy is like the simpsons now, still running
[09:35] (AlexanderTT): dragonball z is still enjoyed yes
[09:35] (DWOMT): COOL
[09:36] (DWOMT): I love Dragonball Z
[09:36] (DWOMT): I even have some posters on my wall
[09:36] (aguynwgalaxy): alex that makes since because they have it canclled right now but they are starting to make new episodes since its so popular
[09:36] (AlexanderTT): they cancelled the simpsons too at one time I think
[09:36] (DWOMT): it gets cancelled?..haa haa haa wow
[09:37] (AlexanderTT): no it has been cancelled in your past
[09:37] (AlexanderTT): I think
[09:37] (DWOMT): it's still going
[09:37] (DWOMT): new episodes
[09:37] (AlexanderTT): but it is still the most succsessfull cartoon
[09:37] (AlexanderTT): yes, but it has changed drastically
[09:37] (DWOMT): do they still have any Ninja Turtles?
[09:37] (AlexanderTT): new town new characters
[09:37] (AlexanderTT): no
[09:37] (DWOMT): man you guys need Ninja Turtles
[09:38] (DWOMT): or Trannsformers
[09:38] (AlexanderTT): trannsformers?
[09:38] (DWOMT): Robots that transform into vehicles
[09:38] (AlexanderTT): interesting
[09:38] (MadIce): What do you regard to be the best things in life in your world, Alex?
[09:38] (DWOMT): a really popular 80s cartoon that is still very popular today
[09:38] (AlexanderTT): vehicles of what?
[09:39] (DWOMT): 18 wheeler trucks..corvettes..jeeps
[09:39] (AlexanderTT): family, is the best thing, but I do not have one
[09:39] (DWOMT): airplanes
[09:39] (AlexanderTT): i am with my family now yes, but they are gone where I am from
[09:40] (DWOMT): when you get back to your time Alex..try to see if any Transformers stuff is left...i think you'd like it
[09:40] (AlexanderTT): ok i will
[09:40] (MadIce): Does that feel good to see them again?
[09:40] * AlexanderTT thinks he might spoil the dragonball x episodes
[09:40] (MadIce): Or strange
[09:40] (AlexanderTT): yes it is good but it is artificial
[09:41] (DWOMT): spoil Dragonball Z?'s already ended new episodes..just re-runs
[09:41] (AlexanderTT): its not really my family
[09:41] (AlexanderTT): dragonball z DWOMT
[09:41] (MadIce): That is what I figurered.
[09:41] (AlexanderTT): dragonball X
[09:41] (DWOMT): Dragonball X?..haa haa haa..give me a break
[09:41] (AlexanderTT): yes after gt is run into the ground
[09:42] (DWOMT): who makes X?..Japan or America?
[09:42] (AlexanderTT): dragonball x is live-action episodes it is made by both
[09:42] (DWOMT): weird
[09:42] (MadIce): What would happen if you did not travel to this world. It would mean we were not here, right?
[09:42] (AlexanderTT): it is suppose to be the gaps in between the dragonball z saga's
[09:43] (DWOMT): do you guys still have the TV Show: Hercules the Legendary Journeys?....starring Kevin Sorbo
[09:43] (AlexanderTT): no MadIce, it would not
[09:43] (AlexanderTT): never heard of it
[09:43] (DWOMT): aww
[09:43] (DWOMT): good show
[09:43] (AlexanderTT): but star trek is still popular
[09:43] (MadIce): So, you believe the classic MWI.
[09:43] (DWOMT): star trek will live forever
[09:44] (AlexanderTT): MWI?
[09:44] (MadIce): Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.
[09:44] (DWOMT): I've always loved Star Trek..because of the way it portrays mankind. Working together and united in their exploration of the unknown.
