Schematic The Philadelphia Experiment (Variation)


Time Enforcement Commission
According to recent studies, if a Hyper Dimensional Resonator is connected to a two-phase electric motor, and is placed so that the electric motor is positioned directly over a natural or artificial grid point, a time warp can be created. This is due to the fact, that once the electric motor has been activated, this will speed up or slow down the vortex action, thus creating a more direct link with the zero vector. In other words, if the vortex over the grid point is speeded up, time will appear to be standing still, but if the vortex is slowed down by running the electric motor in the opposite direction, the individual who is standing close to the grid point will be transported instantaneously into the zero vector. It is also assumed that natural grid points open and close once every 40 years, and if this is the case, then once the unit has been activated, the individual will be transported 40 years into earth's future or past.

As for an artificial grid point, it is somewhat questionable as to what might actually occur. But for all practical purposes, it would probably depend on how you program the unit. A fellow research buddy of mine succeeded in transporting himself physically back to the year 1900 A.D. by using a device that was similar to this. However, the device he was using ran on an entirely different principle. But anyhow after the experiment, he got extremely nauseated and sick to his stomach, which was due to the vortex action created by the artificial grid point. Therefore one must be careful in this respect. Here is a variation of the Philadelphia Experiment:

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Has anyone heard of this schematic before?
From what I gather there's no rubbing plate with the Tesla-like jumping (Into Thin Air book) mentioned worn by US Navy belt worn devices. How this device seems to work, is the primary field generated by tesla-coil like variants, the main altered field comes from some variant of wound electrical coil primary energy storage projection architecture. *Into Thin Air fictional book but also well based in fact, the Philadelphia Experiment & Naval Yard.

Secondly the time or spatial jumping ability into and utilizing that generated field, is by sub-device which directs through distance and let out of time-space distorted field primary field, to augment a route out from that primary field. So, the person using this becomes the load carried, but within and from that primary field.

With Gibbs hyperdimensional lineated use, there's a rubbing plate, because the use of that plate yields into apparatus of the HDR electronics, because that's a radionics-like usage of this technology.

With the Tesla-like variant use, one does not need to involve radionics; the person user just has to be the carried load. Translation from that Tesla-like generated field, is a location to a semi-field to ground location translation, or the destination.

*How the Tesla-like belt devices were used, is US Navy sailors donned these and materialized in a well-known bar, to where they began to fight with patrons imbibing there e.g. sailors fightin fun. This happenstance has been reported in many text.

Where I got how Tesla-use variants work, is by Andrews Basigo's description of the large walk-in time or spatial jumping machine. This is at X-base location somewhere in the PCNW. *X-base means you don't know and I don't know. Better off left unknown for your own safety, so don't get nosey.

The two Technolgies to me seem to be separated. I also don't see why you would want to hybrid that use. "Cheers"

Oh, my God. I actually made a mistake. A two-phase electric motor is a direct current electric motor. I asked ChatGPT that the circuit generates pulsed direct current, and the DC motor should be better. Ordinary AC single-phase motors simply do not work.

In this case, the DC motor is usually connected in parallel with the capacitor to smooth out the output of the pulsed DC power supply, rather than being connected in series. Connecting capacitors in series will cause the motor to not work properly and may damage the motor.

Regarding going back to the neutral line of 110V AC, it depends on your specific circuit design. In general, if your motor only needs to be powered by a one-way power supply (e.g. only needs to rotate forward), then there is usually no need to return the motor to the neutral line of the 110V AC voltage. However, if you need the motor to move in both directions, or if the motor itself is designed to be grounded through the neutral line of the AC power source, then you may need to bring the motor back to the neutral line of the AC power source.
Oh, my God. I actually made a mistake. A two-phase electric motor is a direct current electric motor. I asked ChatGPT that the circuit generates pulsed direct current, and the DC motor should be better. Ordinary AC single-phase motors simply do not work.

In this case, the DC motor is usually connected in parallel with the capacitor to smooth out the output of the pulsed DC power supply, rather than being connected in series. Connecting capacitors in series will cause the motor to not work properly and may damage the motor.

Regarding going back to the neutral line of 110V AC, it depends on your specific circuit design. In general, if your motor only needs to be powered by a one-way power supply (e.g. only needs to rotate forward), then there is usually no need to return the motor to the neutral line of the 110V AC voltage. However, if you need the motor to move in both directions, or if the motor itself is designed to be grounded through the neutral line of the AC power source, then you may need to bring the motor back to the neutral line of the AC power source.
What would be of help in a p[ortable, is there a two-phase DC motor that can opt back to AC power? Noted they've already done this from the amount of evidence concerning the sailors appearing in the shipyards bar then fighting. So this must be within the supply booty of the Tesla collection of devices.

There were some three sailors appearing, so that's three separate units. Size of motors plus Tesla generating units, first try at modern miniaturization? Thanks for your input Jiang.. .
