Question for time travel believers


Junior Member
The unveiling of one truth leads to the rest. Do the learning and you will have your answers given to you on a platter. Or be like the rest of the lazy ass millennial idiots of this planet demanding everything get handed to them and walk in blissful ignorance of the truth. I don't give a shit either way, and I no longer judge (mostly anyway) if you and the rest of you humans choose ignorance and you all die so be it. Enjoy what little is left of it. If you choose the hard pat of truth h I will be there to help you navigate the trials that come with it.
I will waste no more time on your cognitive dissonance.

You're very self-assured for someone who refuses to back up anything they're claiming.


Active Member
You're very self-assured for someone who refuses to back up anything they're claiming.
I have no need to prove anything to you, and you clearly don't want it, i've told you how to find it. With the marvelous internet now It takes less then 60 seconds to start that journey yourself unlike in the past when you had to go to libraries to read and years to find the books to begin with, it has never been easier or faster to find proof and you still refuse over and over.
It's not your fault you've been mind controlled into thinking that way but the consequent result is that you need someone wearing a politicians suit, or a doctors white coat to tell you how life works using the same lies they were using 100 years ago. I do not. I live it daily, I learned it, I remember it, I do it.., there are others on this forum who live it too, they do things weekly that you are incapable of comprehending, they don't need to prove it to you either, watching this conversation asking themselves why I even bothered wasting my time to begin with giving you all the time that I did.


I'm certain that there is proof out there that people can be civil with one another.

Maybe we can start by doing that here.



Junior Member
I have no need to prove anything to you, and you clearly don't want it, i've told you how to find it. With the marvelous internet now It takes less then 60 seconds to start that journey yourself unlike in the past when you had to go to libraries to read and years to find the books to begin with, it has never been easier or faster to find proof and you still refuse over and over.
It's not your fault you've been mind controlled into thinking that way but the consequent result is that you need someone wearing a politicians suit, or a doctors white coat to tell you how life works using the same lies they were using 100 years ago. I do not. I live it daily, I learned it, I remember it, I do it.., there are others on this forum who live it too, they do things weekly that you are incapable of comprehending, they don't need to prove it to you either, watching this conversation asking themselves why I even bothered wasting my time to begin with giving you all the time that I did.

You know, you could have just directly shown me the proof instead of pumping out paragraph after paragraph of egocentric nonsense. It would have taken less time.


Junior Member
Thelema you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain by listening to his advice about truths, why fight it? just give it a go.

The problem is that yes, I have researched this and many other topics. He has absolutely no idea what my background is, he just assumed that because I didn't immediately agree with him then I must not have done any basic research into the topic. It's a dogmatic and hostile line of thinking.


New Member
Reality as you see it is an illusion, it doesnt exist in physical form, this is already proven science, you are not a part of it, walking around touching solid objects it's all a construct. Not quite a computer simulation however the nearest equivalent of how to understand it at the basic level you might as well call it that.

Your life is a virtual world. Not because it's part of a computer program but because of what the universe simply is. it's a part of a fractal consciousness. Your perception of being in physical form is the equivalent of the individual neuron on a singular pathway through an epic brain.

Perception is all that is, life and groupings of life are nothing more than these neurons with similar resonance in a giant energetic bubble that we call a planet.
Each neuron, self aware as it is decides to agree to a set of rules for living experiences within the group which is what incarnation is.

Your projected illusion of reality is all based on how you understand the rules of the game, which is also scientifically measured to be created upto 18 seconds before your physical brain even knows it is taking place.

The energy bubble version of you within the group is tied to a part of you outside the group also, a function that is necessary because to experience this virtual world without it would mean to live knowing all the rules of the game in advance instead of being able to play the game and learn them as you go. In other words there are two versions of you, the one playing the game (the higher you) and the game character (mayhem)

Perception, in this case the brains perception is based on the level of the game you are playing, as in easy, hard, god mode etc. If you have learned some of the rules of the game you can manipulate the virtual world on the fly by controlling your inner energetic mechanics. This is exceptionally slow, so to use more computer terms. The universe is simultaneously created and destroyed per planck second depending on the energetic mechanics within the individuated being, to keep this simple lets assume time was linear and singular so it doesn't get more complex. Call it warp speed. The brain only registers it by seconds, those 18 seconds it takes to register in the brain is after approximately 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 complete universal scale versions of reality have been destroyed.
If you call this process frames of reality, then your brain is only operating at 100000000000000000000000 frames per second, 1/18th of the games full speed.

This 18 second window was the maximum recorded in these types of experiments taken during dozens of different trials and is accessible in public record, using mostly unenlightened beings that think reality is real. In game terms, they are playing easy mode.

But when you play the game for long enough you start to get to higher levels, your creation of this projected shared illusion starts to become malleable, you become a hacker. By controlling your own energetic geometric harmonics within, reality starts to reflect it more quickly, you start creating it 30 seconds in advance and it's no longer random choice. This is where timeline variables become options. You can literally feel ahead and feel the differences between potential timelines that you haven't created yet, your perception of reality isn't autonomic any longer, it is free choice.

The higher the level you get to in the game (in the big picture terms) the more frames per second of life you can see.

Which is quite analogous to the light spectrum too, your eyes only normally perceive 1% of the visible spectrum, which is only about 15% of the full emf spectrum. So you only see 0.15% life unfolding.

As you level up, you start to see more, literally you can see more colours, you can see into the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums and discern tones and shades within them. This is what happens when you experience lsd, it breaks the filters in the brain so that you can perceive more of the spectrum of life. You begin to see the wave forms of the energetics. This is where "reality" starts becoming what academics call the 4th dimension, and spiritualists would call the 4th density, how ghosts can walk through walls, because they no longer choose to see the walls as solid, they choose to see them as the energy bubbles they are and they simply slip through the gaps.

Understand here, I am trying to dumb this shit down a lot but the point is, your perception of reality is based on your projection of reality, and the more you learn to see the projection the more you can change it on the outside.

To bring this back to forum context, time and space are nothing more than perceptions of past or potential realities, each of which is based on the vibration of the game player to begin with, the creation and destruction of which follow geometric codes and formulas.

You do not move forward in time or space, reality only appears to move because the framerate is so smooth and so fast.
The coordinates of any particular frame is what you need to "time travel"
A gorgeous summation. Does a great job explaining why time is all about perception rather than likened to a physical road that can be read and mapped.


Junior Member
The concept time travel fasinates every one. Like I said in other posts I replied in this site, time travel is physically impossible. We experience time as the passing moment. Travelling back to the past creates a alternate timeline as every aspect of the timeline is factored in. Time has no speed but only moments.


Active Member
stan marsh computer GIF by South Park
I know neither personally lol. Anyhow still think it is probably impossible as there is yet to be verifiable evidence of any sort
