Alternate perspective on Steven Gibbs and the HDR


New Member
Gibbs’ generation of radionics is all but dying out. In an attempt to balance the scales somewhat, and ensure such a device doesn’t lead itself to ‘legendary’ status. Here are a few facts (yes facts) surrounding the HDR.

1.) Gibbs (possibly with the aide of Patricia Ress - who helped peddle the low-grade Gibbs ebooks), lied about the origins of the HDR and created a narrative that the schematics were given to him by two time travellers. He also disseminated the idea that his ‘older self’ gave it to him….it was not.

I had previously interacted with the guy who did, indeed, give Gibbs the schematics. It was a much more innocent and mundane process. Gibbs - a conspiracy nut - then ran with whatever whim took his fancy. I think that this chap, if anything had quite regretted it. And the intention was not for him to be selling, dangerous, overpriced speculative ideas.

2.) the HDR puts quite a colossal (in everyday relative terms) scalar field around (and through) the body. It is not Gibbs hocus-pocus that messes with your subtle fields. It is simply the effects of that kind of EM. It’s random and unchecked. There will be many devices that potentially cause us to ‘go astral’. The only ‘intended’ programming that goes into the HDR other than throwing basic components together, is by ‘Jesus’ and the ‘Christ consciousness’. Can you see where I am going with this? Do not mess with the body’s subtle energy fields. Neither is this information aimed to endorse the HDR. It is not dangerous in a ‘cloak and dagger’ sense. It’s simply a basic piece of electronics powering a very strong magnet (which may or may not also inadvertently achieve Tesla and Reich concepts).

3.) the claims of physical travel are unfounded and there is zero evidence it works in this regard. Gibbs sold these with the ultimate get out: Doesn’t work? You haven’t found the right ‘grid’. It is clear he was using terminology from Preston Nichols’ Montuak narrative. Gibbs never made any attempts to understand what phenomenon this term relates to. He used 80s and 90s pop culture to introduce these terms and never elaborated on them in a way that showed any understanding beyond the babble already put out by lesser minds. He also describe them as Ley lines. Ley lines do not exist and the so-called ‘grids’ are more than he could possibly imagine.

There are many Radionics ‘pioneers’ from circa 2000 how have, thankfully disappeared. I have kept track of many of these. Thankfully their digital footprints have reduced or entirely gone.

A few speculative points:

1.) much like the New age movement which was created in the late 40s and 50s in preparation for wider dissemination in the 60s, it’s highly likely that the field of ‘Radionics’ as described here (radionics is also used in other sectors to describe legitimate processes) was orchestrated and perpetuated by the same people.

That is, you take young people with potential, and hook them into spurious, psuedo-science occultism. Just as they warped occultism and traditional spirituality before melding it with the ‘new age’, they perpetuated the same endeavour with ‘radionics’ and within a different demographic. They took the sexual adventures and theories of Wilhelm Reich (popular with young people at the time) and meshed it with the little understood scraps left behind by Tesla. All of a sudden, tech-savy males with an open mind flocked to the topic in their droves.

This was effective two-fold. It eroded the minds of young people with the notion of ‘reality engineering’ (it has now switched to the psycho-social model of ‘Law of attraction’). As well as send people down a spiritual cul-de-sac along with misunderstood (but potentially valid) information - clouding it further.

2.) Gibbs was not normal. And I don’t mean this in a special, conspiracy kind of way. Having spoken to him personally (an extensively) on two occasions and being experienced in relevant fields, I would suggest he had symptoms of psychosis possibly with accompanying comorbidities, but likely of a delusional disorder nature. His interactions and conversational mannerisms are far from eccentric, rather something deeper and psychologically maladjusted.

On a base level you also have to be delusional to sell items that have zero electrical safety measures. And then suggest healing can take place with powerful electromagnets that are to be placed inches from the brain for minutes at a time. If you think this won’t warp the brain’s own subtly and intricately balanced electrical fields…you aren’t thinking straight. Or are ignorant. It is delusional, because he was putting people at potentially great risk. He did this because his own phantasy (I used the word in the traditional sense for a reason) was the priority here. This could be easily construed as a type of delusional insanity in the field of Psychology. It is impulsive and takes precedent over common sense.

