Why do humans have so much back and neck pain?


Are we in the middle of an evolutionary change? So many humans suffer back, neck, and knee pain. Why? You can see photos of people with canes long before the computer and phone. Certainly, they don't help, but they aren't the only factor causing pain. Is it because we weren't meant to live this long? Many of us have posture more like the second to the last in the image below. Maybe it's because we've become lazy and less active? Perhaps we weren't really mean to stand perfectly straight up. So many questions. What are you thoughts? Also, I'm aware that not everyone believes we evolved from monkies.



Temporal Engineer
The simple answer is lack of proper nutrition. But this is a subjective answer since this approach has worked for me.

I thought my diet was correct since I was duped into believing medical community recommendations. I now think everyone should completely ignore everything from the medical community. I watch a lot of YouTube videos from people that have restored their health. The carnivore diet appears to be sent by God. So I examined the diet and finally came to realize that my diet was close. But I was missing a vital part of the diet due to medical propaganda brainwashing. The part I was missing was saturated fat. I had long ago sharply curtailed all sources of saturated fat from my diet. We all were told that saturated fat will clog up our arteries and we will all die prematurely from heart attacks. Of course over the last 50 years that story continues to change. First it was cholesterol, then saturated fat, then it was HDL Lipoproteins, which was again changed to LDL Lipoproteins. And don't forget the calcified arteries too. A changing narrative suggests it is not known why our arteries plug up.

So it's been about 4 months since I modified my diet to include saturated fat. I started drinking whole milk everyday. On the weekend 3 eggs with 2 servings of butter on Saturday. And the same on Sunday. The first sign it was doing something was after about 3 days I noticed my acid reflux disease went away. Around 1 week to 2 weeks I noticed a small hole on my leg (been there for 6 months prior) finally closed up and formed a scab and healed completely. It was close to 2 months in and my severe neck pain problem had significantly improved. For the past 10 years I had a disintegrating vertebrae in my neck. It healed completely! No more neck pain at all! The latest improvement was my stomach and intestinal health. I had a problem with floating stools. My stomach was not absorbing fats. Been like that for at least the last 6 months. But at month 3 the stools started to sink occasionally. I stopped adding a fiber supplement that I had been taking for more that 2 years. Within a week, a complete return to sinking stools. My stomach was now absorbing the food instead of just sending it through! What I had done was to restore my stomachs ability to produce more hydrochloric acid. Apparently saturated fat is necessary for proper gut health. Apparently doctors don't know this!

Forgot to mention that with the increased absorption ability of my stomach, my body weight increased by 10 pounds. I don't intend to lose any weight until additional problems are resolved. Still waiting to see my age spots disappear. They are fading. Would like to see my B-12 deficiency clear up. I have carpal tunnel syndrome on left hand. The myelin sheath around the nerves in my left arm are supposedly in need of repair. That is related to the B-12 deficiency. And would like to see my eye floaters disappear. Time will tell...


Active Member
Live this long? you're joking right? We've never had shorter lives than we do now. Heart attacks and strokes are now so common schools have been installing defibrillators for the last couple of years. Miscarriages and infertility are up, obesity and severe obesity, cancers are all over the place, athletes dropping dead in their 20's and 30's, Yeah it's safe to say theres an evolution happening all right.


Active Member
The simple answer is lack of proper nutrition. But this is a subjective answer since this approach has worked for me.
Thats the real key right there isn't it, well, two things, stop listening to doctors and start learning YOUR OWN diet.
The whole milk and butter lies I think are becoming far more obvious now with so many farms being burnt down or shut down which I think is great, the lies being obvious I mean, but I don't think there is any kind of perfect diet for everyone either. Everyone has a different history, different life experiences, different phases as they went through life, different genetic lineages...
Healing all that and the damage from pharmaceuticals...It's a personal journey.
And I am glad to hear yours is going well.


The simple answer is lack of proper nutrition. But this is a subjective answer since this approach has worked for me.

