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  • Just got confirmed by a DNA test that my future vision was real. I do carry the gene that increases the risk for breast cancer, which my non-existing daughter got in multiple alternative futures.
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    Don't live your life in fear. Doesn't mean it will happen. On a different note, I had breast cancer and I did the BRCA test and I do NOT have the gene. Just see a doc if you have any symptoms. That basically goes for everybody, with or without the gene.
    The probability with is 15% and without is 10%.
    Spreading my seed today. Birds complain that what's left on the ground is not fresh enough.
    In a cloudy day, a ray of light from a tiny hole gave light only to my solarpanels and charged my powerstation full. Is this a sign from Aten?
    Sol Invictus was on holiday and Baldr just plain overslept. ;)
    Dreamt about finding a plastic bag with ten grand stuffed inside the throat of a toy dinosaur. Right after I heard about IKEA recalling a game because of the choking hazard.
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    Damn man, dont have nightmares ! LOL
    These started affecting me ever since I saw an alternative future with child cancer. It turned out that my mother carry a gene that gives cancer and soon I will be tested for it too. Haven't had a dream about having any child since I changed the future.
    Bad genes don't cause cancer, but cancer can cause dna changes. Cancer, unless blueprinted in your earth life is the rapid spiritual suicide caused by the inability to follow your blueprinted authentic life plan. In other words, if you have cancer it's basically because you stopped living and following dreams, or allowed others to influence your mind body or spiritual body so badly that your entire life view is warped so out of alignment that to continue on the same path can never return to the planned life. Its like the point of no return on dangerous journeys...
    It is the last wake up call before leaving this incarnation to change your life. Doesn't matter if you have chemo, take drugs, take herbals, or go see some magical guru, if you were to survive it it is only because you took steps to correct the misalignment, any and all types of treatment, even deadly radiation poisoning will appear to heal it if this is the case.
    Maybe I should celebrate easter this year, by worshipping the Babylonian fertility goddess Ishtar. If I see Christians coloring eggs, I can confiscate them as "heresy" for my own rituals.
    Smells of burnt plastic after my 100000 mAh powerbank got the wrong voltage from a defective regulator. Keeping it in a fireproof place while hoping that it will not explode.
    How much money do we have to crowdfund to give 100 intercontinental nuclear missiles to Ukraine?
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    Ukraine don't have nukes, because Moscow still exists.
    Moscow still exists because nukes don't work anymore. Don't you remember it was revealed that the ET's wirelessly disabled all nukes worldwide? I think that happened back in the 60's. I haven't read about anyone that has successfully beaten the ET's technology yet. Haven't you noticed all wars since Hiroshima and Nagasaki have been fought with conventional weapons?
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    India and China did fight using sticks and stones on the mountain border recently.
    Reading the news about how much UK politicians spend on their extravagant luxury trips. If only they had waited for a 20% discount like I did, we would have paid the same price. Now I pity them because you don't get a good trip for only 9000£, you get transfer with a non-english speaking driver taking you to the wrong airport, because most high-end trips are a rip off.
    Why can't I have a cute little polar bear cub as a pet?
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