3.) I would argue that HDRkid who is also quite likely to be the so-called ‘Carlos Novella’ …may have much in common with Gibbs. Much like a delusional fan stalks their favourite artist to the point they later create a ‘connection’.…there are glaring parallels. Of course, these are merely opinions. I’m also happy to take this up with either character should they also post here.

It’s truly time the Steven Gibbs nonsense was put to rest. Otherwise people will be chasing their tail well into their adult years, when ultimately they COULD have actually achieved something worthwhile in such areas.

The astral projection accounts by various ‘proponents’ are also utterly nonsensical and always mirror new age conspiracy nonsense - no doubt that which they have been filling their heads with at 3am in the morning, before jabbing themselves in the solar plexus with an HDR and falling asleep.

Just an alternate perspective to balance out this thread.
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New Member
Tron1, from here, you're the only one being rude and ranting against the HDR and Dr. Z.

We're all ready to listen, understand, and accept what you're going through because we're your friends. If only you'd tell us what happened, that made you change your mind.

What happened that made you no longer want an HDR?


I’ve just posted on the other HDR thread. Upon reflection, it would have been better suited here for greater discussion I feel. I am not sure on the forums rules for ‘double posting’ however.

I’m reading many responses on this thread. It’s clear most people are not informed. Either on the HDR, or information around electromagnetism.

Some reading if you can stomach it:

If you think there is some regulatory body which has signed off each ‘HDR’ unit Francis is going to produce, you may want to take a blunt object and bash yourself on the head once. Hard. When you wake up, hopefully your powers of reasoning managed to reset. As far as I know, the Gibbs model did. And this was ‘Jesus Christ’. Yep, sort of says it all, doesn’t it?

Francis, do you have any such inclinations?

Francis has been doing this for decades now. Each attempt to set the ‘radionics’ and ‘time travel’ world alight never quite seems to pan out. If you want to go along with the delusion. You can. However, you may garner a few warnings along the way. Be grateful for them.

Despite the cloak and dagger tales often intimated, these people are not being monitored by the secret government. Or any army. No one is watching them. No one cares about the brossard experiment, they have not had offers to work in secret projects. and much like Gibbs…the HDR represents a desperate final push to be a part of something relevant and away from mundane reality. To get their foot in the door and finally become a part of the conspiracy. That IS the fantasy. If this confuses you, you haven’t get grasped the nature of the ‘conspiracy’ trap.

I’m sorry to be the barer of bad news. But this device is not going to let you skip across timelines or possibly even do likewise in astral form. I do believe scalar EM devices have the potential to massively disrupt the bodies energetic fields (from personal experience). But it will not be as described.

Tron1 is profoundly right. While I cannot vouch for his personal situation or whether his actions appear rude to the regular and greater crowd here - he does have a valid point: you are buying into fantasy and from individuals unashamed in selling it to you. Not only that, these devices are untested, Unregulated and the health implications are completely unresearched. As per my other response, there is a bonified madness in someone pushing their agenda and deluded ‘inventor’ aspirations onto you for money, and at the very likely expense of your personal wellbeing.

Who on earth do you think has done a study (even had such a study cleared on ethical grounds) whereby they have rowed human beings up and stuck such powerful, coil wound EMs against peoples skulls such as these?

Then I read comments along the lines of ‘he’s not a fraud, I sincerely doubt these are sold and not checked and safe to use.’

If it wasn’t an ignorance so scary, it might even pass as comedy.

These are sold as experimental electronics. For anything else, Francis could end up in a Canadian jail.

Rather than popping out of your body as you’re whisked off to another timeline, You’d be lucky if you weren’t popping meds for epilepsy, after using these devices regularly.

Like I said. These are sold as experimental devices for a reason. If you want to be stupid with them, go for it. But Francis will take your money and be safe from prosecution.

As a source of public information, these forums would do well to moderate these types of threads as a safety precaution. The others are speculative but Radionics is a different breed.

These units don’t sell to the masses. We have no idea who has bought them and had issues or incidents ( and I don’t mean of the fantastical type).

My advice would be to steer well clear of them and any person who is silly enough to endorse or sell them.

This post is a safety warning, first and foremost. If anything it should be pinned, rather than jumped on for ‘harrasing’ someone who wants to sell you dangerous items. No matter how much your ego wants me to be wrong…so certainly have a think, before responding under a tone of blind ignorance. Toys being thrown out of prams is not necessary..