[09:44] (AlexanderTT): you would exist DWOMT, but your peticular consiouness would not
[09:45] (AlexanderTT): that is what we are trying to do now
[09:45] (AlexanderTT): i meant that in reply to MadIce not DWOMT
[09:45] (AlexanderTT): i wonder how many physicist I have talked to in here and not even known it?
[09:46] (DWOMT): you'd be surprised
[09:46] (AlexanderTT): i wish they would tell me so I could go into more detail with equations
[09:46] (MadIce): Too bad. I rather believed the version of M-theory
[09:46] (DWOMT): i'm more into History than physics though
[09:47] (AlexanderTT): that jediknight guy kept asking about worldlines
[09:47] (AlexanderTT): i did not have the time to explain something he would never understand though
[09:47] (DWOMT): i believe in many worldlines
[09:47] (AlexanderTT): everyone is still thinking to linear
[09:47] (DWOMT): a decision i make creates another wordline where I made the opposite decision
[09:48] (AlexanderTT): think of everything I do as a joint effert of all my "selves" and you will understand worldlines
[09:49] (MadIce): I the multiverse as a map and worldines as roads on that map. Like a mathematical model. You switch when a quatum state changes to a parallel world. One moment you are in A, the other in B.
[09:49] (MadIce): I see the...
[09:49] (MadIce):
[09:49] (DWOMT): nice
[09:50] (AlexanderTT): lets say there are 10 worldlines
[09:50] (AlexanderTT): and 5 are similar
[09:50] (AlexanderTT): in that five , 5 of me leave trying to get to one of the other 5
[09:51] (AlexanderTT): and we do
[09:51] (AlexanderTT): this is how everything works out
[09:51] (DWOMT): but what happens to the other 5 yous in the 5 worldlines you went to?
[09:52] (MadIce): In my view you wouldn't have to try with 5. Parallel worlds are based on probability density. So there would be 5 anyway
[09:52] (AlexanderTT): well one if them might end up in my original world line
[09:52] (AlexanderTT): MadIce, there is not a word you knw the meaning of to describe how many worldlines there are
[09:53] (DWOMT): no i mean said 10 worldlines...5 are similar...5 of you leave trying to get to the other 5 shouldn't another set of "5 Alexanders" be in those worldlines your trying to get to?..and what happens to them when the first set of "5 Alexanders" shows up?
[09:53] (MadIce): The current theory is 10e118, instead of infinite.
[09:54] (AlexanderTT): ok lets call them 1-5
[09:55] (AlexanderTT): 1 leaves and makes it to 2, 2 makes it to 3 , 4 to 5 and 5 to 1, and on the return trip it differs again, 1 to 3 2 to 5 etc...
[09:55] (DWOMT): kinda like a shuffle
[09:55] (DWOMT): mix the deck on the return trip
[09:55] (AlexanderTT): actually i typed that backward becuase on the return trip you are closer to your true home
[09:55] (AlexanderTT): yes
[09:55] (DWOMT): that's not very hard to understand
[09:56] (AlexanderTT): this is how it evens out and there are no paradoxes
[09:56] (DWOMT): very interesting
[09:56] (DWOMT): I don't see how no one else is getting that
[09:56] (MadIce): I don't think there are any paradoxes in TT.
[09:56] (AlexanderTT): if i change the past it is not my past but maybes 3's past
[09:56] (DWOMT): it's plain and simple
[09:57] (DWOMT): so what Alexander does here..might benefit Alexander #3's timeline
[09:57] (DWOMT): so it is a Joint Effot
[09:57] (DWOMT): Effort
[09:57] (AlexanderTT): but remember the joint effort
[09:57] (DWOMT): for all the Alexander's combined
[09:57] (AlexanderTT): what I do all 5 do
[09:57] (AlexanderTT): so it benefits us all
[09:57] (DWOMT): yup
[09:57] (DWOMT): see Alex..not all of us are stupid
[09:57] (AlexanderTT): now your getting it!!!
