The Russians Are Talking About Nuking The U.S. Over And Over Again. Why Won’t We Take Them Seriously?


Doomsday Survival Blog
Circumstances seem to keep pushing the United States and Russia closer and closer to a horrifying showdown. If I was in the White House, I would be doing all that I could to try to find a way out of this mess. Unfortunately, the guy currently leading our nation is a hothead in an advanced state of mental decline, and he is surrounded by the worst foreign policy team in U.S. history. That is a recipe for disaster, but most Americans seem to be entirely convinced that a full-blown war with Russia is extremely unlikely. Most of us seem to think that we can keep escalating the conflict in Ukraine without ever suffering any serious consequences. Unfortunately, the Russians see things very differently.

On Russian television, there is constant discussion about how the conflict in Ukraine is really a proxy war between the United States and Russia.

On the state TV show 60 Minutes, host Olga Skabeeva announced: “I have some unpleasant news… Even though we are methodically destroying the weapons that are being delivered [to Ukraine], but the quantities in which the United States are sending them force us to come up with some global conclusions. Perhaps it’s time to acknowledge that maybe Russia’s special operation in Ukraine has come to an end, in a sense that a real war had started: WWIII. We’re forced to conduct the demilitarization not only of Ukraine, but of the entire NATO alliance.”

Sadly, she is quite correct that World War III has now begun.

Let us hope that a way to stop it can be found before it goes nuclear.

Nuclear war is not a topic that is brought up much on American news channels, but in Russia it is regularly proposed as a potential option…

Vladimir Avatkov, from the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said: “You mentioned WWIII and the way Americans and Poles are acting on the territory of Ukraine—indeed, we need to remember the words of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who said that anyone who tries to interfere in the special military operation will pay a heavy price.” Skabeeva interrupted: “We never forget about these words of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, but a great number of people are already standing in line, trying to interfere in Russia’s special operation on the territory of Ukraine. Turns out, we have to act—but we’re yet to figure out how we can act without conducting a nuclear strike.”

Reading something like that should chill you to the core.

When Russian journalists and politicians say stuff like this, why won’t we take them seriously?

Just the other day, one prominent Russian politician openly talked about destroying both coasts of the United States with Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles…

The politician, Alexie Zhuravlev, was joined on the talk show by fellow MP and Russian-state mouthpiece Yevgeny Popov, the host of the Rossiya 1 channel show.

The lawmaker claimed that two of Russia’s Sarmat ‘Satan 2’ missiles would destroy the entirety of America’s east coast – before adding it would take just “two missiles for the west coast” as well.

“Four missiles and there’ll be nothing left.”

Russia’s Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles are far superior to anything that we have, and we have no defense against them.

If push comes to shove, I believe that the Russians will not hesitate to use their nuclear weapons.

Our leaders should be trying to find a peaceful way out of this crisis, but instead both sides just continue to escalate matters.

In fact, for the very first time Joe Biden has just promised to give long-range rocket systems that are capable of hitting targets inside Russia to Ukraine…

U.S. President Joe Biden has agreed to provide Ukraine with advanced rocket systems that can strike with precision at long-range Russian targets as part of a $700 million weapons package expected to be unveiled on Wednesday.

The United States is providing Ukraine with high mobility artillery rocket systems that can accurately hit targets as far away as 80 km (50 miles) after Ukraine gave “assurances” they will not use the missiles to strike inside Russia, senior administration officials said.

What an incredibly foolish move.

Has Biden gone completely insane?

In response, the Russians are holding missile drills…

The nuclear forces of Russia are holding drills in a region just northeast of Moscow.

The decision to begin these drills comes just one day after President Joe Biden announced his decision to send advanced missile system to Ukraine, the New York Post reported.

According to an independent news agency in Russia, around 1,000 Russian soldiers are taking part in intense maneuvers using more than 100 military vehicles, including Yars intercontinental missile launchers.


At this point, the U.S. is providing most of the new military equipment for the war in Ukraine, most of the intelligence for the war in Ukraine, and U.S. Secretary of State Lloyd Austin has publicly admitted that we are actually bringing Ukrainians into the United States to train them to go back and fight in the war.

