Where is TimeFlipper?


Temporal Engineer
Anyone have an update on his whereabouts? His last activity on the forum was June 30.
I know there are some of us that he has shared contact info with. Mostly concerning his Ham radio hobby. But there is one individual who was invited over to TimeFlippers place. Snake Plisken. He declined but maybe he could possibly do a wellness check on him.

TimeFlipper himself has shared some personal info on the forum. Back in 2016 he admitted he was 69 years old. That puts him at 75 years old today. Several times he has mentioned his birthday is October 13. Frequently he has said he lives in Derby England.

There was his fascination with Caroline Munro. A movie actress. He wound up actually meeting her at the Horrorcom Festival. He posted several pictures. One of the pictures posted here on the Forum was signed by Caroline Munro to John at Paranormalis. And another taken by his son was also posted showing TimeFlipper with Caroline Munro.

I know some posters may live in the area around TimeFlipper. Any help to find out if he is okay would be appreciated. Also PLEASE do not share any personal contact info on the forum. A PM will do nicely. All this info I have shared was already on the forum given to us by TimeFlipper. Here are a couple of the pictures TimeFlipper has shared with us.



alpha centauri

Active Member
I hope that he is well. But I am a little bit concerned, too, because he was a frequent user of the forum. I did not know he is that old. I thought he is a bit younger (10 years or so).

I know some posters may live in the area around TimeFlipper. Any help to find out if he is okay would be appreciated. Also PLEASE do not share any personal contact info on the forum.
I know only two users and I think they are banned.


Senior Member
In Pm's over the last few years he mentioned to me that he holidays in the summer sometimes abroad from England around this time. More so June i think thats what i first thought. Lets say two weeks at max, but at this length its a little concerning.