[09:57] (DWOMT): I totally get what your saying
[09:57] (DWOMT): it's not hard
[09:58] (DWOMT): you just gotten open your mind up to it
[09:58] (AlexanderTT): somone please copy that and post it in the board this might clear up confusion
[09:58] (DWOMT): haa haa haa
[09:59] (AlexanderTT): as funny as it is you would be suprised at how many do not get worldlines
[09:59] (DWOMT): maybe I am a rare case..haa haa haa
[09:59] (MadIce): It is odd you believe in parallel worlds and yet not in probability. If I ask if there are physical parallel worlds you say no.
[09:59] (DWOMT): maybe it took a non-physics guy
[09:59] (AlexanderTT): and another thing time does not exist your clock is measering something "made up" by man
[09:59] (MadIce): You are not gonna tell me these 5 people are real and jump in a sequence.


Time Travel Professor
mIRC Feb. 06, 2004; Alexanders chat thanks to KPAX
Posted by: Professor Opmmur
Session Start: February 06, 08:27, 2004
Session Ident: #TimeTravellersInn

[10:00] (AlexanderTT): MadIce, i was using this as a reference
[10:00] (DWOMT): Alex was giving an example
[10:00] (aguynwgalaxy): haa haa haa i just went out and bought a watch earlier
[10:00] (DWOMT): a template
[10:00] (MadIce): I leave it at that.
[10:00] (AlexanderTT): there are millions of me's how are doing the same thing right now in other worldlines
[10:01] (DWOMT): benefiting that Alex's worldline
[10:01] (DWOMT): Alex #20 helping out #13....#45 helping #90's worldline
[10:01] (AlexanderTT): which I will never see again, but the worldline I return to will be so similar I will not see a difference
[10:02] (AlexanderTT): i can never truly make it back home, this is why we know the joint effort works, the worldline I left sent another me on the same mission to do the same thing, and they got me back
[10:02] (MadIce): It is either a probability which would work well, or they are in real parallel worlds (not just the model) and that would work equally well.
[10:02] (DWOMT): so your original worldline will get another Alex
[10:02] (AlexanderTT): the worldline i return too not left
[10:03] (AlexanderTT): yes my original will get another me
[10:03] (AlexanderTT): and so fourth
[10:03] (DWOMT): i find that fascinating
[10:04] (AlexanderTT): we (me's) wil not know the difference because we stay so close to our original we cannot tell the slight differences
[10:04] (DWOMT): that's good
[10:04] (DWOMT): is my worldline very similiar to your original?
[10:04] (DWOMT): your past I mean
[10:04] (MadIce): Not anymore.
[10:04] (AlexanderTT): things like an ant on an ant hill in africa might decide to turn left insted of right, this is how slight a difference it will be
[10:05] (AlexanderTT): yes very similar
[10:05] (AlexanderTT): i see no difference
[10:05] (DWOMT): I guess we are heading towards the same events then
[10:05] (AlexanderTT): yes you are
[10:05] (AlexanderTT): which is why I have told people about it
[10:06] (MadIce): How can that be. You are here. Your presence would "polute" this worldline due to the Butterfly Effect.
[10:06] (DWOMT): I'm curious..what makes the 2004 election so bad?
[10:06] (MadIce): And I am not referring to the movie
[10:06] (AlexanderTT): no MadIce, remember all things possible happen, on some worldlines I didnt speak up at all on others I went crazy and killed somebody
[10:07] (AlexanderTT): your conciousness just so happens to be on a worldline that I did speak up
[10:08] (AlexanderTT): and I will do more than that, I am going to post my operations manual to the C404 for the whole world to see
[10:08] (MadIce): I know. It os odd you don't see the poont that your presence is changing my future. JT said they used backtracking to compenstate that. That's a smart solution for that problem.
[10:08] (AlexanderTT): i did it on some worldline anyway might as well be this one
[10:08] (AlexanderTT): backtracking, is not what you think
[10:09] (MadIce): Backtracking will get you back to a point of tour origin.
