We moved the chat to Discord


Hey everyone! Hope you're all doing well today.

We're ready to unveil our new chat system. We decided to ditch the old chatroom and move the chat to a brand new Discord server. It's a world-class chat platform that integrates well with the forum. Don't worry, Discord isn't there to replace any function the forum has. It's just for the chat, a complement to the forum.

Many thanks to @Mayhem, who helped set things up. Your help is greatly appreciated, man.

@Mayhem, @Wind7, and I (@Num7) are administrators on the Discord server. So do not hesitate to get in touch if you need anything, or need help.

Linking your Paranormalis account to Discord​

First, you'll need to link your Paranormalis account with your Discord account to make things as transparent and easy as possible.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If it says your account is already associated, you'll need to disassociate it first. Then associate it. (It's a remnant from the time we used Discord 2 years ago. Couldn't find a workaround.)

Let's proceed. Click this link to get to the Connected Accounts options page. Discord is the 4th one.

If it's already associated, simply tick Disassociate Discord account, then click Confirm.

Now to associate your Paranormalis account to Discord, click the blue Associate with Discord button, then authorize the Paranomalis-Connect Discord App. The forum will ask for your password to complete the association. You're all done!

Discord Invitation and the chat itself​

The invitation to reach our Discord server is located on the Discord page. You can reach it by clicking the Discord link in the site's navigation menu. (Or by clicking here: https://paranormalis.com/ewr-discord/) Then simply click the big CLICK HERE TO OPEN IN DISCORD link. It'll take you to our Discord server and you'll be ready to chat with us. Well done!

On the page on which you'll find the invitation, you'll also find an embedded version of Discord. It's possible to look at the chat and send messages from there.

All right, I think that's all. Let me know if I forgot anything. See you in the chat!



Senior Member
Num got it just right. Looking forward to being able to hang out more.

Salt Bae Steak GIF