I thought my diet was correct since I was duped into believing medical community recommendations. I now think everyone should completely ignore everything from the medical community. I watch a lot of YouTube videos from people that have restored their health. The carnivore diet appears to be sent by God. So I examined the diet and finally came to realize that my diet was close. But I was missing a vital part of the diet due to medical propaganda brainwashing. The part I was missing was saturated fat. I had long ago sharply curtailed all sources of saturated fat from my diet. We all were told that saturated fat will clog up our arteries and we will all die prematurely from heart attacks. Of course over the last 50 years that story continues to change. First it was cholesterol, then saturated fat, then it was HDL Lipoproteins, which was again changed to LDL Lipoproteins. And don't forget the calcified arteries too. A changing narrative suggests it is not known why our arteries plug up.

So it's been about 4 months since I modified my diet to include saturated fat. I started drinking whole milk everyday. On the weekend 3 eggs with 2 servings of butter on Saturday. And the same on Sunday. The first sign it was doing something was after about 3 days I noticed my acid reflux disease went away. Around 1 week to 2 weeks I noticed a small hole on my leg (been there for 6 months prior) finally closed up and formed a scab and healed completely. It was close to 2 months in and my severe neck pain problem had significantly improved. For the past 10 years I had a disintegrating vertebrae in my neck. It healed completely! No more neck pain at all! The latest improvement was my stomach and intestinal health. I had a problem with floating stools. My stomach was not absorbing fats. Been like that for at least the last 6 months. But at month 3 the stools started to sink occasionally. I stopped adding a fiber supplement that I had been taking for more that 2 years. Within a week, a complete return to sinking stools. My stomach was now absorbing the food instead of just sending it through! What I had done was to restore my stomachs ability to produce more hydrochloric acid. Apparently saturated fat is necessary for proper gut health. Apparently doctors don't know this!

Forgot to mention that with the increased absorption ability of my stomach, my body weight increased by 10 pounds. I don't intend to lose any weight until additional problems are resolved. Still waiting to see my age spots disappear. They are fading. Would like to see my B-12 deficiency clear up. I have carpal tunnel syndrome on left hand. The myelin sheath around the nerves in my left arm are supposedly in need of repair. That is related to the B-12 deficiency. And would like to see my eye floaters disappear. Time will tell...

I have B12 anemia, but eggs and meat are supposed to help. It can take time to build stores back up. Like you, my stomach isn't absorbing nutrients and I have bad neck pain. And as you said, fat probably helps with absorption, but I suspect it also helps with lubrication. I don't eat a lot of fat unless it is in meat and I cook with olive oil. Carbs are my enemy. They make me gain, but
honestly, I'm not a salad person and fruit raises blood sugar. Changing diets is hard, but how do I introduce saturated fat into my diet? They've brainwashed me for years, so I no longer know. Just meat?


Active Member
I have B12 anemia, but eggs and meat are supposed to help. It can take time to build stores back up. Like you, my stomach isn't absorbing nutrients and I have bad neck pain. And as you said, fat probably helps with absorption, but I suspect it also helps with lubrication. I don't eat a lot of fat unless it is in meat and I cook with olive oil. Carbs are my enemy. They make me gain, but
honestly, I'm not a salad person and fruit raises blood sugar. Changing diets is hard, but how do I introduce saturated fat into my diet? They've brainwashed me for years, so I no longer know. Just meat?
You probably want to start with substitutions before you move into new menu choices if you see any improvements.
Finding your perfect diet from your brainwashed state usually takes folks about a decade. I'm still nibbling away at mine and it's been a long time already.
Finding new menus is hard, not only to find quality foods to begin with but it's expensive to play with and experiment, finding people who resonate on the likes of ytube can help for that though. If you can find someone who has made the healthy transition with similar tastes, go back in their history and look for the steps they took, that can help a bit.
Coconut oil and avacados can make a big difference. Olive is good though if you can find quality stuff. And avacados usually can be paired with junk foods quite easily. And it pairs even better with tomatoes.
Ultimately tho, pay attention to how you feel, forget what you think you know, every person is different, some people need meat, some don't. Figuring out what you are and what you need, is a long journey, pace yourself.
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Temporal Engineer
I have B12 anemia, but eggs and meat are supposed to help. It can take time to build stores back up. Like you, my stomach isn't absorbing nutrients and I have bad neck pain. And as you said, fat probably helps with absorption, but I suspect it also helps with lubrication. I don't eat a lot of fat unless it is in meat and I cook with olive oil. Carbs are my enemy. They make me gain, but
honestly, I'm not a salad person and fruit raises blood sugar. Changing diets is hard, but how do I introduce saturated fat into my diet? They've brainwashed me for years, so I no longer know. Just meat?