[10:09] (MadIce): your origin
[10:09] (AlexanderTT): do not worry, all similar worldlines recieved time travellers too
[10:09] (AlexanderTT): i am not poluting yours
[10:10] (AlexanderTT): my original recieved them as well
[10:10] (DWOMT): interesting
[10:10] (AlexanderTT): i know this because it is so similar to mine
[10:10] (MadIce): In your history was there a time traveller called AlexanderTT that travelled to 2004?
[10:10] (AlexanderTT): it being yours
[10:11] (AlexanderTT): MadIce, the internet did not survive, I doubt my record did, I never thought to look it up
[10:11] (DWOMT): can you tell me why the 2004 election is so bad?..what happens?
[10:11] (AlexanderTT): also I did not know I would post untill I got here
[10:11] (MadIce): I am not looking for evidence. It is academic.
[10:11] (AlexanderTT): DWOMT, alot of things start heating up around election time
[10:12] (MadIce): Hence our histories will differ.
[10:12] (AlexanderTT): how wil they differ?
[10:13] (MadIce): You didn't have a past in which you travelled to our time and I have a past in which I remember you.
[10:13] (AlexanderTT): the damage I cause here will be too slight for anyone to notice
[10:13] (AlexanderTT): then look me up in 2039, I hope to hear word from one of you who survived
[10:13] (DWOMT): i hope I do
[10:13] (MadIce): Let's hope so.
[10:14] (DWOMT): I'd be 50 something in your time
[10:14] (MadIce): I am already an old fart
[10:14] (DWOMT): haa haa haa
[10:14] (AlexanderTT): it will be interesting to see if one of you took my edvice and lived
[10:14] (DWOMT): well I am in San Antonio, Texas..what advice would you give me?..any suggestions?
[10:15] (AlexanderTT): fight and leave when the time comes to leave
[10:15] (MadIce): It would interesting to see if the wars did not happen because we now know what we know.
[10:15] (MadIce):
[10:15] (DWOMT): is San Antonio not safe either?
[10:15] (AlexanderTT): no MadIce, it will still happen it is a mathmatical certainty
[10:16] (DWOMT): our city is more a large town than a metropolis
[10:16] (aguynwgalaxy): madice i dont think it is possible for us 30 people that know to change it
[10:16] (MadIce): Our smart DWOMT got chosen as president by accident and got drunk with the opposition and saved the world.
[10:16] (AlexanderTT): san antonio will be a staging point for operations for the government this is why it was nuked
[10:16] (MadIce): Just the Butterfly Effect.
[10:16] (DWOMT): wow
[10:17] (AlexanderTT): the butterfly effect is not as powerful as you think
[10:17] (AlexanderTT): a butterfly cannot change weather patterns
[10:17] (DWOMT): i figured Dallas, Austin, or Houston as operations centers in Texas..but not San Antonio
[10:17] (AlexanderTT): yes them too
[10:18] (AlexanderTT): remember, the government will control the cities
[10:18] (AlexanderTT): all cities of any importance
[10:18] (DWOMT): Texas is not easily controlled..people all over here would fight back hard
[10:18] (AlexanderTT): I was suprised when I learned Jasper as small as it is was under full control
[10:18] (DWOMT): Jasper??..whoa
[10:18] (AlexanderTT): not all DWOMT
[10:18] (AlexanderTT): jasper alabama
[10:19] (DWOMT): ohh ok
[10:19] (AlexanderTT): very small but a city still
[10:19] (DWOMT): kinda like San Antonio
[10:19] (AlexanderTT): smaller than san antonio
[10:19] (DWOMT): well the outskirts of San Antonio is filled with countryside and wilderness for miles..haa haa haa
[10:20] (AlexanderTT): all of texas is like that, don't you agree
[10:20] (DWOMT): yup
[10:20] (AlexanderTT): all states are like that
[10:20] (AlexanderTT): cities and country folk
[10:20] (MadIce): Someone knocks the future president on his head and I would consider that would cause a different scenario for the future. If I was not able to then there would be odd paradoxes going on.
