Schematic Time machine Tipler cylinder


New Member
Hello, I have always been interested in time travel, and now I need to send a message to the past. I do not know how soon they will create a time machine that will be able to move small objects into the past, so I decided that I should try to create a time machine myself. And here is the circuit that I would like to try, it is based on the theory of the Tipler cylinder, this device should generate a cylinder that has no one knows how high, theoretically, if we make a few circles around it, we should be in the past. I don’t know yet how my scheme is working and I want to ask you for advice, is it worth creating it or not?


steven chiverton

Senior Member
the idea of a tippler cylinder is the most stupidest idea its so long no one can make that and the way its described in this video is absurd it being infinitely to long and the rest is impossible and despite the idiocy ideas it would work no one can make a real one from it its just to massive and impossible to even test the the theory of it out by replicating something to big to even accomplish, think about rotating a long tube say 2 light years long then try spinning it to the impossible speeds knowing that man cannot accomplish that and even if it was 4 feet long the material we have these days isnt even capable of handling such torque without shattering into millions of bits and the speed it says it needs to be spun a small model wouldn't handle the speed either , if you want to look into something not so extremely excessively google the Kozyrev mirror experiments


Temporal Engineer
I recall that the Tipler cylinder was supposed to be of infinite length. That would mean that it could not exist in our universe. Everything in our universe has a finite length.


to create a 'full' cylinder, you should rotate the disc to a speed faster than light. Intiutively you are on the right track, gravity bends light, but what if curved light bends space in a way it create a gravity vortex ? apparently this is possible, have alook at Ron Mallet theory


Temporal Engineer
to create a 'full' cylinder, you should rotate the disc to a speed faster than light. Intiutively you are on the right track, gravity bends light, but what if curved light bends space in a way it create a gravity vortex ? apparently this is possible, have alook at Ron Mallet theory

You are mixing theory with reality. That is the fault of the academic community.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
Ronald MacDonald mallets theory is just a theory but he hasent biult a working prototype yet based on his theory so he is just a dreamer and hasent got anywhere yet


Temporal Engineer
Yes, He has built a prototype, probably it didin't work, that's why he isn't anymore much talked about

This is exactly why I say there is a difference from theory and reality. Inventors don't build anything from theory. It took me a long time to finally realize that. When I started to build stuff from existing fact instead of theory I finally started to get results. There appears to be a strong effort by the academic community to make sure no one builds a time machine. Why do I say that? No facts about time are taught. Just theory.