And now we have learned that the U.S. has actually been conducting “offensive hacking operations” against Russia…

General Nakasone confirmed for the first time that the US was conducting offensive hacking operations in support of Ukraine in response to the Russian invasion.

He told Sky News: “We’ve conducted a series of operations across the full spectrum; offensive, defensive, [and] information operations.”

What are we thinking?

Have our leaders really become this reckless?

Once a full-blown war with Russia starts, there will be no going back.

But right now many Americans are so self-obsessed that they don’t even realize that our leaders in Washington have brought us to the brink of the unthinkable.

To me, Hunter Biden is the perfect example of the type of self-obsessed American that I am talking about…

Hunter Biden’s search history reveals an obsession with porn including incest fantasies, ’18yrs old’, ‘lonely widow’ porn, ‘MILF crack cocaine porn’, as well as instructions on how to hack a lover’s cell phone and repeated google searches of himself.

The list of searches covers just six days in March 2019 before he broke his laptop, took it to be repaired a Delaware shop, and then abandoned it. But it is packed full of revealing and disturbing websites.

It is also being reported that Hunter actually made videos of himself having sex with prostitutes and uploaded them to a website known as Pornhub…

Dozens of videos on the laptop also reveal Hunter’s penchant for filming himself having sex with prostitutes and posting the home movies on his own Pornhub account under the username ‘RHEast’.

The president’s son took care not to show his face in his uploaded videos.

This is the son of the president of the United States.

Can you believe that?

Sadly, this is what we have become as a nation.

We have become a country full of self-destructive degenerates that are so out of it that we don’t even realize what we are doing to ourselves.

There is a small minority of the population that is awake, but most Americans are in a deep state of sleep. I am doing my best to try to wake them up, but most of the population simply does not want to listen.

The corporate media is telling them to hate Russia, and so most of them are going to keep cheering for more escalation until it is far too late to reverse course.

If we keep escalating the conflict in Ukraine, the Russians could eventually be put into a position where they feel like they are forced to make a very difficult decision.

And when that day finally arrives, you better hope that they don’t decide to pull the trigger.

Source: swp57 | The Russians Are Talking About Nuking The U.S. Over And Over Again. Why Won’t We Take Them Seriously?


The biggest threat to the United States is Russia. U.S. arms dealers intend to sell weapons to Ukraine, alleviating the risk of their businesses going bankrupt. The military power of communist China is now inferior to that of Russia. Of course, for the United States, the place where conflicts will break out in the future is the island of Taiwan. I feel it is necessary to weaken Russia. American scientists may have to figure out how to defend against an enemy nuclear attack. Who made the US leak nuclear weapons technology to the rest of the world? Now, including North Korea, all plans to acquire nuclear weapons technology, so as to avoid being destroyed.
Nuclear weapons are about to develop the fourth generation, and the future is to make cobalt bombs.
Now, including North Korea, all plans to acquire nuclear weapons technology, so as to avoid being destroyed. North Korea is developing a new type of ICBM. The missile has acquired technology through illegal means and can carry nuclear missiles. If Russia launches a powerful ICBM against Ukraine, will it lead to Russia's demise? I heard that President Putin couldn't help but want to press the nuke button.

Circumstances seem to keep pushing the United States and Russia closer and closer to a horrifying showdown. If I was in the White House, I would be doing all that I could to try to find a way out of this mess. Unfortunately, the guy currently leading our nation is a hothead in an advanced state of mental decline, and he is surrounded by the worst foreign policy team in U.S. history. That is a recipe for disaster, but most Americans seem to be entirely convinced that a full-blown war with Russia is extremely unlikely. Most of us seem to think that we can keep escalating the conflict in Ukraine without ever suffering any serious consequences. Unfortunately, the Russians see things very differently.

On Russian television, there is constant discussion about how the conflict in Ukraine is really a proxy war between the United States and Russia.

Sadly, she is quite correct that World War III has now begun.

Let us hope that a way to stop it can be found before it goes nuclear.

Nuclear war is not a topic that is brought up much on American news channels, but in Russia it is regularly proposed as a potential option…

Reading something like that should chill you to the core.