[10:21] (AlexanderTT): MadIce, the war is correctio of nature, if you kill a key person, someone else will take his place
[10:21] (DWOMT): and cause possible worse outcomes
[10:21] (AlexanderTT): yes possibly
[10:21] (MadIce): Yeah. Right. You must come from a Level II multiverse

[10:21] *** Random` has joined #timetravellersinn
[10:21] ••• Random` has 1 kicks / 0 bankicks (F7 for info / F10 to clear)
[10:21] (AlexanderTT): your correction was delayed already, that is why it is in the form of war this time
[10:21] (DWOMT): Hi Random
[10:22] (AlexanderTT): if you stop the war something else like disease will take its place
[10:22] (Random`): Erm
[10:22] *** Random` is now known as Rabidus
[10:22] *** Rabidus is now known as rabidus
[10:22] (DWOMT): so basically nature is trying to kill a pest?..sorta speak
[10:22] (DWOMT): or fix a problem
[10:22] (AlexanderTT): yes, like you body kills a virus
[10:22] (DWOMT): interesting
[10:23] (AlexanderTT): the native americans were right all along
[10:23] (AlexanderTT): balance will be restored
[10:23] (DWOMT): yes
[10:23] (MadIce): I would believe that if there were a finite number of parallel universes, but you claim infiniy. Which would make you scenario unlikely.
[10:23] (DWOMT): we believe that
[10:23] *** rabidus is now known as Rabidus
[10:23] (DWOMT): my ancestors always said the current foundation would collapse because people didn't live in balance with mother earth
[10:23] (AlexanderTT): MadIce, in other worldlines not similar to my own, the correction happened sooner or later in a different form
[10:24] (AlexanderTT): the number of worldline are not infinte
[10:24] (AlexanderTT): it is a very finite number and can be claculated
[10:25] (MadIce): Ah. We call that Level III parallel universes here.
[10:25] (MadIce): Thanks for answering my question Alex. And for staying polite.
[10:25] (aguynwgalaxy): alex since time is something made up by man do calendars exist in the future. dumb question but something maybe diffrent from our time
[10:25] (DWOMT): yeah thanks Alex..i really appreciate all this. I'm grateful
[10:26] (AlexanderTT): undecillion is the farthest number you know of
[10:26] (AlexanderTT): we have more
[10:26] (AlexanderTT): and we can calculate them
[10:26] (AlexanderTT): yes aguynwgalaxy, we have calanders but itis no longer flawed
[10:27] (MadIce): I can't wait until NEC produces the first quantum computer.
[10:27] (MadIce): They already produced a working qubit a while ago.
[10:27] (AlexanderTT): that will not be as exciting as fiberoptic memory and organic processors
[10:28] (MadIce): Fiberoptics are so so
[10:28] (MadIce): Orgabic processor would be cool. Areb;t they slow?
[10:28] (AlexanderTT): they will get better when you learn how to make information loops with them
[10:28] (AlexanderTT): not ours
[10:28] (Rabidus): Orgabic

[10:28] (MadIce): hehe
[10:29] (MadIce): Yeah my typic skills seem to fail me.
