Dimension Merge or Memory Loss Due to Age?


This happened a few weeks ago.

I picked up my son from the bus stop 30 mins away. We came home and I was putting groceries away. I decided I needed an ice, cold Diet Rite (yes, I actually called it that in my head hahaha). I went to the fridge and grabbed it. Was going to set it down near the sofa, but there was already one there open, ice cold, waiting for me. I had absolutely NO recollection of doing it.

This worries me. I'm 52 (but feel 21 inside). My memory is getting slowly worse. Am I developing early dementia? I used to be smart as a whip. I now forget how to spell words. But, I jokingly said that maybe I just experienced merging time lines again. It did happen before.

Aging is so bizarre. I still like the same things my youthful self did. In my head, I look young. In the mirror, I'm horrified, and struggling to remember why I went into another room is disheartening. My mother is 84 and was recently diagnosed with mild dementia, but her memory didn't really start getting bad until she was over 70. Man, I don't want to lose myself like that.

Please tell me it was timeline skip!!!!


Senior Member
I do this sometimes too i am 38 in a few weeks, i find this happens a lot more when you're preoccupied or focused on something else, it was only a few days ago i was getting ready for work and my auto pilot kicked in a bit i reminded my self to get my lunchbox out and soaking before i let the dogs out, all i recall was letting my dogs out and when i went back to the sink my lunchbox was soaking in hot water and soap, i had some how subconsciously did it knowing i needed to do it but not wanting to forget to do it.

I got laughed at because for some reason i dont recall it but my brother was watching me do it and when i looked at him and said "When the F did i do that?" he started laughing at me and left.

I do find i do this more so as i get older, i will pour my self a drink when i get home and throw a load in the washer and be like, damn i need a drink, just to see i poured my self one already lol

This can be caused by stress, ADHD and depression not necessarily dementia. Basically you just need to take sometime to unwind and re-align your self.


Temporal Engineer
This has happened to me. But not very often. Our brains produce acetylcholine which is attributed to memory function. It declines with age. One time I had gone shopping at age 45. Came out to the parking lot and couldn't find my car. It wasn't where I remember leaving it. I eventually found it a few rows down. A chunk of memory was missing.

I would suggest taking a very hard look at what you are eating. You get to control that.


Junior Member
It sounds like it's something that sometimes Christian Weston Chandler might keep saying from time to time. I mean so-called dimensional merging this is what it reminds me of.
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Active Member
I do this a lot, but I suffer from severe sleep deprivation, and that's horrible for memories. I'm to the point where I try to only do one task at a time until completion so I don't get too scattered.


Junior Member
When I was a kid I really saw fictional cartoony male obese character standing right in front of me straight in the door side in reality doing that mimic of poker face facial expression. He looked like PJ the Cat from Disney’s TV Cartoons.


This has happened to me. But not very often. Our brains produce acetylcholine which is attributed to memory function. It declines with age. One time I had gone shopping at age 45. Came out to the parking lot and couldn't find my car. It wasn't where I remember leaving it. I eventually found it a few rows down. A chunk of memory was missing.

I would suggest taking a very hard look at what you are eating. You get to control that.

What foods help memory?


I do this sometimes too i am 38 in a few weeks, i find this happens a lot more when you're preoccupied or focused on something else, it was only a few days ago i was getting ready for work and my auto pilot kicked in a bit i reminded my self to get my lunchbox out and soaking before i let the dogs out, all i recall was letting my dogs out and when i went back to the sink my lunchbox was soaking in hot water and soap, i had some how subconsciously did it knowing i needed to do it but not wanting to forget to do it.

I got laughed at because for some reason i dont recall it but my brother was watching me do it and when i looked at him and said "When the F did i do that?" he started laughing at me and left.

I do find i do this more so as i get older, i will pour my self a drink when i get home and throw a load in the washer and be like, damn i need a drink, just to see i poured my self one already lol

This can be caused by stress, ADHD and depression not necessarily dementia. Basically you just need to take sometime to unwind and re-align your self.

Ok, I'm not alone. I guess as long as it doesn't happen ALL the time, I shouldn't worry so much. My teens have been a handful lately (health related), so my mind is probably 10000 tasks at once.
