Bird Flu and Food Control


The globalists don't give up and assume we're all stupid. They are now attempting to hype the bird flu and cause panic.

The flu is the flu. You get sick. You treat it. If it gets worse, you see a doc. Nothing is any different than what has been going on for centuries. Masks don't stop viruses and I am not going to eat bugs. I refuse.

Why are they so adamant about controlling what we eat? I am watching farms disappear in Florida to build housing for New Yorkers. Finding a decent steak is difficult, now. Publix used to have the best, but now they have removed their meat case/windows. And it's utterly expensive (pun intended). Now, they want to get rid of eggs. Why? It's cheap. People can survive off them. Control the food and control the population.

In the screen shot below, they are trying to eliminate the perfect meal: Steak, Salad, and wait until they ban potatoes!

Who is really going to fall for another pandemic hoax? Humanity has survived ALL illness. I will not comply.



That's crazy!

Not saying COVID was an inside job, but... It vaguely sounds like an attempt at COVID v2.0 or something. They're not giving up it seems!


lets see now
we got mad cow in the cows,,
and the same thing in the dear only they call it chronic wasting,,
bird flu in the poultry
nah I don't think there gonna stop.. ever.. :(:(

oh PS
forgot about the damn swine flu to :eek:


Temporal Engineer
The globalists don't give up and assume we're all stupid. They are now attempting to hype the bird flu and cause panic.

The flu is the flu. You get sick. You treat it. If it gets worse, you see a doc. Nothing is any different than what has been going on for centuries. Masks don't stop viruses and I am not going to eat bugs. I refuse.

Why are they so adamant about controlling what we eat? I am watching farms disappear in Florida to build housing for New Yorkers. Finding a decent steak is difficult, now. Publix used to have the best, but now they have removed their meat case/windows. And it's utterly expensive (pun intended). Now, they want to get rid of eggs. Why? It's cheap. People can survive off them. Control the food and control the population.

In the screen shot below, they are trying to eliminate the perfect meal: Steak, Salad, and wait until they ban potatoes!

Who is really going to fall for another pandemic hoax? Humanity has survived ALL illness. I will not comply.

View attachment 18179

Bird Flu? As I recall only birds can catch it. And of course the Chicken Little Idiots are trying to terrorize us into thinking we will all die from bird flu. This should be classified as terrorist speech! Constitution doesn't protect terrorists!

The FDA has successfully murdered many many millions of Americans with their tyrannical rule. You are denied any cure for cancer. A doctor will lose his license for curing a patient of cancer.

Eggs and Beef are the most healthiest foods you can eat. And there are studies proving this to be true. But no studies proving FDA statements are true exist.


I agree with you @Einstein , but CDC is now pushing this bird flu fantasy to interfere with the upcoming election. The maskers are the ones most likely to fall for it.

Covid was the flu renamed. The flu disappeared. I asked family members and every doctor I saw, and they said the flu tests all came up negative. Very suspicious.


Active Member
FDA is full of nonsense... and most people are too stupid to think for themselves. CDC takes advantage of this.

In the age of excessive animal antibiotics, I wouldn't recommend eating rare meat. Samonella and e-coli superbugs are the biggest problems. Simple solution: cook it longer, then enjoy the meal.

As others have mentioned, I fail to see what beef has to do with bird flu. Are cows about to grow wings and migrate?

Commercial salad dressings are rarely healthy. Their primary function is to mask the bitterness of lettuce and perhaps add to its bland taste. The hydrogenated fats in salad dressings are known to cause health issues. Reading a salad dressing label can be a shocking experience. Lettuce can be healthy, but all the benefits can be nullified (or worse) by the salad dressing. Simple solution: make your own salad dressings out of ingredients you can actually pronounce, then enjoy the meal.

Runny eggs can be a problem because of salmonella and e-coli superbugs. Simple solution: cook them fully, or if you like raw eggs, get ones that have been x-ray or gamma-ray sterilized (tho some will argue against this), then enjoy the meal.

I have heard conflicting reports that splitting the eggs and eating only the whites or the yolks can be unhealthy. I consider this to be wasteful unless there's a recipe that explicitly calls for it for some reason. When I eat eggs, I eat the whole thing together.

Viruses and bacteria are easily killed by colloidal silver. With my burned out immune system, I've proven this many times. I practice safe meal preparation, but I don't worry too much about those beyond that.

Maybe the "October Surprise" will be that china releases covid 2.0, the LWO orders everyone into lockdowns, nobody can vote, so the LWO holds onto power. If they actually do this, we should consider insurrection this time around.


As others have mentioned, I fail to see what beef has to do with bird flu. Are cows about to grow wings and migrate?

hahaha I had a similar thought. I told you, they don't want us eating beef and they're starting with steak. Premium steak is now hard to come by!

As for eggs, yes, cooking them properly should kill any virus inside of them. I really can't fathom a virus surviving in a baked cake!
But as you said, it's called a "bird flu" for a reason. Humans can't be infected.

Have you noticed that everything they do now is focused on a way to remove a food item from our diet? Like @Einstein mentioned in another post, steak (meat) and eggs are probably the best food for us and the governments are trying to remove them! Let's not forget how abundant eggs are, too. They are relatively cheap and we can create our own. We can survive off them.

Have you seen the movie Hunger Games? The elite have all the goodies - meat, pasta, pastries, etc. The peasants must hunt for their food or they'll starve. This is what our governments want! After all, why do they hoard cheese? So much cheese exists that it could be FREE to all. USA has warehouses full of it.


Active Member
Government is always about control and manipulation. When it gets out of hand, it needs to be reset. Those who screwed it up need to be made an example of.

So much cheese exists that it could be FREE to all. USA has warehouses full of it.
I haven't heard of this, but I'm not surprised.

I live in Texas, and beef here is expensive. :(


Government is always about control and manipulation. When it gets out of hand, it needs to be reset. Those who screwed it up need to be made an example of.

I haven't heard of this, but I'm not surprised.

I live in Texas, and beef here is expensive. :(

It is now expensive in Florida.

Some say it still exists.