When Russian journalists and politicians say stuff like this, why won’t we take them seriously?

Just the other day, one prominent Russian politician openly talked about destroying both coasts of the United States with Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles…

Russia’s Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles are far superior to anything that we have, and we have no defense against them.

If push comes to shove, I believe that the Russians will not hesitate to use their nuclear weapons.

Our leaders should be trying to find a peaceful way out of this crisis, but instead both sides just continue to escalate matters.

In fact, for the very first time Joe Biden has just promised to give long-range rocket systems that are capable of hitting targets inside Russia to Ukraine…

What an incredibly foolish move.

Has Biden gone completely insane?

In response, the Russians are holding missile drills…


At this point, the U.S. is providing most of the new military equipment for the war in Ukraine, most of the intelligence for the war in Ukraine, and U.S. Secretary of State Lloyd Austin has publicly admitted that we are actually bringing Ukrainians into the United States to train them to go back and fight in the war.

And now we have learned that the U.S. has actually been conducting “offensive hacking operations” against Russia…

What are we thinking?

Have our leaders really become this reckless?

Once a full-blown war with Russia starts, there will be no going back.

But right now many Americans are so self-obsessed that they don’t even realize that our leaders in Washington have brought us to the brink of the unthinkable.

To me, Hunter Biden is the perfect example of the type of self-obsessed American that I am talking about…

It is also being reported that Hunter actually made videos of himself having sex with prostitutes and uploaded them to a website known as Pornhub…

This is the son of the president of the United States.

Can you believe that?

Sadly, this is what we have become as a nation.

We have become a country full of self-destructive degenerates that are so out of it that we don’t even realize what we are doing to ourselves.

There is a small minority of the population that is awake, but most Americans are in a deep state of sleep. I am doing my best to try to wake them up, but most of the population simply does not want to listen.

The corporate media is telling them to hate Russia, and so most of them are going to keep cheering for more escalation until it is far too late to reverse course.

If we keep escalating the conflict in Ukraine, the Russians could eventually be put into a position where they feel like they are forced to make a very difficult decision.

And when that day finally arrives, you better hope that they don’t decide to pull the trigger.

Source: swp57 | The Russians Are Talking About Nuking The U.S. Over And Over Again. Why Won’t We Take Them Seriously?

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Senior Member
If you admit that you take it seriously, you have flinched and lost the chicken race. It's all about making the opponent know that you won't fire unless you have to, but will be forced to send everything at once when retaliation is necessary and you have nothing left to loose.


Active Member
Some may call for escalations, but whoever launches nukes first will suddenly find themselves the loser in the court of public opinion. Then everyone will call for their demise. Putin already has low ratings. He should be smart enough to know this already.

Usually the populations of various countries don't want to start wars. They may be somewhat hostile towards each other, but not to the mass killing point. It's usually the idiot politicians at the top who create the real problems.

It is also being reported that Hunter actually made videos of himself having sex with prostitutes and uploaded them to a website known as Pornhub…
Thankfully Joe or Hillary didn't do this.


Senior Member
Thankfully Joe or Hillary didn't do this.
Putting celebrity faces into porn is common and the technology has been around since the 1990s, when a stuntwoman's face got replaced with the actor's in Jurassic Park. I would not be surprised to find fake porn with Hillary or Trump and Putin.

With modern deep fakes, you won't believe this is not a real photo.


Active Member
Putting celebrity faces into porn is common and the technology has been around since the 1990s, when a stuntwoman's face got replaced with the actor's in Jurassic Park. I would not be surprised to find fake porn with Hillary or Trump and Putin.

With modern deep fakes, you won't believe this is not a real photo.

It was more of a joke, but I know the point. I heard Daisy Ridley was popular in fake porn when the last Star Wars trilogy started coming out. I remember your Jurassic Park reference. It was somewhat groundbreaking at the time.


