Are Mask Face Coverings for COVID-19 the “Mark of the Beast?”

Common Sense Conspiracy

Conspiracy Blog
We here at Common Sense Conspiracy have always prided ourselves on taking a common sense approach to conspiracy theories in general and using good old-fashioned logic and reasoning paired with fact-checking and research to form a positive opinion for our readers. That means sometimes we have to tackle more outlandish theories that we may believe on the surface to not be worth the effort. This topic is one of those. We wouldn’t have gone there, but our readers are posing the question. So it’s time for the CSC to take a cold, hard look at the controversy of face coverings and whether any of these theories hold water.


Masks have polarized the nation during a time of crisis.

Using masks to fight the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 has become a lightning rod for controversy in the United States particularly. Some of this is probably due to organizations that are supposed to be providing a united front but have not at all since the pandemic began. For example, even now, the United States Center for Disease Control says that masks are a great way to stop the spread. OSHA that watches over occupational safety hazards says the masks are mostly useless. Anthony Fauci, the leading expert on epidemics in the U.S., says face masks are the key. The President of the United States dismisses this as fiction and absolutely refuses to wear a mask himself, even going as far as to chide reporters and staff around him that do decide to wear a mask. Pair this with the fact that the CDC and international World Health Organization themselves couldn’t decide about masks earlier when this all started, and you will see that there is an awful lot of conflicting information out there.

The reality is that if you do your research, you will find a consensus that masks do help, but they are certainly not bulletproof. The bulletproof solution to stopping the spread is staying at home and away from others. This strategy is 100% effective. The masks are a last-ditch effort to offer some protection if you just can’t avoid going out and being around others. In America, where the lockdowns were mostly half-hearted efforts to begin with, the easing of restrictions just meant that people went back to doing whatever they liked. Wear your mask and you’re invincible! It’s not true, and it’s probably part of the reason the United States continues to see cases swell out of control because people are latching on to the mask-wearing part of the advice more than the stay at home part of the advice.

Having said all of this, it probably makes sense to wear a mask if you are going to a place where you might be in close contact with someone beyond your control. It is probably better than nothing. Still, the policy of social distancing or maybe just not going places that aren’t absolutely necessary is still far superior. So why do so many Americans find face coverings to be so controversial? Well, it’s the shame game at work.

See, people that believe in the masks take it as an offense if someone else isn’t wearing one. They see it as they don’t care if they endanger other people. People who don’t wear masks regard those that do as silly for the most part, or overly paranoid. They don’t shame them for it, though. A certain segment of the population that does believe wholeheartedly in the face masks lashes out at those that don’t, and then they turn to legislation for mandates to force people to wear masks. This only creates more division and controversy between the two factions.

The winner, of course, is the government, who is enjoying every second of this unprecedented situation that has allowed government overreach to extend to levels we simply have not seen before in the United States. Now, as more and more communities are deciding to make the decision to mandate mask utilization in public areas outside the home, conspiracy theories are popping up everywhere that this could be the “Mark of the Beast” that is prophesied in the Bibles Book of Revelations. One of the sure signs of the end being near is this mark which all people have to take to do business, even if they are fervently against what it represents. As more and more places refuse to allow entry or barter with people that won’t don face coverings, some are asking the question. Is this the mark?


Face coverings during pandemics is not a new notion. There is nothing novel about this part of COVID-19.

Well, below you will find some examples of what is going around on the Internet about this, and as you might imagine, Christian fringe conspiracy theorists are really pushing that narrative. As always, though, we caution our readers to take a step back and think this all the way through. Remember, this is not a new phenomenon, although it may be new to these American generations. Back in the early 1900s, the so-called Spanish Flu pandemic caused mass use of face coverings also. Eventually the flu ran its course, killing millions, but establishing enough herd immunity that it ceased to be a big problem in the years thereafter. So, if this were really the Mark of the Beast, then why did it never catch before? Furthermore, while it is becoming more widespread, there are still millions of places in the United States where mask wearing is not only not mandated, but not even encouraged. If this is to be a sign of the things that are foretold in Revelations, mask wearing will have to really gain a lot more acceptance before this pandemic gets under control.

So, is wearing a mask going to save us all? Well, the evidence indicates that it is better than nothing, but a whole lot less effective than just isolation. However, it is far from becoming some sort of government mandated thing to do business. Once the pandemic either subsides on its own or a viable vaccine is produced, then it is a lot more likely that Americans wearing face masks will become something as odd as it seemed back when all this started. In the meantime, we put some examples of people that do not agree with our assessment below so you can make up your mind for yourself. As always, we would love to hear what you think about this in the comments below.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy


Senior Member
I don't think so. Mark is in the right hand or forehead.

Rev 13
16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

