8 US Soldiers Disappear removing 5000 yr old Flying Machine from Afghan Cave

steven chiverton

Senior Member
speaking of Vimana i found this online it describes the construction of a variety of Vimana's but dosent cover the metal mercury propulsion system which was said in other information to be a mercury boiler with a flame under it creates a power latent in the mercury and a pilot sitting in it would roar into the skies with the sound of thunder, it dose mention a mercury power system but dident cover the metal mercury propulsion nor did it give details of its construction and the translation here into english is even hard to read let alone pronounce and the amount of materials even others used with metals and mercury is very odd its such a big read i browsed through it looking for the propulsion details of which uses metal mercury and found none they may of kept it out but theres mention i think of other methods which if they use propellers is cheap and not very good as it then be like a low tech thing like propeller planes , some of the names for some of the materials used i wouldn't know if there even in the dictionary despite being translated to English and if you used a pc to look it up your most likely get a message or a error in the spelling cause the translated into English is so ridiculous in the spelling like as if your stuck in a gravity well with slow words and pronunciations coming from your mouth in trying to speak under the influence of that gravity well, and its a real nightmare to try and translate the meanings of the words used for the descriptions of the ingredients silicon and borax was easiest to read and understand and crystals but most sounds like gibberish and dosent make sense, and the mention of using herbs with metals and mercury sounds a bit stupid and fabricated but ill let the readers decide on this here, and they used monkey skins for wire insulation along with some oils sounds like something from the Fred flintstone era


  • The Vimanika-Sastri Subbaraya.pdf
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steven chiverton

Senior Member
yes your right no wonder they dident cover any antigravity effects of metal mercury just the power system and using herbs with metals to make alloys sounds silly but its never been done in our times maybe make a metal alloy stew for a hungrey metal eating robot , the governments are technology hungrey and everything is a weapon to them so secrecy wars is always on with the money and tech hungrey governments of the world, oh theres alot about the use of mirrors in the Vimana designs so it then sounds like a flying make up parlor with plenty make up mirrors around and the poisonous gasses mentioned would of had to be related to mercury vapors from the heating of mercury not mentioned and glass that stays cold and dosent get hot and other strange things is a bizarre thing and i think these details are translated from a decoy document to prevent mankind in the future from replicating the Vimana and so they hid most of them in ancient indian structures to prevent the secrets from getting out and the ridiculous names of some of the herbs used maybe decoy names
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steven chiverton

Senior Member
did plenty googling and not one single person has replicated the Vimana except one and the details are so thin so i think we are technologically being sabotaged and anything technology wise has been altered and falsified so no one can make it, so if ancient india built these Vimana's where are they even some wreak age of one luckily a video on YouTube says they found one inside a ancient Indian structure when they took a wall down and found a fortune in gold and a ten foot tall Vimana and it made a ratelling noise when they tried to move it and they re sealed the wall back so its not known if they got it out or left it there
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steven chiverton

Senior Member
ive dug up that much information on the vimannas and i find its edited and missing to much information and they certainly not giving any more that the drip fed limited information on the mercury propulsion system part ,
