Axonometric Grid.


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"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have the key to the universe." Tesla.

I don’t know what the 3,6,and 9 would represent. But if you multiply each number by 10 you get 30,60,90. And that is Axonometry. The ability to visualize a 3D object in 2D space. It’s called an axonometric grid. 30 degree angle, 60 degree angle, 90 degree angle grid. It’s similar to an isometric grid. Designers use the grid in processing the visualization of an object. You should be able to Google image examples. I was introduced to axonometric grid in college.


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One thought of the 3,6,9 is the design of a crucifix. Consider a vertical beam of 9 units and the cross bar of 6 units. The part of the vertical beam above the crossbar would be 3 units of the 9. This can be a unique way of tying spirituality to whatever Tesla was referring to about the universe.

If you connect the ends of the crossbar and the vertical beam with diagonal lines you get a 2D kite shape.


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I asked Ai what uses the Diamond shape in nature or science. It mentioned a …
One common scientific diagram that uses the diamond shape is a "Phase Diagram" or "Phase Space Diagram." In physics, chemistry, and engineering, a phase diagram represents the different phases of a substance (such as solid, liquid, and gas) under different conditions of temperature and pressure.

An observation.
It discusses the phase transitions of a substance. In creation such as a nebula, substances go thru phases until it’s final creation. Or perhaps the phases of coal converting to a Diamond?


Active Member
In regards to numbers another value is 1/137.
The number 1/137 is approximately equal to 0.007297, and it is known as the "fine-structure constant" or "alpha" (α). The fine-structure constant is a fundamental physical constant that characterizes the strength of the electromagnetic interaction between elementary charged particles, such as electrons and positrons.

Tying religion to science, there is a verse that states “I am the Alpha and the Omega. “ Revelation 1:8. Maybe another clue.
