Crystals Usage? Healing, Manifestation and Astral

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
I've been meaning to post this for a while now, so here we go. Is any one into Crystals here, specifically into healing, astral projection, manifestation and intensifying meditation and dream experiments.

I have been using an array of crystals (couple that I mined myself) for the last 1 year and have made some interesting observations, specifically around:
-manifesting a specific professional goal
-invoking visions from beings
-attracting someone specific
-lucid and parallel timeline (ish) dreams

Would be glad to discuss over DM and also general experiences in forum as well.

P.S. My humble goal is only to discuss what's stated. I'm not really seeking any comments saying that crystals are placebo or bogus stuff that doesn't work. Feel free to click away :cool:

Enclosing a pic of few of my crystals (Yes, that's the electromagnet that came with HDR from Steven Gibbs)


Junior Member
I can confirm that some crystals help for protecting from illness and all the more from psychic attacks e.g. Amethyst or for cumulating energy or luck (I am not clear about which it really gives) for projects harsch to work on e.g. Aventurine.
Besides, friends adviced me using rock crystals to protect me from a very specific threat i.e. a sentient thoughtform. Nonetheless, I cannot honestly guarantee that it is effective in such a case since I managed to solve this problem by another way.

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
I can confirm that some crystals help for protecting from illness and all the more from psychic attacks e.g. Amethyst or for cumulating energy or luck (I am not clear about which it really gives) for projects harsch to work on e.g. Aventurine.
Besides, friends adviced me using rock crystals to protect me from a very specific threat i.e. a sentient thoughtform. Nonetheless, I cannot honestly guarantee that it is effective in such a case since I managed to solve this problem by another way.
I use Amethyst for multiple purposes and have also used Green Aventurine. Thanks for sharing your exp.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
ive grown my own crystals and like the water they have in them with its memory effect and more have some surprises to they found to contain extraterrestrial information. images etc etc and so would be best to use even for any time travel machine project also using cold deuterium depleted water may hold some more secrets if using that in growing crystals and the crystals are Rochelle salt crystals and when running a test on a copper pipe filled with my modified Rochelle salt crystals melted down. i had one of the 2 coper pipe electrodes next to my digital camcorder turned off and the effects completely permanently disabled my camcorder. which started acting in a similar way my pc did when testing my scalar beamer experiment? did ages ago so frequencies and crystals of the rochelle salt type modified are some great clues
