Alternate Universes


Junior Member
Imagine all the alternate universes that could’ve been.

All the could haves, would haves, should haves, but didn’t.

All the what if’s.

Correct all the mistakes.

Right all the wrongs.

Make all the right choices and all the right decisions.

This suggests that if one day time travel were to become possible and I’m sure that it will with our rapidly advancing technology with quantum computers that work faster than light, is that when we travel through time to change things, which is why I assume is the most important reason why people would like to travel through time, is that when you change things in time is that it will transport you into an alternate universe because of cause and effect, and that these alternate universes will overlap and straighten itself out like as if everything was meant be and everything is normal like how everything should have been in the normal universe. This suggests that perhaps there are many if not infinity alternate universes out there intertwined and entangled with ours like a matrix. From the perspective of the time traveler everything becomes like a simulation where the time traveler is in control like a pilot or a driver. Perhaps the time traveler can go far off to the distant future to when they have invented immortality, or even things that the time traveler can’t even imagine yet.
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Active Member
Imagine all the alternate universes that could’ve been.

All the could haves, would haves, should haves, but didn’t.

All the what if’s.

Correct all the mistakes.

Right all the wrongs.

Make all the right choices and all the right decisions.

This suggests that if one day time travel were to become possible and I’m sure that it will with our rapidly advancing technology with quantum computers that work faster than light, is that when we travel through time to change things, which is why I assume is the most important reason why people would like to travel through time, is that when you change things in time is that it will transport you into an alternate universe because of cause and effect, and that these alternate universes will overlap and straighten itself out like as if everything was meant be and everything is normal like how everything should have been in the normal universe. This suggests that perhaps there are many if not infinity alternate universes out there intertwined and entangled with ours like a matrix. From the perspective of the time traveler everything becomes like a simulation where the time traveler is in control like a pilot or a driver. Perhaps the time traveler can go far off to the distant future to when they have invented immortality, or even things that the time traveler can’t even comprehend or imagine yet.
I think you mean alternate timelines.
Alternate universes is an entirely different thing.
Imagine you were the designed of a universe, but you didn't even know what math was...imagine all the mistakes you could make getting to this universe as it is now with perfect geometry intermingled with cymatics of frequencies...and then out far beyond just the quantum to angels and such...
Those universes, most of them we couldn't even enter because we couldn't exist there. The math so to speak is all wrong for us.

However, there are some that are very much like ours, as ours became a popularized format, tho it's very hard to get information about them.


Temporal Engineer
Imagine all the alternate universes that could’ve been.

All the could haves, would haves, should haves, but didn’t.

All the what if’s.

Correct all the mistakes.

Right all the wrongs.

Make all the right choices and all the right decisions.

This suggests that if one day time travel were to become possible and I’m sure that it will with our rapidly advancing technology with quantum computers that work faster than light, is that when we travel through time to change things, which is why I assume is the most important reason why people would like to travel through time, is that when you change things in time is that it will transport you into an alternate universe because of cause and effect, and that these alternate universes will overlap and straighten itself out like as if everything was meant be and everything is normal like how everything should have been in the normal universe. This suggests that perhaps there are many if not infinity alternate universes out there intertwined and entangled with ours like a matrix. From the perspective of the time traveler everything becomes like a simulation where the time traveler is in control like a pilot or a driver. Perhaps the time traveler can go far off to the distant future to when they have invented immortality, or even things that the time traveler can’t even imagine yet.

I keep pointing out that our minds are programmed to allow us freedom of choice. So we are experiencing a path of choice through all existing choices that already exist. So a time machine would be useless. What would be needed is a consciousness extraction machine. If that were possible. But still even depositing your consciousness to a previous point to allow you another chance at correcting a previous path is no guarantee that you would choose a corrected path. Since quantum experiments show that all paths already exist. I would instead opt for a consciousness expansion machine which would eliminate freedom of choice, and allow a life where all paths of choice are experienced. The full reality!