Honestly I think we are being lied to about all the rolls fat plays in our bodies. I was shocked to learn that butter alone has over 400 different kinds of fatty acids in it. So where are all the comprehensive studies on all the different fatty acids? Up until 4 months ago I had not had butter in my diet for more than 30 years. Since that was the main focus of my diet to put saturated fat back in, it looks like some of my health problems were alleviated. I did also introduce whole milk. So I am getting saturated fat everyday. But on the weekends I definitely enjoy some other benefits. I get a sounder more refreshing nights sleep on the weekend nights. In addition to more sleep, I also have dreams that I wake up from. Not so much during the week. So it appears to me that adding that nutrient back in my diet has given me improved brain health. I do think eating the 3 eggs on both weekend days might have something to do with that.

There is no saturated fat in olive oil. Also if you cook with it in a frying pan make sure you don't get the oil hot enough to smoke. It changes the composition of the oil into something that can cause inflammation in your body.

A full carnivore diet appears to be the safest. Most of the YouTubers say the fat content is around 50%. Which is much much higher than I would have ever allowed. Yet go see for yourself. They all have clear skin and no health issues. One guy I seen made me laugh. He was a spry old man. 85 years old. He jumped up from his chair and started hopping around as if he was on a Pogo stick. Doesn't eat anything but beef.

I have to admit I am not on a full carnivore diet. I do eat bread. And I occasionally do get weak and give in to an indulgence every now and then.

Also if you are experiencing floating stools, you might want to cut back on fiber foods. Fiber in non-digestible and can interfere with absorption of nutrients. Give your stomach a rest from fiber, so it can do its job like it is supposed to.

I would suggest to just go slow like I did. Notice my main focus was just on the weekend. I think 2 servings of butter is only 200 calories. So cut something else out. Like potatoes or fruit.


Honestly I think we are being lied to about all the rolls fat plays in our bodies. I was shocked to learn that butter alone has over 400 different kinds of fatty acids in it. So where are all the comprehensive studies on all the different fatty acids? Up until 4 months ago I had not had butter in my diet for more than 30 years. Since that was the main focus of my diet to put saturated fat back in, it looks like some of my health problems were alleviated. I did also introduce whole milk. So I am getting saturated fat everyday. But on the weekends I definitely enjoy some other benefits. I get a sounder more refreshing nights sleep on the weekend nights. In addition to more sleep, I also have dreams that I wake up from. Not so much during the week. So it appears to me that adding that nutrient back in my diet has given me improved brain health. I do think eating the 3 eggs on both weekend days might have something to do with that.

There is no saturated fat in olive oil. Also if you cook with it in a frying pan make sure you don't get the oil hot enough to smoke. It changes the composition of the oil into something that can cause inflammation in your body.

A full carnivore diet appears to be the safest. Most of the YouTubers say the fat content is around 50%. Which is much much higher than I would have ever allowed. Yet go see for yourself. They all have clear skin and no health issues. One guy I seen made me laugh. He was a spry old man. 85 years old. He jumped up from his chair and started hopping around as if he was on a Pogo stick. Doesn't eat anything but beef.

I have to admit I am not on a full carnivore diet. I do eat bread. And I occasionally do get weak and give in to an indulgence every now and then.

Also if you are experiencing floating stools, you might want to cut back on fiber foods. Fiber in non-digestible and can interfere with absorption of nutrients. Give your stomach a rest from fiber, so it can do its job like it is supposed to.

I would suggest to just go slow like I did. Notice my main focus was just on the weekend. I think 2 servings of butter is only 200 calories. So cut something else out. Like potatoes or fruit.

Fruit is bad. I watched it raise my son's blood sugar quickly. Cavemen only nibbled on nuts and berries. They weren't eating fruit salad that we know of.

I'm told not to eat more than one egg a week due to cholesterol, but I lose weight on eggs and they stabalize my blood sugar.
(I'm hypoglycemic --- I call myself half diabetic).

@Num7 haha Gravity sure doesn't help, but why haven't humans adapted? Other animals have.