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Hey there, welcome to the site.

I hope you don't mind, I went ahead and moved your post to its own thread.

Your points are well articulated, I'm eager to discuss them with you as soon as I have a minute.

Have you exchanged with HDR users in the past? What contributed to making up your mind?

See ya!

Edit: I moved both of your posts here, as we do not want both original threads to become debates. We do this in an attempt to leave the original discussions to continue on their path, while also being able to debate it here, if needed. Both sides are equality welcome.


Active Member

I’ve just posted on the other HDR thread. Upon reflection, it would have been better suited here for greater discussion I feel. I am not sure on the forums rules for ‘double posting’ however.

I’m reading many responses on this thread. It’s clear most people are not informed. Either on the HDR, or information around electromagnetism.

Some reading if you can stomach it:

If you think there is some regulatory body which has signed off each ‘HDR’ unit Francis is going to produce, you may want to take a blunt object and bash yourself on the head once. Hard. When you wake up, hopefully your powers of reasoning managed to reset. As far as I know, the Gibbs model did. And this was ‘Jesus Christ’. Yep, sort of says it all, doesn’t it?

Francis, do you have any such inclinations?

Francis has been doing this for decades now. Each attempt to set the ‘radionics’ and ‘time travel’ world alight never quite seems to pan out. If you want to go along with the delusion. You can. However, you may garner a few warnings along the way. Be grateful for them.

Despite the cloak and dagger tales often intimated, these people are not being monitored by the secret government. Or any army. No one is watching them. No one cares about the brossard experiment, they have not had offers to work in secret projects. and much like Gibbs…the HDR represents a desperate final push to be a part of something relevant and away from mundane reality. To get their foot in the door and finally become a part of the conspiracy. That IS the fantasy. If this confuses you, you haven’t get grasped the nature of the ‘conspiracy’ trap.

I’m sorry to be the barer of bad news. But this device is not going to let you skip across timelines or possibly even do likewise in astral form. I do believe scalar EM devices have the potential to massively disrupt the bodies energetic fields (from personal experience). But it will not be as described.

Tron1 is profoundly right. While I cannot vouch for his personal situation or whether his actions appear rude to the regular and greater crowd here - he does have a valid point: you are buying into fantasy and from individuals unashamed in selling it to you. Not only that, these devices are untested, Unregulated and the health implications are completely unresearched. As per my other response, there is a bonified madness in someone pushing their agenda and deluded ‘inventor’ aspirations onto you for money, and at the very likely expense of your personal wellbeing.

Who on earth do you think has done a study (even had such a study cleared on ethical grounds) whereby they have rowed human beings up and stuck such powerful, coil wound EMs against peoples skulls such as these?

Then I read comments along the lines of ‘he’s not a fraud, I sincerely doubt these are sold and not checked and safe to use.’

If it wasn’t an ignorance so scary, it might even pass as comedy.

These are sold as experimental electronics. For anything else, Francis could end up in a Canadian jail.

Rather than popping out of your body as you’re whisked off to another timeline, You’d be lucky if you weren’t popping meds for epilepsy, after using these devices regularly.

Like I said. These are sold as experimental devices for a reason. If you want to be stupid with them, go for it. But Francis will take your money and be safe from prosecution.

As a source of public information, these forums would do well to moderate these types of threads as a safety precaution. The others are speculative but Radionics is a different breed.

These units don’t sell to the masses. We have no idea who has bought them and had issues or incidents ( and I don’t mean of the fantastical type).

My advice would be to steer well clear of them and any person who is silly enough to endorse or sell them.

This post is a safety warning, first and foremost. If anything it should be pinned, rather than jumped on for ‘harrasing’ someone who wants to sell you dangerous items. No matter how much your ego wants me to be wrong…so certainly have a think, before responding under a tone of blind ignorance. Toys being thrown out of prams is not necessary..

I have a question for u did you ever astral projection without the HDR unit?
If you don't believe in out of body experience then there is no excuse for there is billion of people who have out of body even me so what do u think of it


New Member

To the contrary, I never said I didn’t believe in either Astral Projection or Time Travel (in its various forms).

