A Means To Time Travel in plain site?

The Persuasionist

Junior Member
Hello all,

In the critically acclaimed animated film "Fantastic Planet," directed by René Laloux, there exists a subtle yet complex allegory that hints at the existence of a method of time travel embedded within the futuristic and surrealistic world depicted on screen. Through a careful analysis of the film's narrative structure, visual symbolism, and underlying themes, we can uncover the hidden layers of meaning that suggest a sophisticated exploration of temporal manipulation.

One of the key elements that points towards the presence of a time travel mechanism in the world of "Fantastic Planet" is the concept of the Draags, the dominant alien species that rules over the humanoid Oms. The Draags possess advanced technology and psychic abilities that allow them to control and manipulate space and time in ways that are beyond the comprehension of the Oms. This juxtaposition between the primitive Oms and the technologically superior Draags serves as a metaphor for the fundamental imbalance of power and knowledge that exists in the universe.

Furthermore, the film's intricate visuals and intricate world-building contribute to the overall theme of temporal displacement and distortion. The surreal landscapes, bizarre creatures, and otherworldly environments all contribute to a sense of disorientation and displacement that mirrors the experience of time travel. The shifting perspectives, surreal imagery, and dream-like sequences all suggest a deeper exploration of the nature of time and reality.

Additionally, the thematic exploration of oppression and resistance in "Fantastic Planet" can also be interpreted as a commentary on the cyclical nature of history and the potential for change and revolution. The Oms' struggle for liberation and autonomy can be seen as a metaphor for the eternal struggle between the forces of progress and regression, freedom and control. This constant battle for agency and self-determination hints at a deeper understanding of time as a nonlinear and fluid concept that can be bent and reshaped by the will of individuals.

In conclusion, "Fantastic Planet" offers a rich and multi-layered narrative that can be interpreted as an allegory for the existence of a method of time travel hidden within its intricate storytelling and visual language. Through its exploration of power dynamics, surreal imagery, and thematic complexity, the film invites viewers to contemplate the nature of time, reality, and existence in a way that transcends traditional narrative conventions. Ultimately, "Fantastic Planet" challenges us to question our perceptions of time and space, and to consider the possibility of transcending the boundaries of conventional reality in pursuit of a deeper understanding of the universe.


@The Persuasionist

Have you seen the movie entitled "The Lathe of Heaven" ?

If not,
I would like for you to see this wonderful allegory which offers the utilization of
the power of the subconscious realm to change the past, present and future.

However....If you have indeed witnessed this idea,
what was your takeaway of the idea presented?


@The Persuasionist I love that film! I watched it as a child and bought it recently, but never considered a time travel aspect to it. I assumed it was telling us what it would be like to be a captured animal or insect and treated as such.

Your writing is too perfect. I hope you aren't using Chat GPT.

The Persuasionist

Junior Member
Your writing is too perfect. I hope you aren't using Chat GPT.
Have you considered the expenses associated with utilizing that service?

Additionally, it may not be as effective as it is portrayed by marketers.

It is disheartening to see the declining standards of written English when someone mistakes you for a machine.

Daisy daisy .... give me your answer do.


Active Member
Have you seen the movie entitled "The Lathe of Heaven" ?

If not,
I would like for you to see this wonderful allegory which offers the utilization of
the power of the subconscious realm to change the past, present and future.

However....If you have indeed witnessed this idea,
what was your takeaway of the idea presented?
Sounds like it was a nice intro to the quantum eraser experiments but I'm guessing the film took a nasty turn somewhere or implied either that time has its own direction humans shouldn't be messing with or that power corrupts or something.


I’m sure that the allusion to our today’s political climate was that the Draags, as you mentioned, kept all of their time tested technology to themselves while the Oms were finding ways to defeat the Draags without sacrificing their own freedom

It’s interesting that the Illuminati wanted power and got it with highly advanced technologies with the help of the Dracos and the greys. However, we’re barred mostly from the ancient technology as well as ways to get around the universe without the time and multiversal constraints.

That’s why we’re still trying to wake up without the so-called wokeness of our own time
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@The Persuasionist

Have you seen the movie entitled "The Lathe of Heaven" ?

If not,
I would like for you to see this wonderful allegory which offers the utilization of
the power of the subconscious realm to change the past, present and future.

However....If you have indeed witnessed this idea,
what was your takeaway of the idea presented?

No answer.....per usual. :rolleyes:

The Persuasionist

Junior Member
@The Persuasionist

Have you seen the movie entitled "The Lathe of Heaven" ?

If not,
I would like for you to see this wonderful allegory which offers the utilization of
the power of the subconscious realm to change the past, present and future.

However....If you have indeed witnessed this idea,
what was your takeaway of the idea presented?
Hello @Wind7

I have not seen "The Lathe of Heaven," but I can recommend a film that explores time travel in a more practical manner. "Somewhere in Time (1980)" is a film that presents a semi-realistic approach to time travel without any cryptic elements. It delves into the complexities of time manipulation in a more tangible way. I would be interested to hear your thoughts on this film as well.


Hello @Wind7

I have not seen "The Lathe of Heaven," but I can recommend a film that explores time travel in a more practical manner. "Somewhere in Time (1980)" is a film that presents a semi-realistic approach to time travel without any cryptic elements. It delves into the complexities of time manipulation in a more tangible way. I would be interested to hear your thoughts on this film as well.

The description of that movie reminds me of a Dream Theater album Scenes from a Memory. The entire album is a story.
