time and dimensional experience


New Member
OK. This is the weirdest experience that I have had in 38 years of life. I also have never met anyone who has had it. At least not anything exactly like it. In the strictest sense this is impossible to describe because i have nothing remotely like it to compare it to. And for the record I was not on drugs of any type, I was not tired, I had not banged my head on anything or any of the other 400 skeptical questions that people ask. Just tick 'No' for the lot. Please.

Anyway, here goes.

When I was 17 I entered a triangle with white light in the middle. This came out of nowhere at about 4 in the afternoon. Actually there was an infinite number of triangles rather like mirrors in mirrors. Each had a dot of white light in the mathematical center. This is very hard to describe. In all of this the entire world around me vanished. I was in this other plane/dimension/realm whatever word that you want to use. It seemed like millions of years passed. But then I returned to the normal world. The process of going back was strange. It seemed like I was in this world and that world at once. But when I returned no time had passed. And let me be very precise at this point. I mean, NO time whatsoever. Because I Had been walking quickly and was in the exact same place that I was before. I DO NOT mean a time contraction such as 5 minutes seeming like 2 hours etc that occurs in meditation and so on. I mean NO time at all. I have to make that very clear.

I knew straight away that I had an experience that was out of this dimension's normal time/space/laws set up. For about a year I told nobody. Not even my family or friends.

Now, for a long time I thought that this was a "vision" experience. But years later I found the book Pistis Sophia in which Jesus describes in intricate detail the planes of the universe. It is a Nag Hammadi book that is free to read on the net. I am not trying to get biblical here or anything. I wouldn't call myself a Christian. But I do read a lot. In it Jesus describes many of the higher realms as "light realms". I believe, sincerely, that I went to one of these realms.

I'd like to add that I felt a great sense of peace in the experience. Indeed, there was no fear in volved whatsoever. I find this hard to explain. Maybe it is beyond the limited capacity of a human brain to understand.

My overall point is that I believe that I have something to offer scientists/physicists who want to understand time better. I agree with John Titor [ whether he is real or not]; it is possible to have a "time pocket"; that is millions of years can pass without it registering time in this dimension.

That is, if scientists want what I have to offer. Which I am fully aware that 99% of them probably won't. They smash their equations around. They conjure up terms like string theory. But how can they possibly hope to understand time without input from people such as myself? To me they are like 4 year olds trying to get calculus.

Lastly, I have no idea why this occurred to me. I was not doing anything whatsoever to try to make it occur. Nor was I anywhere different from where I had been dozens of times. Time isn't just an equation. Time is experiential. Time is like Loki the trickster. It has its own rules. It does what it wants. It tricks people into thinking that a clockface shows how stable it is. In reality it is unstable.

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
Are you only willing to offer your "something" to scientists or share it with us too?
Thanks :)


Active Member
OK. This is the weirdest experience that I have had in 38 years of life. I also have never met anyone who has had it. At least not anything exactly like it. In the strictest sense this is impossible to describe because i have nothing remotely like it to compare it to. And for the record I was not on drugs of any type, I was not tired, I had not banged my head on anything or any of the other 400 skeptical questions that people ask. Just tick 'No' for the lot. Please.

Anyway, here goes.

When I was 17 I entered a triangle with white light in the middle. This came out of nowhere at about 4 in the afternoon. Actually there was an infinite number of triangles rather like mirrors in mirrors. Each had a dot of white light in the mathematical center. This is very hard to describe. In all of this the entire world around me vanished. I was in this other plane/dimension/realm whatever word that you want to use. It seemed like millions of years passed. But then I returned to the normal world. The process of going back was strange. It seemed like I was in this world and that world at once. But when I returned no time had passed. And let me be very precise at this point. I mean, NO time whatsoever. Because I Had been walking quickly and was in the exact same place that I was before. I DO NOT mean a time contraction such as 5 minutes seeming like 2 hours etc that occurs in meditation and so on. I mean NO time at all. I have to make that very clear.

I knew straight away that I had an experience that was out of this dimension's normal time/space/laws set up. For about a year I told nobody. Not even my family or friends.

Now, for a long time I thought that this was a "vision" experience. But years later I found the book Pistis Sophia in which Jesus describes in intricate detail the planes of the universe. It is a Nag Hammadi book that is free to read on the net. I am not trying to get biblical here or anything. I wouldn't call myself a Christian. But I do read a lot. In it Jesus describes many of the higher realms as "light realms". I believe, sincerely, that I went to one of these realms.

I'd like to add that I felt a great sense of peace in the experience. Indeed, there was no fear in volved whatsoever. I find this hard to explain. Maybe it is beyond the limited capacity of a human brain to understand.

My overall point is that I believe that I have something to offer scientists/physicists who want to understand time better. I agree with John Titor [ whether he is real or not]; it is possible to have a "time pocket"; that is millions of years can pass without it registering time in this dimension.

That is, if scientists want what I have to offer. Which I am fully aware that 99% of them probably won't. They smash their equations around. They conjure up terms like string theory. But how can they possibly hope to understand time without input from people such as myself? To me they are like 4 year olds trying to get calculus.

Lastly, I have no idea why this occurred to me. I was not doing anything whatsoever to try to make it occur. Nor was I anywhere different from where I had been dozens of times. Time isn't just an equation. Time is experiential. Time is like Loki the trickster. It has its own rules. It does what it wants. It tricks people into thinking that a clockface shows how stable it is. In reality it is unstable.
Regardless of what it was it sounds like you are now in a position that you want to explore and really find out what did happen, it sounds to me like its one of three main things or a combo of them but that would just be my interpretation.
Have you looked into QHHT or recall therapy sessions?