[10:29] (AlexanderTT): i never learned to type
[10:29] (AlexanderTT): but i am trying
[10:29] (DWOMT): your doing good
[10:29] (AlexanderTT): we have speech to text where I am from
[10:29] (MadIce): I am programming since 1979 now and I still can't type
[10:29] (AlexanderTT): speak and it is typed
Last edited:


Time Travel Professor
mIRC Feb. 06, 2004; Alexanders chat thanks to KPAX
Posted by: Professor Opmmur
Session Start: February 06, 08:27, 2004
Session Ident: #TimeTravellersInn

[10:30] (AlexanderTT): i think you might have that now
[10:30] (DWOMT): John said typewriters were very popular in 2036
[10:30] (MadIce): I am even glad that my English can be understood. Because I am not a native

[10:30] (AlexanderTT): yes they are
[10:30] (AlexanderTT): they are used often
[10:30] *** Rabidus has left #timetravellersinn
[10:30] *** Rabidus has joined #timetravellersinn
[10:30] ••• Rabidus has 1 kicks / 0 bankicks (F7 for info / F10 to clear)
[10:30] *** H1t|M4n sets mode: +v Rabidus
[10:30] (AlexanderTT): but you must remember I was speaking of Temporal Recon
[10:30] (AlexanderTT): we have the latest technology
[10:31] (AlexanderTT): typewriters are used by civilians
[10:31] (DWOMT): do you consider your future a dark place?
[10:31] (AlexanderTT): no I love my home
[10:31] (DWOMT): dark as in bad
[10:31] (AlexanderTT): and I miss it very much
[10:31] (MadIce): My country must be too small to remember, but what do you know of the Netherlands, Alex? They are nuked I take it.
[10:32] (AlexanderTT): netherlands? is that in north asia?
[10:32] (AlexanderTT): like norway?
[10:32] (MadIce): No
[10:32] (MadIce): Europe. Acroos the sea, next to the UJ.
[10:32] (MadIce): Next to Germany
[10:32] (AlexanderTT): sorry if I am not geographically literate
[10:32] (MadIce): Above Belgium
[10:32] (AlexanderTT): oh, yeah probably nuked
[10:32] (MadIce): Which is above France
[10:33] (MadIce): A hreat. Thanks.
[10:33] (AlexanderTT): most of europe was in order to stop the chinese
[10:33] (DWOMT): are the ruins of today's cities still there in your time?
[10:33] (AlexanderTT): yes but it is not safe to stay there long, radiation will literally melt you
[10:33] (DWOMT): how come the russians didn't use clean bombs?
[10:34] (AlexanderTT): i have seen birmingham with my own eyes, it is not a pleasant sight
[10:34] (AlexanderTT): the US government had the N bomb not the russians
[10:34] (DWOMT): my mistake
[10:34] (Rabidus): Alex what is texas like in 2036?
[10:34] (MadIce): The Chinese army is about the size of the Amricans, Russians and Europe combined. Europe would have a hard time fighting them on another continent.
[10:34] (AlexanderTT): russia was using all there stored icbm's anyway many years old
[10:35] (DWOMT): you from Texas Rabidus?
[10:35] (Rabidus): yeah
[10:35] (DWOMT): me too
[10:35] (DWOMT): I'm in San Antonio
[10:35] (AlexanderTT): texas is one big farm, I would describe it
[10:35] (Rabidus): I'm in dallas
[10:35] (DWOMT): Alex told me the Alamo doesn't survive Rabidus
[10:36] (Rabidus): I got banned from the alamo
[10:36] (DWOMT): <AlexanderTT> it was leveled , in an effort to lower moral of the texan people who were fighting the government
[10:36] (Rabidus): Cause I climed up one of the walls and into a window
[10:36] (DWOMT): the Alamo holds the spirits of the Texan Defenders still
[10:37] (DWOMT): anytime anyone has tried to harm it..the ghosts of the Alamo scare them away
[10:37] (DWOMT): it's very true
[10:37] (AlexanderTT): well the spirits did not stop army demolition
[10:37] (Rabidus): Hmm, wouldn't that make them fight harder?
[10:37] (DWOMT): US army demolition?
[10:37] (AlexanderTT): yes it angered them
[10:38] (AlexanderTT): the plan back-fired
[10:38] (MadIce): Talking about spirits. I didn't sleep tonight, so I feel it safe to have a beer. It's technically night for me. What do you guys think?
