Schematic Capacitor Array Gravity Warp Drive


Time Enforcement Commission
This device is a variation on the 19th century Fizeau's condenser and was invented quite by accident, in the early 1930's, by a 17-year-old tinkerer. The boy patented the device as the "Electric Rocket." The patent was bought by the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, which is today called MOBIL, for about one million dollars, which in the 1930's was a staggering some of money. I'm not sure how long the boy lived after selling his invention to the fine people of Standard Oil, but I do know that he was sworn to secrecy and that his million-dollar fortune was contingent on keeping his mouth shut. Of course, all of this information, except the actual design description, is readily available to the public, which is how I learned of it and subsequently figured out that the "cylindrical grid" was indeed a simple variation of Fizeau's condenser. The device can and will make fossil fuels obsolete, and, by eliminating the fossil fuel industry, which is the cornerstone of the American Economy, force our government, and the industrial dynasties that control it, to release all the other suppressed discoveries that will advance our civilization beyond even the wildest fantasies of science fiction. The better the plate/dielectric materials used, the better it works.

cap2.gif cap1.gif

Use waxed paper for the dielectric. Cut it into rings, as illustrated, with a large hole in the center. Use TIN foil (NOT aluminum) as the "plate" material. Make sure to center the plates on the dielectric, to leave ample margin between outer and inner edges of the dielectric, as this is vital to proper functioning. Connect the plates using very thin strips of tin foil, laid on top, and set toward the outer edge, but not going beyond the edges of the plates. Leave a long, thin strip of tin foil laid on top of a plate and extending out, to be used for charging the array. Curved plates work better than rectangular. Round-off corners on curved plates, as well as rectangular ones. You will have to stack hundreds of such layers. Use TWO waxed paper rings on each layer. Leave the positive charging strips aligned on one side of the array and all the negative strips aligned on the other. When the array is completed, you just roll and crimp them together, in bunches of two dozen or so, tack them with solder (don't damage the dielectric) Wire all positive strips to each other, and all negative strips to each other, so that positive and negative plates charge from opposite sides of the array. The capacitor stack must be tightly clamped together, or it will not work. You can use pieces of stout boards, with holes in the center corresponding to the diameter of the holes in the center of the dielectric, perhaps slightly smaller. The layers must be perfectly aligned to form a cylindrical grid. The gravitational warp forms in the central cavity of the cylinder. Two sheets of paper, then one layer of seven plates, then two more sheets of paper, then another 7 plates, etc. Pos. plate layer, then neg. plate layer, then pos., neg., etc.


The boards are held together by several long bolts. The bolts must NOT TOUCH the stack, or it will short out, and discharge in a very dangerous manner. The boards must be larger in diameter than the stack, as illustrated above. The dotted circle represents the diameter of the dielectric. Note that all these drawings are in correct proportions, and a working model can be built to the actual size depicted, using the drawings as templates. The device described here is 8-1/4" long by 6" in diameter. Even a small device of this type will build a very powerful charge, and substantial thrust, and should be used with extreme caution.


There are 8 bolts, but Insulate the entire only 2 are shown here, array when completed for ease of simplicity. This unit is based on an antique Fizeau condenser, which uses tin foil and waxed paper. Modern, solid-state plate-dielectric components may be used instead, with far better results. The same principles apply, whether you use waxed paper or titanium dioxide, so the basic design remains the same. Follow the instructions, modify when necessary, and you should have no major problems. The "attractive force" between the + and - plates of a plate capacitor varies inversely with the square of the distance. This is the same relationship as in gravitation, because IS gravitation. Although the inverse relationship holds for other vector fields as well as gravitational fields, there is no other plausible explanation for the strong attraction between the plates. "Conventional" science speaks of "opposite charges attracting", but what is occurring is gravitational attraction. All electrostatic attraction and repulsion are gravitational. "Conventional" scientific dogma is geared toward maintaining the current socioeconomic status quo, and suppressing scientific understanding is paramount to preventing the widespread understanding of the true nature and potential uses of the forces of nature, such as electrostatic energy.

The invention I've described is an example of how scientific knowledge can upset the status quo. This device was invented in the 1930's, by a 17-year-old amateur experimenter, who was just trying to make a new version of the old Fizeau condenser, but discovered a revolutionary new propulsion system, which he patented as the "Electric Rocket." The Standard Oil Company of New Jersey (now MOBIL) bought the patent from the boy for the then-staggering sum of one million dollars. The young inventor was sworn to secrecy, and, signed a contract that called for the forfeiture of his million should he divulge the secrets of his invention. Why? Because this device can and will make fossil fuels obsolete! Not only can it provide clean, safe, and efficient propulsion for vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft, and machinery of every type, but it can also be used to run ordinary electrical generators and garner far more energy than is needed to keep it running.

The current ignorance of the established status quo would dismiss this out of hand with the label, "perpetual motion device," which, of course, is impossible. That means that our solar system, as well as the entire universe, is "impossible," since everything is in perpetual motion in a swirling vector field known as gravity. The better you make these devices, and the greater the capacity of the dielectric materials used, the longer it will produce a "jet stream" of open curve gravitation, or gravitational waves before it needs another "top-off" charge. In other words, if you were to use titanium dioxide dielectric compounds in this thing, it could conceivably keep going for CENTURIES ON A SINGLE CHARGE!
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King Ivan
I read about this before, and trying to build it could be fatal.


Active Member
If this system can replace fossil fuel, why would MOBIL release the design to public? Unless they messed up with the design or altered it.???


Senior Member
Since nobody is currently researching how to build electric cars, this vital information will be forever withheld from the public. :rolleyes:



Active Member
I don t wana divert d subject, bt I think the public became so indifferent that 100s of proven free energy designs are online , but seldom u see a yung man wana give it a run...human mentality these days is wonder many want to time travel elswere...somehow human race is jst digging its own grave.


Senior Member
Since nobody is currently researching how to build electric cars, this vital information will be forever withheld from the public. :rolleyes:

I think you may find that Tesla Cars are doing lots of research into electric cars, and also selling a lot of what they have already made...I also have a sneaky feeling that Honda are researching electric cars in secret.


Active Member
Do you not recognize this emoticon: :rolleyes: ?

Also, if Mobil bought this tech and is keeping it from us, why is it plastered all over the internet?

I think Mobil or Shell should not waste money or time to lock the free energy designs away from public...The public are already careless, they are brainwashed into playing pokemon go , and melt into the corporate job-slave life...the minority who want to break free are labeled as nerds, or crazy, get less appreciation than any average person...


Senior Member
Do you not recognize this emoticon: :rolleyes: ?

Also, if Mobil bought this tech and is keeping it from us, why is it plastered all over the internet?

I think Mobil or Shell should not waste money or time to lock the free energy designs away from public...The public are already careless, they are brainwashed into playing pokemon go , and melt into the corporate job-slave life...the minority who want to break free are labeled as nerds, or crazy, get less appreciation than any average person...
Dim view of humanity you got there. Can't say I disagree though.
But in this case, this is not a free energy claim. Capacitors have to be electrically charged.

