Anti gravity device shematics Alexey CHEKURKOV


Senior Member
im studying shematics, does this seem right? & there was a metal Alexey CHEKURKOV used. What could that metal have been? it is a metal with inprints. he mentioned it was hard or expensive to buy?Alexey Chekurkov Graviflyer -- Levitation device schematics, video, &c

View attachment 11605
Unfortunately none of the components in the circuit diagram such as the resistors/variable resistors, electrolytic capacitors, coils, diodes, transformers or semiconductors have any parts details shown on them, which makes the circuit diagram useless...
The circuit diagram below illustrates the parts details expressed in electrical/electronic terms, written above and alongside them..

This is a circuit diagram for an FM radio..

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Junior Member
Unfortunately none of the components in the circuit diagram such as the resistors/variable resistors, electrolytic capacitors, coils, diodes, transformers or semiconductors have any descriptions shown on them, which makes the circuit diagram useless...The circuit diagram below illustrates what i mean..

View attachment 11614
This is a circuit diagram for an FM radio..
I believe the parts are listed in the link


Senior Member
yeah I think it's real too
any of these systems that use coherent light combined with certain geometry EM fields do some cool stuff
Which part of the circuit creates the coherent light, and where is there a geometric structure on the circuitry? :LOL:..
There are no parts descriptions which simply means no one could even start to build it :fp: :ROFLMAO:..


Senior Member
im studying shematics, does this seem right? & there was a metal Alexey CHEKURKOV used. What could that metal have been? it is a metal with inprints. he mentioned it was hard or expensive to buy?Alexey Chekurkov Graviflyer -- Levitation device schematics, video, &c

View attachment 11605
Yes, but translation into a peripheral device is not clear and lacking. 2.They already pulled the levitation action off, if you go to the first you tube source, then down to the black & white photo of a man wearing a winter coat, levitating on a platform off of the ground.

So in essence what we're being lead into here, is a promise date with someone, they show you a little something that really perks one's interest. But as your'e sitting there is the pancake house getting ready for a really special evening, your date gets in the car, goes the other side of town completely away from you, then has a sandwich and a beer forgetting you all together.

Your'e then sitting there at ten in the evening saying to yourself, "like when's my hot date going to show up"? Items do not match here. I mean anyone can jet to any of the gravity spots of the world and take notes, but is there a reason that we're getting only half reversing information here? I mean this is like idea-interruptus?!

Let me help you here. There coitus interruptus, which is when you say. Hey ohh I'd like to whoa whoa, then, "What' mom's on the phone"? Then there Idea-interruptus, which is "Mmgh it could be? Run out get the tools and what I need for this project, oh I'll have a pizza and you forget about this.

p.s. Do not try this without adult supervision