Senior Member
Circumstances seem to keep pushing the United States and Russia closer and closer to a horrifying showdown. If I was in the White House, I would be doing all that I could to try to find a way out of this mess. Unfortunately, the guy currently leading our nation is a hothead in an advanced state of mental decline, and he is surrounded by the worst foreign policy team in U.S. history. That is a recipe for disaster, but most Americans seem to be entirely convinced that a full-blown war with Russia is extremely unlikely. Most of us seem to think that we can keep escalating the conflict in Ukraine without ever suffering any serious consequences. Unfortunately, the Russians see things very differently.

On Russian television, there is constant discussion about how the conflict in Ukraine is really a proxy war between the United States and Russia.

Sadly, she is quite correct that World War III has now begun.

Let us hope that a way to stop it can be found before it goes nuclear.

Nuclear war is not a topic that is brought up much on American news channels, but in Russia it is regularly proposed as a potential option…

Reading something like that should chill you to the core.

When Russian journalists and politicians say stuff like this, why won’t we take them seriously?

Just the other day, one prominent Russian politician openly talked about destroying both coasts of the United States with Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles…

Russia’s Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles are far superior to anything that we have, and we have no defense against them.

If push comes to shove, I believe that the Russians will not hesitate to use their nuclear weapons.

Our leaders should be trying to find a peaceful way out of this crisis, but instead both sides just continue to escalate matters.

In fact, for the very first time Joe Biden has just promised to give long-range rocket systems that are capable of hitting targets inside Russia to Ukraine…

What an incredibly foolish move.

Has Biden gone completely insane?

In response, the Russians are holding missile drills…


At this point, the U.S. is providing most of the new military equipment for the war in Ukraine, most of the intelligence for the war in Ukraine, and U.S. Secretary of State Lloyd Austin has publicly admitted that we are actually bringing Ukrainians into the United States to train them to go back and fight in the war.

And now we have learned that the U.S. has actually been conducting “offensive hacking operations” against Russia…

What are we thinking?

Have our leaders really become this reckless?

Once a full-blown war with Russia starts, there will be no going back.

But right now many Americans are so self-obsessed that they don’t even realize that our leaders in Washington have brought us to the brink of the unthinkable.

To me, Hunter Biden is the perfect example of the type of self-obsessed American that I am talking about…

It is also being reported that Hunter actually made videos of himself having sex with prostitutes and uploaded them to a website known as Pornhub…

This is the son of the president of the United States.

Can you believe that?

Sadly, this is what we have become as a nation.

We have become a country full of self-destructive degenerates that are so out of it that we don’t even realize what we are doing to ourselves.

There is a small minority of the population that is awake, but most Americans are in a deep state of sleep. I am doing my best to try to wake them up, but most of the population simply does not want to listen.

The corporate media is telling them to hate Russia, and so most of them are going to keep cheering for more escalation until it is far too late to reverse course.

If we keep escalating the conflict in Ukraine, the Russians could eventually be put into a position where they feel like they are forced to make a very difficult decision.

And when that day finally arrives, you better hope that they don’t decide to pull the trigger.

Source: swp57 | The Russians Are Talking About Nuking The U.S. Over And Over Again. Why Won’t We Take Them Seriously?
I know simply that our central sun is a variable and it's kind of delicate. The phase it's working at now is the up in amplitude setting. This is like a Swiss watch as far as its operations go.

If there's a mass nuclear weapons exchange, it may simply detonate. Blow up like a bowling ball with a stick of dynamite stuck in it. There's no way to predict this either as the timeline are able to be prefunctioning, and telling, but the sun could still blow up without it being predicted at all.

Here's the link and I've seen it said elsewhere both on a sun simply blowing up and on suns being variables. earth pleiadian keys to the living library - Search


Senior Member
I know simply that our central sun is a variable and it's kind of delicate. The phase it's working at now is the up in amplitude setting. This is like a Swiss watch as far as its operations go.

If there's a mass nuclear weapons exchange, it may simply detonate. Blow up like a bowling ball with a stick of dynamite stuck in it. There's no way to predict this either as the timeline are able to be prefunctioning, and telling, but the sun could still blow up without it being predicted at all.

Here's the link and I've seen it said elsewhere both on a sun simply blowing up and on suns being variables. earth pleiadian keys to the living library - Search
A large iron planet hitting the sun out of nowhere and causing a chain reaction could probably produce some nasty surprises for earth.