Indeed, if we lived in much (much) earlier times, or in other tribal cultures here on earth right now - things of this nature would neither be debatable OR ‘special’. Rather an accepted norm.

Yes I have had OBE experiences. Yes I am very familiar with the HDR as well as other ‘radionics’ devices. There is very little to them, frankly. They are VERY basic electrical devices with differing components, crudely mixed with divinity, and some with alchemical ‘Reich’ compounds. The HDR for example is allegedly layered (ie the EM) as per Wilhelm Reich Orgone theory. The coil windings allegedly align with Tesal ‘zero-point’ ideas. And a rubbing plate - no better than simple divinity or ‘dowsing’ theory.

For physical travel, it allegedly requires you to open the ‘grids’ which is a little known form of shamanism (that very few understand or know about outside of fringe pop-culture). Of course Gibbs description of it is utterly limp at best (unsurprisingly).

As you can see, these are hocus-pocus devices that a cobbled together with basic physical ingredients and a whole LOT of conjecture. That is the ‘Radionics’ field in a nutshell. It’s why no-one has been able to prove them, or testify to them.

Anyhow, I think you asked a question on OBE - my thoughts on the topic:

We are already ‘out’ of our body. It’s the other way around: we perceive the illusion of being ‘inside’ by default and it takes effort. It’s a lie. OBE is to either have the body enter a state whereby its grip is loosened (coma, death, drugs etc etc), or we learn to switch our perception and simply tune into that which already is. Always was…


Active Member

To the contrary, I never said I didn’t believe in either Astral Projection or Time Travel (in its various forms).

Indeed, if we lived in much (much) earlier times, or in other tribal cultures here on earth right now - things of this nature would neither be debatable OR ‘special’. Rather an accepted norm.

Yes I have had OBE experiences. Yes I am very familiar with the HDR as well as other ‘radionics’ devices. There is very little to them, frankly. They are VERY basic electrical devices with differing components, crudely mixed with divinity, and some with alchemical ‘Reich’ compounds. The HDR for example is allegedly layered (ie the EM) as per Wilhelm Reich Orgone theory. The coil windings allegedly align with Tesal ‘zero-point’ ideas. And a rubbing plate - no better than simple divinity or ‘dowsing’ theory.

For physical travel, it allegedly requires you to open the ‘grids’ which is a little known form of shamanism (that very few understand or know about outside of fringe pop-culture). Of course Gibbs description of it is utterly limp at best (unsurprisingly).

As you can see, these are hocus-pocus devices that a cobbled together with basic physical ingredients and a whole LOT of conjecture. That is the ‘Radionics’ field in a nutshell. It’s why no-one has been able to prove them, or testify to them.

Anyhow, I think you asked a question on OBE - my thoughts on the topic:

We are already ‘out’ of our body. It’s the other way around: we perceive the illusion of being ‘inside’ by default and it takes effort. It’s a lie. OBE is to either have the body enter a state whereby its grip is loosened (coma, death, drugs etc etc), or we learn to switch our perception and simply tune into that which already is. Always was…
Tell me what was your out of body was? Did you go to hell or go to heaven realm?? Write back


New Member
Tell me what was your out of body was? Did you go to hell or go to heaven realm?? Write back
I don’t think it helps to throw more conjecture onto the fire with stories. That wasn’t my aim in adding to the forums - I’d rather talk about more interesting things than fleeting accounts of OBE. I only responded with some definitive answers as you specifically asked and seemed to suggest I was a sceptic of certain things.

The fact that you ask if I have experienced a Heaven or Hell realm is curious to me - but does suggest a pre-prescribed measure of reference on your end. Or rather bias that you have picked up from somewhere.

Next you’ll be asking me if I have seen the ‘Greys’ during my experiences.


I don’t think it helps to throw more conjecture onto the fire with stories. That wasn’t my aim in adding to the forums - I’d rather talk about more interesting things than fleeting accounts of OBE. I only responded with some definitive answers as you specifically asked and seemed to suggest I was a sceptic of certain things.

The fact that you ask if I have experienced a Heaven or Hell realm is curious to me - but does suggest a pre-prescribed measure of reference on your end. Or rather bias that you have picked up from somewhere.

Next you’ll be asking me if I have seen the ‘Greys’ during my experiences.

And there's nothing wrong with that here @Paranormalis.

Just sayin'. ;)