[10:38] (MadIce):
[10:38] (DWOMT): in Texas History....Santa Anna ordered the Alamo destroyed on retreat...the mexicans were greeted with Ghostly Alamo Defenders carrying swords on scared the hell out of the mexican soldiers and they ran
[10:39] (Rabidus): That's cause they where on drugs, silly mexicans

[10:39] (Rabidus): were
[10:39] (DWOMT): sometimes city crews try to remove one of the walls on site..and get scared away
[10:39] (DWOMT): people have seen ghostly figures in Koon skin caps and clothing
[10:39] (AlexanderTT): maybe the spirits allowed it to be destroyed knowing it would anger them not scare them
[10:39] (DWOMT): it's freaky
[10:40] (DWOMT): you mean to ignite the Texan people to fight Alex?
[10:40] (Rabidus): yeah
[10:40] (DWOMT): thats a very interesting theory
[10:40] (AlexanderTT): i do not believe in ghost, but it is possible, maybe its other worldlines almost entering yours
[10:41] (AlexanderTT): yes
[10:41] (DWOMT): Texas just has a lot of history..hate to see it come to harm
[10:41] (Rabidus): yeah
[10:41] (Rabidus): From the cotton farms with nigras to what we have today, skippin' out on the senate..
[10:41] (DWOMT): haa haa haa
[10:41] (AlexanderTT): texas is the only state capable of running independently without outside help, this is why they were doing so well
[10:42] (DWOMT): if Texas was doing well in the civil war..then why nuke it?
[10:42] (MadIce): OK. I get the savings from my bank and leave to Africa tomorrow and drag my wife along with me. Does that sound as a good plan?
[10:42] (AlexanderTT): we nuked our enemy not the state
[10:42] (AlexanderTT): yeah MadIce, if you want to die of disease
[10:43] (AlexanderTT): africa is almost a complete land of death
[10:43] (AlexanderTT): they were hit with plagues very hard
[10:43] (MadIce): Well, I avoid blood transfusion and sex

[10:43] (DWOMT): i'm not an expert on your history Alexander..but wouldn't it be more feasable if Russia just hit Washington?..the capitol of the Govt?..wouldn't that have scared the other cities to stop?
[10:43] (AlexanderTT): south america is more safe during the war then anywhere
[10:44] (MadIce): OK. I change my plans then

[10:44] (Rabidus): I'm gonna go to brazil and drink some coffee

[10:44] (AlexanderTT): no there was no scaring, we had to hit them and hit them as hard as we could
[10:45] (AlexanderTT): trust me you will live to see why we had to do what we had to do, unless you die tommorrow of a freak accident or something
[10:45] (DWOMT): so do you think if Russia had never launched nukes...the rebels would have never won?
[10:45] (AlexanderTT): we would probably be still fighting them
[10:45] (AlexanderTT): it was an almost stalemate
[10:45] (Rabidus): Alexander how does dallas fare in the war?
[10:45] (AlexanderTT): we were slowly losing though
[10:46] (AlexanderTT): dallas is put under martial law like the rest of the cities
[10:46] (Rabidus): wft
[10:46] (Rabidus): How about arkansas?
[10:46] (AlexanderTT): all cities are put under martial law
[10:46] (DWOMT): i just don't get how US Citizens stand a chance against the US the military is filled with decent serving men and women who all have families and homes. don't seem like the type to shoot other americans
[10:47] (Rabidus): Well good one, I know that, but does dallas get through the war unharmed?
[10:47] (AlexanderTT): a good bit defect to our side DWOMT
[10:47] (AlexanderTT): it was the US vs. US
[10:47] (DWOMT): some of the military defects?..well that's a good sign
[10:47] (Rabidus): DWOMT - Why is it called a civil war?
[10:47] (Rabidus):

[10:47] (AlexanderTT): yes of course do you think all would kill there country men blindly?
