The woman who foresaw 9/11 predicts a nuclear explosion for 2023


Active Member
Alright. Ever notice that north Korea keeps failing to nuke Japan? Their nukes are all duds. In fact no one has successfully nuked anyone since the US took out Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I think there are other races more intelligent than ours that have disabled all the nukes. I'll bet we are under constant surveillance by superior races to make sure we don't kill ourselves.
Maybe they are trying to save some of us whilst getting rid of others. Doing a great job I believe


Temporal Engineer
Wait a min you like the left more than right you need to change of heart remember this love your neighbor and God almighty

Incorrect. It is apparent to me that the left have many in their midst that have their brains screwed in backwards. I don't really care for Rinos either. Trump stuck to the constitution. Remember he wants to drain the swamp. Personally I believe we as Americans will have to stampede Washington out of existence.


Active Member
If you paid attention to the fake news, you should have concluded that covid-19 was a hoax. No dead bodies in the streets should have been a big clue. Do you remember the John Hopkins researcher that exposed the hoax. She looked at the data and noticed all the deaths from heat attacks, strokes, and cancer went down to nothing while covid-19 was the new label for the deaths. Then there was the government paying hospitals $39,000 for every covid-19 death they reported. Also didn't you notice that the symptoms for covid-19 were just symptoms of a common cold?
This was not true of all hospitals though, some doctors may have received that amount in places. But in most places they were getting 2-5000 to report something as covid and from 13000 upwards to get someone on the ventilators which had a mortality rate of above 90%
Aside from pedantics though...if you were using critical thinking it was easy to see the lie, but most weren't, and some still aren't.

The symptoms are the same as high emf exposure, which was legally changed in definition shortly before 5g was released, it is now called electro hyper sensitivity EHS, and it is something doctors are not trained to recognise at all.


Junior Member
Much as Putin is crazy invading Ukraine I don't know which is the good side. They say that Russia is spreading false information about the war to its people but our government can do the same.

I don't like war and I think countries having a nuke is a deterrent to any other countries that would start a war. It would be last resort to use nukes as the fallout would be disastrous. The safest countries would be the ones without nukes.


Active Member
Much as Putin is crazy invading Ukraine I don't know which is the good side. They say that Russia is spreading false information about the war to its people but our government can do the same.

I don't like war and I think countries having a nuke is a deterrent to any other countries that would start a war. It would be last resort to use nukes as the fallout would be disastrous. The safest countries would be the ones without nukes.
Well one good clue to war images being faked is that you have images of soldiers in the streets with cars turned over from some bombs going off and yet, all the glass in the buildings is in one piece, none of the paint has scratches, dents, chips or holes from bullets or shrapnel...

Politics is just a stage, all of them are actors paid by the same people.


New Member
So called "nukes" are scalar energy weapons effecting more than the third dimension, (thats your matrix) they effect the more normal 5th density of reality too, which is where most of the 500,000+ species in this galaxy reside except for a few other minor planets still spiritually growing. This is why ufos will disable them.
9/11 wasn't all that hard to predict if you know what to look for, the clues and codes and permission slips to allow it in a mass reality projection were everywhere, even in back to the future...the film...
Like wise a "nuclear explosion" and or "EMP" and many others have been all over the place. the masses have already given their permission slips, you, by not recognizing the clues and taking films and media for nothing more than "entertainment" weren't discerning enough to take the suggestions and requests for permission to do these things and deny them.
Now, technically speaking like most of these requests they are borderline acceptable in the big picture of one of the primary laws of the universe about free will but you signed that away when you agreed to incarnate on earth. There are people here and other peoples tying to help undo this tragedy and return earth to a 5th dimensional normal free will state of existence. However, until that happens the fine print so to speak is, all the blind masses have already given permission for major major destructions the only technical difference is the "nuke" thing. They have given permission to be told that a nuke has gone off, but their 5th dimensional higher selves have not given permission for one of these devices to be activated. There fore, what will happen is some variation of hugely powerful device will be activated instead and then the public will be told it was nuclear. Thus, they are not in violation of free will on either this fucked up 3rd dimensional matrix, or the higherself sitting above 5d. The masses are just to damn ignorant to know the difference.
Then as all conspiracies against us in 3d, there will be some of us telling people and showing people the clues to why it was not what they were told it is. The masses will ignore it alienate us for speaking up about it, and follow what their told like sheep. Meanwhile being ignorant of all the laws being changed in the background that takes away even more rights and money.
Last I heard estimated deaths from the fake "vax" poison were reaching just over 50 million global. fertility is down 22-30 something percent and mortality is up between 18-46 percent or something, it's been a while since I checked but depending where you are it obviously varies anyway but it's still not enough, it's not fast enough. They (the controlling parasites) want us gone faster and fake wars between fake governments isn't enough of a distraction anymore. They are trying to tip the balance of permission slips to kill us faster.
What it comes down to now is which timeline of major death will be manifest first. "nukes" "fake invasion" "emp strike" "comet" "political war" They have all been lined up. They know how to manipulate realities, they have thousands of years of practice.
Your higher self is the true part of your SOUL!, we humans only carry about 35% to 45% of the soul inside of the body.
