Weird Math


Active Member
The commutative property of math only works with addition and multiplication where a+b=b+a or axb = bxa. It doesn’t work with subtraction. You get two values. But the two values are constantly the positive and negative of the same number. Is there a purpose for needing 2 values that would support this concept? a-b b-a are not equal. I’m thinking of quantum mechanics mentioning superposition allowing for 2 values/states simultaneously. We wouldn’t know the value until measured?

Another thought of math is incorporating a third number in a fraction where a/b/c. Is there a purpose for such?


Active Member
The commutative property of math only works with addition and multiplication where a+b=b+a or axb = bxa. It doesn’t work with subtraction. You get two values. But the two values are constantly the positive and negative of the same number. Is there a purpose for needing 2 values that would support this concept? a-b b-a are not equal. I’m thinking of quantum mechanics mentioning superposition allowing for 2 values/states simultaneously. We wouldn’t know the value until measured?

Another thought of math is incorporating a third number in a fraction where a/b/c. Is there a purpose for such?
In numerology it matters quite a lot which numbers follow in a sequence, 12 giving a total sum of 3 is not the same as 21 giving the same number 3. It's kinda like tarot cards, which card comes first, just like letters in the sequence of an alphabet they need to follow a specific order for the right story to come through.
I think this bleeds over into academic understandings of math to some degree, but few have the ability to see both sides of that coin.

Each number has a defined energy type, 1 is the beginning, 2 is the formation of a foundation or polarity, 3 is a catalyst for change, 4 fixes the foundation, 5 is where there is a decision to be made, etc...all the way to 12 and than it repeats but gets more complex because 15 first and foremost is 12 meaning the unification or integration of the previous illumination reached in the evolution from the number 11 plus, the catalyst. Then its a matter of addition of two individual numbers, 1 and 5 plus 6 which is the total. And it is always in reference to the topic of the mind at the precise second of observation of the number. So in this example of the number 15 you have the energies of INTEGRATION (one cycle of 12) + CATALYST (3) + BEGINNING (1) + DECISION (5) + LOVE (6)(1+5)
So if you see this number as you launch tinder on your phone it might mean you may have to make a decision first and foremost with the information that last leveled up your spiritual awareness before you can begin the new cycle of love and find a good match...

Changing these numbers around may change things on minute levels, but the total would always have these base energy types behind them. So, it's complicated.
It gets even more complicated by the time you get to understanding things like grabovoi numbers, most of those are channeled messages and if anyone knows and understands the math of those numbers I haven't come across them yet. I am like a kinder gardener in this progression of my studies and I am still looking for a teacher...

In sacred geometry more, the harmonics of the numbers matter. meaning that 432 is no different in terms of meaning than .432 when it comes to the bigger picture. But it does matter to frequency. because 432 cycles is not the same as .432, as that is a matter of physical representation of the electromagnetic spectrum. And it matters to the form of the observer, ie, your brain wave frequency at the time. If your consciousness is only operating at a dna level efficiency of 14% then what you see when your brain is creating a reality from the 35hertz cycle range is going to be different than if you were operating at a dna efficiency level of 22% and when your brain is operating at the 1/2 hertz range, or 150 hertz range.

All in all, we haven't even scratched the surface of the level of math you're wishing a comprehension off, but I can see with absolutely zero doubt that yes, it matters. How...well spend a hundred years studying every variant of math in every field it is applied in and then and come back and tell us where the patterns are.


Temporal Engineer
The commutative property of math only works with addition and multiplication where a+b=b+a or axb = bxa. It doesn’t work with subtraction. You get two values. But the two values are constantly the positive and negative of the same number. Is there a purpose for needing 2 values that would support this concept? a-b b-a are not equal. I’m thinking of quantum mechanics mentioning superposition allowing for 2 values/states simultaneously. We wouldn’t know the value until measured?

Another thought of math is incorporating a third number in a fraction where a/b/c. Is there a purpose for such?

There is a purpose if you are using a 2-D plane for your numbers. A derivative of a quadratic equation comes to mind. Being that there are four solutions for the equation, each one being in it's respective quadrant.