[10:48] (DWOMT): i just thought it was civilians fighting on their own Rabidus..haa haa haa
[10:48] (Rabidus): Nooo..
[10:48] (Rabidus): I never thought of it that way.
[10:48] (AlexanderTT): we would have been slaughtered
[10:48] (DWOMT): ok Alex...but what of the US Navy? all those powerful aircraft carriers stick with the Govt?..or do the Rebels get some of that firepower as well?
[10:48] (Rabidus): I'm just glad I've practiced all my good hiding/gunning techniques in paintball and airsoft
[10:49] (AlexanderTT): we have had a lot more firepower than you would think
[10:49] (AlexanderTT): we had planes but we did not control the skies
[10:49] (DWOMT): so you guys had a few aircraft carriers in your arsenal?
[10:49] (MadIce): I take it you are not allowed to have a holiday after a hard mission like this and use the TT device, right?
[10:49] (AlexanderTT): paintball will be very usefull in training
[10:49] (MadIce): Otherwise I had invited you to a trip over here in Amsterdam.
[10:50] (AlexanderTT): no , no vacation for me like that
[10:50] (Rabidus): I've played paintball for seven years..
[10:50] (Rabidus): I'm glad now.
[10:50] (DWOMT): <AlexanderTT> we had planes but we did not control the skies <-- so some of the air force uses their fighter jets to help?
[10:50] (AlexanderTT): we played paintball in our free time to keep sharp
[10:50] (AlexanderTT): yes of course
[10:50] (Rabidus): sweet
[10:50] (AlexanderTT): we had planes
[10:50] (DWOMT): wow
[10:51] (MadIce): Is there any "recreational" TTing for the very rich or powerfull?
[10:51] (DWOMT): I kept picturing this civil war with just civilians in woods shooting at an unbeatable enemy
[10:51] (AlexanderTT): no
[10:51] (AlexanderTT): ther is no selfish time traveling where I am from it is all to better humankind
[10:51] (Rabidus): DWOMT - That would be like the Americans in the revolutionary war.
[10:52] (AlexanderTT): yes DWOMT, a lot of that too
[10:52] (DWOMT): thats what i thought it was Rabidus
[10:52] (MadIce): Sounds great and dull at the same time

[10:52] (Rabidus): Hmmm.
[10:52] (DWOMT): i didn't think the rebels would have that kind of technology on their side
[10:52] (Rabidus): I really don't want bullets zinging past my head
[10:52] (AlexanderTT): yes, there was lots of gurellia warfare
[10:52] (Rabidus): heh
[10:52] (DWOMT): I wouldn't mind being in the rebel air force...air power is my game
[10:53] (AlexanderTT): we would double up flak jackets as bullet proof vests
[10:53] (Rabidus): But I think all my hunting/paintball/airsoft experience would keep me safe.
[10:53] (AlexanderTT): well, good luck Rabidus
[10:53] (AlexanderTT): i hope you survive
[10:53] (Rabidus): If at least for the time I had..
[10:54] (DWOMT): i've been doing martial arts and samurai sword fighting since I was little..but i doubt that stuff will help..haa haa haa
[10:54] (AlexanderTT): there was more hand-hand fighting then you think
[10:54] (DWOMT): then I have an advantage
[10:54] (Rabidus): omg
[10:54] (Rabidus): Me too
[10:54] (AlexanderTT): it was common in houses and buildings
[10:54] (DWOMT): i'll still carry my sword with me
[10:54] (DWOMT): and do damage to my enemies
[10:55] (MadIce): How is art developing in your time? Any good experimental stuff or does it serve the nation as well?
[10:55] (Rabidus): I love being a big monkey
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Senior Member
I'm convinced that Alexander knows something. He mentioned gravity as a pool of water with currents. I just can't understand why has grammar and spelling is so bad.


People can talk and make many claims. Very few have actual proof . (I don't consider predictions proof FYI).
